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Hello To All Mmma Members



Hello to all members of the MMMA.


I would like to introduce myself.


In 2004 I injured my lower back in an accident. After meeting with several doctors, surgery wasn't an option for me. The only thing the doctor's could do for me, was to prescribe narcotics for me. I started out with vicodine, after upping my dose for several months, I was switched to the Fentyl patch, which i have been told is synthetic morphine. After a year of that my body started going through with drawls after 48 hours. I was then prescribed Oxycontin. I was prescribed 15mg 3 X times a day. That was the worst sociological ride I have ever been on in life. In February of 2010, I was involved in a car accident, in which I hurt my back even worse.


Before my accident I worked in the auto manufacturing business. I was a Lean Manufacturing Engineer. ( Stream lining the production process, and cutting out waste, organization specialist). Since I was not able to return to work after my accident, I volunteered my time at my church. I became Ordained as a Pastor and started Pastorering full-time. I also volunteered my time with a Chaplin Association working with counseling families in grief and law enforcement.


So, after my 2010 car accident I asked my doctor about Medical Marijuana. His reply was " It could work, but I would not be able to help you get certified." When I asked him why? his reply was, he could get kicked out of his medical group. Not really sure to this day, what that means.


I started researching Medical Marijuana.... I'm a little OCD when it comes to researching stuff. I was very impressed with a place in Southfield called Green Trees, I called three separate times, with questions and always received answers. I went ahead and made an appointment with one of their Doctors. Took all of my Medical records with me, and was approved.


Then my world changed, my pain level went from a 10 to a 3. Six years of taking every different type of Narcotic available, and Marijuana decreased it automatically. But, then there was the problem with the Religious side of my life, having such a terrible view of Medical Marijuana.


So.my mission is to change the mindset of Medical Marijuana one person at a time. I spend a lot of time counseling people one on one. People would be shocked at how many people are struggling with prescription drug addiction, even with law enforcement. In all of the counseling that I have done, I have yet to set down with someone who is addicted to Marijuana. I am not saying that there are not people out there. My personal opinion is whenever you abuse something, you take a chance of becoming addicted. From cigarettes to alcohol to spray paint.


Well that is my two cents worth, thank you for a place to share my story.




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