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The Future Looks Bleak?

So every day I read more and more about dispensaries, and government this and that.. LEOs hate this law due to lack of funding stemming from Marijuana arrests..   I was theorizing this morning with a buddy of mine..   I can see it now, the Government run dispensaries will cancel out our rights to grow our own, which in turn will put a halt to the "legal home grow" That will satisfy LEO cause they will now be able to raid each suspected home that has a grow and seize all the equipment and sti



Walking On The Wild Side

9 days and counting until HFM's annual Walkin' on the Wild Side for Hemophilia event. Net proceeds of this event will support HFM's programs and services for men, women and children with bleeding disorders.   Walkin' on the Wild Side for Hemophilia takes place on Sunday, August 25, 2013 at the Detroit Zoo. Registration begins at 7:45a, the Walk starts at 8:45a. There will be raffles, lots of kids crafts, face painting, family photo booth, a strolling magician and local accapella group, THUMMp,



From: 8 Heroin Ods In Washtenaw County In 2 Days

Officials: 8 heroin ODs in Washtenaw County in 2 days   Saline — Police and medical officials in Washtenaw County are reporting eight heroin overdoses, including one death, over a two-day span. A 27-year-old Saline man died last week after Huron Valley Ambulance personnel attempted to revive him for 30 minutes.   AnnArbor.com says seven others were hospitalized. The overdoses came from Saline, Pittsfield Township, Ypsilanti, Ypsilanti Township and Ann Arbor. Huron Valley Ambulance spokeswo



How Can I Tell If My Cannabis Plant Is Over Or Under-Watered?

Over-watered vs. under-watered marijuana: how can I tell if my cannabis plant is over or under-watered?   A common question for new cannabis growers is how to tell if your drooping cannabis is over or under-watered. It's common for new growers to over-water their weed, but that doesn't mean that under-watering doesn't happen too. Never fear, it's easy to tell how often you should be feeding your plant and what is the true cause of your drooping.     An over watered cannabis plant will have



Anyone Else Ever Have To Deal W/ This?

So yeah, Like most of us here on the forum I suffer with a pretty high degree of pain and have next to no outlet to relieve that symptoms that cause the pain. So I started going to the gym to try and atleast get my body in shape seeing as its falling apart and changing colors in front my eyes..   Anywho I was kinda seeking some personal experinces from others on how they dealt with or what regime was taken to be able to continue working out, But not experince the extreme delayed pain that come



The Policy For The Mmma Forums, From Michael Komorn

Simple as 1,2,3 - Will be the new policy for the MMMA forums   So much ado has been made at our attempt to provide a reasonable policy for posting on the forums. Much debate has been had amongst the moderator staff and on the forums amongst our members. As is often the case and even more so on the Internet, communication and semantics are critical when trying to develop a consistent but clear policy regarding the Act that can be enforced easily and without issue. The unambiguous policy to date

Marijuana Growing Guide Free Library Helps Everyone Learn How To Grow Marijuana Plant

Marijuana Growing Guide Free Library   Marijuana Growing Guide Free Library helps everyone learn how to grow marijuana plant hydroponics. Welcome, the spirit is to help medicinal cannabis patients and horticulturalists grow the most potent marijuana plants legally possible. Growing marijuana indoors in your own space, greenhouse or outdoor garden is not overly difficult but attention to detail is needed. You will find only the best online information on marijuana seeds, germination, marijuana



Beauty Or Aroma Or Taste?

Lets hear you input on the subject, this could very well help guide new patients form a conclusion on what the majority of the community looks for when they use marijuana for the first time!   Whats more important, Beauty or aroma and flavor, how about the potency of the medication where does that fall in the mix?   Buzz length, type, strain, anything of the sort. Let hear your thoughts,   Would you rather have a really ugly bud with great smell and taste…. Or a beautiful flower covered in



What To Know When Relying On A Affirmative Defense, Do You Qualify?

Think you're in the clear to rely on just a certification or recommendation and employ the affirmative defense after the recent Sup Ct opinions in King and Kolanek? Thing again!   If that is your plan, to rely on your certification or recommendation, then you may be in for some trouble and a rude awakening. So let's clear this up so you make an informed decision.   First off, if you don't have a card and are relying on your certification only then plan on being arrested. Plan on spending up



Member Of Our Community John Wells, Loses Everything To A Tragic Fire

John Wells suffered a house fire last Tuesday. He and his wife and their young daughter have lost everything.   The fire was started within their refrigerator. They have little support and are truly in need of help, living out of their fifth wheel behind the burned out hulk of their home until their homeowners insurance rebuilds it.   Insurance will not cover any additional expenses at this time and gas and other expenses are mounting. I am posting to ask the community to lend their support.



Mmma Monthly Coffee Hour Meetings W/ The Staff

Have you heard about the Coffee Hours that the MMMA Staff will be holding each and every month to help the community with questions and answers that they have and also meet and greet the Leaders of the orginization well heres you shot! Here is a list, That explains about the hours and days, as well as the locations where these events will be taking place. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Past Present And Future Of The Mmma (the Act).

Planet Green Trees Episode 100th Episode, The Past Present and Future of the MMMA (the Act).   This show is dedicated to a recap of the past three years of the mm program in Michigan. We intend to have the most influential players chime in on their views and analysis from the past three years, the current state of affairs, and what the future holds for our community. This will be a special show, and we plan to cover everything that is medical cannabis.   All the Big Hitters chime in and pro

Marijuana Book Will Feature 100 Authors - Maybe Including You?

