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Member Of Our Community John Wells, Loses Everything To A Tragic Fire



blog-0460068001341028298.jpgJohn Wells suffered a house fire last Tuesday. He and his wife and their young daughter have lost everything.


The fire was started within their refrigerator. They have little support and are truly in need of help, living out of their fifth wheel behind the burned out hulk of their home until their homeowners insurance rebuilds it.


Insurance will not cover any additional expenses at this time and gas and other expenses are mounting. I am posting to ask the community to lend their support.


For those who don't know him, John has been an active and involved member of the medical marijuana community for years. He has been involved locally and has made many trips to Lansing and around the state speaking to municipalities on his own dime, speaking on our behalf.


He is an eloquent and effective speaker and has been an ambassador of the law, representing us well. John has always supported fellow patients in time of need. He has been to many court cases around the state.


We know the Wells' personally and they are really good people and have given so much to their community that it makes me emotional to know that his family is sleeping in what is no more than a tent in their backyard while having to look out out their burned home.


John had just taken out a 25,000 loan to remodel..and his house was insured for 50,000..so the first 25,000 goes directly to the bank..and they lost absolutely everything they own. Staying in 5th wheel behind burned home..with only basic needs..and clothes they had on there backs day of fire.


Please send fund to Mrs. Wells PayPal account, I can't figure out how to set up a page so it sends money directly to them, just non profit organizations..If your donating to this cause please let Red Cross know that the funds are for the Wells' family here is their personal account info;


You can send money directly to John's wife's PayPal account it is Jolynneone@gmail.com.


Thank you all so much for listening, and please pray for Mr. and Mrs Well's and their daughter tonight and the following days to come.


This is the link to send donations direct to an email address via paypal:




Just plug in your email address, John's wife's email address (jolynneone@gmail.com), the amount you wish to donate, and it will walk you through the rest.


Another route if your not familiar with PayPal, Here is their address to send a check or money order,


John Wells

PO Box 12

Lewiston, MI 49756


Again, the situation is dire. To my knowledge, only 2 people have made a donation to date. Please join us in helping this family.


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Thank you so very much Trix for re-posting this in the blogs..and for setting up a fundraiser page for the Wells family. Please everyone even the smallest donation will help this family.

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I spoke to John last evening. He was working all day hauling what is left of his mobile home to the dump. He is a strong man with every intent to pull himself out of this difficult time. But insurance companies move at their own speed, and by the time they get going John's family will be financially suffering.


We all are under tremendous financial pressures today. There is not a lot of money for our own expenses. But what MUST define us as caring humans is the ability to help another person when their chips are down.


Please join me and others in the medical marijuana community and make a donation. None are too small, and all will be appreciated. I barely know John, but in watching him for three years one thing is certain: He is dedicated to helping patients and caregivers, he is truthful and honorable, and he has gone to bat for all of us, in Lansing and at the CC level.


John is far to humble to ask you all for help. Heck he is usually the source of strength.


Please step up and help this family get back on their feet.


They need your help today....

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Here is a new link to send donations to, simply click the link, and input your email address and follow the steps from there easy as 1,2,3.. thank you all for taking time to read about this story, and hopefully we can pull some funds together to help this family in a time of need such as this.


This is the link to send money direct to an email address via paypal:




Just plug in your email address, John's wife's email address (jolynneone@gmail.com), the amount you wish to donate, and it will walk you through the rest.

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