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Marijuana Book Will Feature 100 Authors - Maybe Including You?

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So you've always wanted to write a book about cannabis? Here's your chance.


You're invited to participate in an iBook project intended to change perceptions about marijuana by telling 100 short stories by 100 real people, in a fun and easy-to-read format.


Each page will be formatted the same way. The top of the page will have your name, or a title if you prefer. Then there is space for an image, a gallery of images, a video, a Powerpoint presentation, an HTML widget... "The possibilities are endless," said Susan Soares, president of VibeNation MultiMedia, which is sponsoring the project, called Marijuana & Me.


"The purpose of the book is to change the perception of what the typical marijuana consumer is like," Soares told Toke of the Town Thursday afternoon.


Susan Soares, VibeNation MultiMedia: "The purpose of the book is to change the perception of what the typical marijuana consumer is like"

You'll have a maximum of 1,500 characters for your text.


VibeNation asks that you please make your marijuana story personal and true; your work may be edited. The top 100 stories will be chosen by popular vote.


The book will be available on iTunes, and the 100 authors will collectively own the iBook. With iTunes taking 30 percent of sales and VibeNation taking 10 percent for producing the book, the rest of the profits -- 60 percent -- will be equally split between the 100 authors.


You have six weeks to get your story together. The deadline for submissions is July 30, 2012. You can email Soares for more details at susan@vibenationmultimedia.com.






Source: Marijuana Book Will Feature 100 Authors - Maybe Including You


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