So you've always wanted to write a book about cannabis? Here's your chance.   You're invited to participate in an iBook project intended to change perceptions about marijuana by telling 100 short stories by 100 real people, in a fun and easy-to-read format.   Each page will be formatted the same way. The top of the page will have your name, or a title if you prefer. Then there is space for an image, a gallery of images, a video, a Powerpoint presentation, an HTML widget... "The possibilities

Oregon's Largest Union Endorses Oregon Cannabis Tax Act

There's good news and bad news from the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act, OCTA 2012. The good: OCTA has received the endorsement and support of Oregon's largest private sector union, the United Food & Commercial Workers Union Local 555, and their 18,000-plus members. On Thursday, June 14, UFCW Local 555's board of directors voted unanimously to endorse the Oregon Cannabis Tax Act initiative.   "We are working with their leadership to mobilize their membership to sign and circulate the petitions," s

Phil Cavanagh " Off The Record " Interview, Future Of Marijuana

Representative Phil Cavanagh D - Redford, answers many questions about the future of marijuana legislation in Michigan. Cavanagh     A 15 minute post-show OVERTIME segment, continuing with Cavanagh:     When asked about a future dispensary bill, Cavanagh responds, "I think it's Callton's bill."   Which one, I wonder?       Source: Rep Phil Cavanagh Performs On "off The Record"



Controversial Technique Increases Marijuana Yields...

Controversial Technique Increases Marijuana Yields... But At What Cost?   June 13, 2012, San Francisco, Ca - Medical marijuana is fast becoming a valuable cash crop as the plant known as Cannabis Sativa becomes accepted across the United States for medical uses like the treatment of cancer, AIDs, depression, anxiety, and many other ailments with few other effective treatments available. Medical Marijuana was recently legalized in the 17th state, Connecticut, and there are many more states with



Marijuana Activists Across Michigan Are Feeling A Little Less Discriminated Against

Marijuana activists across Michigan are feeling a little less discriminated against after a couple of state Supreme Court decisions favorable to their cause.   Nobody's dancing around throwing buds of their favorite cannabis strains into the air, but marijuana activists across Michigan are feeling a little less discriminated against after a couple of state Supreme Court decisions favorable to their cause.   Most folks who pay attention to the legal wrangling over the Michigan Medical Marih



Medical Marijuana May Become Decriminalized In 7 States

Medical Marijuana May Become Decriminalized in 7 States   Check out the video the Ohio Medical Cannabis Association speaking about "The Ohio Medical Cannabis Act of 2012 proposed amendment"   http://youtube.com/watch?v=Z1Y6TjLl-4M   He is talking about a Patient Bill of Rights, or recognized State protections, different than in any other states. This is an interesting position, obviously well thought out after seeing what has transpired in the neighboring states. I had some interactions



Why Non-marijuana Consumers Should Support Ending Cannabis Prohibition

Just Because You Don’t Smoke Cannabis Doesn’t Mean You Shouldn’t Support Legalization   Every once in awhile I will be talking to a non-marijuana consumer, and they will tell me that the only reason they don’t support marijuana legalization is because they don’t smoke it. A common phrase I hear them say is, ‘Why would I care about something that doesn’t affect me?’ The fact of the matter is, marijuana prohibition affects us all to some extent, whether we consume cannabis or not.   More than



Grower's Dictionary

Grower's Dictionary   A-lamp n. standard incandescent lamp.   absorption n. The process by which plants take up water through their roots.   AC/H abbr. Air Changes per Hour. Measure of ventilation in enclosed spaces derived from ventilation fan CFM and cubic volume of a given space. 10 AC/H would indicate ventilation adequate to completely replenish air in a given space ten times per hour. 20 AC/H is considered optimal for cannabis cultivation, cooling load notwithstanding.   acid an ac



Spain Votes On Pot-growing To Pay Off Debt?

Spain votes on pot-growing to pay off debt?     RASQUERA, Spain (AP) — What about growing marijuana to pay off municipal debt? One Spanish village is putting the idea to a vote.   The referendum Tuesday in Rasquera, population 960, in the northeastern Catalonia region is a quirky, legally touchy illustration of Spain's deep financial woes.   The seven-member town council first approved the idea in March, but it ignited such controversy that the mayor agreed to put it to a referendum in th



Do We Really Want All Patients Growing Medical Marijuana In Their Homes?

Los Angeles Considers Where Medical Marijuana Should Be Obtained         By Aaron Lachant   On Friday, the Public Safety Committee of the Los Angeles City Council considered where medical marijuana patients should obtain their medicine. In particular, they looked at two competing proposals that regulate medical marijuana in two very different ways. Under the first proposal, Councilmember José Huizar’s “gentle ban,” all medical marijuana storefronts are prohibited, but patients



13 Things You May Not Know About Cannabis

13 Things You May Not Know About Cannabis   By Laurel Dewey   1. Smoking marijuana is actually the least effective way to benefit from the medicinal power of marijuana. Opt for liquid extracts, cannabis butters or medicated oils to truly gain the deepest use from this healing plant.   2. The term “marijuana” is actually a Mexican slang term that the U.S. government bestowed on the cannabis plant in the 1930’s. The true name of the plant is simply: cannabis.   3. In al



Newborns Test Positive For Marijuana

A surprising reason why some newborns test positive for marijuana   Some newborns are testing positive for marijuana exposure and the reason why could surprise you. Soap and hand wash products, including products commonly used in hospital nurseries, can interfere with urine drug tests of newborns and lead to false positives, according to a new study from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.   The June issue of Clinical Biochemistry published the study, which was led by Catherine



Marijuana Law Just Creates Criminals

Marijuana law just creates criminals (cnn)   -- More than 50,000 people in 2011 were arrested in New York City for possessing small amounts of marijuana -- the majority of whom were black and Latino -- at a considerable judicial and financial cost.   New York City spends about $75 million every year     on arresting people for recreational marijuana possession.       But what many people don't know is that the state decriminalized this offense more than 30 years ago, mak





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