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Stop Lawnet From Raiding Medical Patients! (Added Video)



I was raided by Law Net regarding Marijuana on the property. They obtained a warrant from leaf clippings found in the garbage of our multi-apartment style house. Let me quickly add that we are one of three Michigan Medical Marihuana growers on the property, but the only ones who were raided.


My name is Christina and I am a young 23 year old mother of 3! I am also a Michigan Medical Marihuana Patient, (MMMP).

I first received my card in October 2010, and have been since. I've suffered from back spasms due to scoliosis since I was 10 years old. My husband and I have grown since January 2010. Since then, we have had countless inspections from the City of Ypsilanti, whose seen our grow, and regulated it. It has been a known fact by the city for years. Which makes what I am about to tell you all the more troubling.



Just a small incite on what my family dealt with... They came in my house, almost shot my German Sheppard, who I jumped on to save and woke my 4 year old daughter up out of her sleep with a gun in her face!

We repeatedly asked to see the warrant but they would not show it to us or comment on it. During the raid we didn't understand why they were acting like such animals, screaming at us to "shut the

(F bomb) up", telling us that my family home was now "their playground", even though we had presented our cards, and they knew we were "Legal".

Mind you- LAW NET is a state ran agency. In our defense we repeatedly asked for our lawyer, which they denied us. All of this makes no sense to me when I am being raided by the state or LAW NET for something the state said I can do? The end resulted in not only me being tortured and terrified by this, but my kids too. They took all of our Medical Marihuana, that we had cards for, and also every last piece of growing equipment we had, totaling in over $7,500 worth of property taken.

After LAWNET cleaned house, they left a warrant and a list of the property they confiscated. Everything they took was listed in detail except for the amount of meds they took (which deemed me over limit, according to them) keep in mind it was still wet, as I had just harvested the day before. When I asked how to get my property back; they informed me to pay a bond to the Michigan state police LAWNET team, in the amount of $250. I met the same officer that raided my house at the state police station in Ypsilanti one week later to pay the bond.



LAWNET sent a letter to my sister in-law who lives overseas, but owns the house where we live, telling her that there were illegal activities going on and narcotics were found on the property and that if she doesn't evict us, she will lose her house to forfeiture.



Called the Washtenaw county court clerk and asked if there was a warrant or a pending court date. Their answer was no.




A city police officer showed up at the door and I answered it and asked him what he wanted. He said he needed to talk to Rami. I told the officer to show me a warrant and denied the officer access to the house. He pushed his way into the house and found that Rami had left. So the officer arrested me for interfering because I would not give up Rami’s location. After I was in hand cuffs he tried bargaining with me telling me if I get Rami to come back he wouldn’t take me to jail. Rami was advised by his lawyer to not come back so he can find out what his charges were exactly and turn himself in later the next day so he would not lose his job. I was then taken to Ypsilanti police station, booked, finger printed, then released.


My list of questions:

1. Why were we raided when the City of Ypsilanti and the City of Ypsilanti Police Department knew we were Medical Marihuana Patients?

2. How did they accumulate a warrant for my unit, when the garbage is shared by 2 other dwellings?

3. Why were we denied our legal right to have a lawyer present?

4. Why were we denied our right to see the warrant?

5. How/why are they sending letters stating we are doing illegal activities and are in possession of illegal narcotics when

A. We are Medical Marihuana Patients, and possessed nothing but.

B. We haven't even been convicted of anything!


Upon doing a small investigation, I found that LAW NET is cracking Medical Marihuana left and right. Not only that but they are known for boughs raids with false or no warrant. Also, they've been known to swipe items and drugs from their forfeitures. This is very interesting to me, considering that they didn’t specify an exact or even a roundabout amount of Marihuana they seized from us. I feel like I was robbed by a team of masked men with badges on. This is ridiculous I don't know how to fight this but this is not only a problem with me it’s a growing epidemic. It needs to be brought up and dealt with because innocent people are being destroyed by this. I'm telling you right now, although I have always been a smoker, I would not have started growing if I knew this was going to happen, but I can also say I would have never started if the state didn't say I could.

Right now, I don't know what to do, but I am in a desperate state and I am reaching out to anyone and everyone, I want this public I do not and will not sit by as my life and other lives get destroyed over this issue.. As they say; ignorance of the law is not an excuse. But when it’s the police who are wrong, whose there to tell THEM ignorance is not an excuse?!



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Wait, the Police are using the excess from the marijuana license fees? Why can't we, the legal card holders use that fund for defense. No warrant, no allowing lawyers? All grow sites should have video and audio with the feeds going off site or the web (no hard drive on site). Several of the Officers involved in a raid have been captured on audio or video and the case was tossed. In fact, may I suggest a video camera be worn at all times. There is one out there that uploads to 4G ($120). Protect yourself at all cost. Harbor Freight has black and aluminum cases that are lockable. Deny all searches, demand a lawyer immediately, admit nothing and don't smoke and drive. If you deny a search and they open a locked container in your car chances are you will walk. Have it on video and audio and you will. See previous article on this site for tips on how to conduct yourself during a pullover. Pay attention to details.

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this group of officers were put together to take down NARCATICS, meth, crack cocaine and others, the real dangerous drugs and the dangerous people behind them,.....and not directly to tackle marijuana. instead they decide to take the easy route and the cowardly way, to go after peaceful marijuana patients, because they know these people most likely grow marijuana and they can bust them for that. so they raid those patients(low risk ) and act all wild and bad and DESRESPECTFULL.(RUNNING THE SHOW) THEY WOULD MUCH RATHER GO AFTER PATIENTS TO KEEP THEIR QUOTA STATUS,  RATHER THAN TAKING THE RISK AND GOING AFTER THE REAL DANGOURAS PEOPLE, ITS MUCH SAFER TO RAID PATIENTS THAN TO RAID A METH LAB CRACK HOUSE..ECT. I hear there is a bill proposed to have law officials funded by proceeds from MMMP, some 3 billions. NOW THAT HAS STUPID WRITTEN ALL OVER IT. SORRY!

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Thank you, I am well aware of my rights as a patient and how to conduct myself, and fortunately, I have them on video when they arrested me and also when they came a few weeks ago and wrongfully arrested him.. we were not illegal and were following the law, that, plus the facts of the wrongful warrant to search my house in the first place is what is going to help us. 

My concern is them doing this to others because unlike my husband, who had family gracious enough to help, they might not be able to pay for defense, and this is a problem. This is one of then main reasons why they are doing what they're doing. They are preying on patients, who are "out of limits" by technicalities, MAYBE.

THIS IS UNFAIR!!!! The states needs to take action, they need to train and tell these idiotic "police" to stop raiding medical marihuana patients and start busting down crack houses and meth labs, for those, are the ones who are dangerous and in need of stopping.

Wait, the Police are using the excess from the marijuana license fees? Why can't we, the legal card holders use that fund for defense. No warrant, no allowing lawyers? All grow sites should have video and audio with the feeds going off site or the web (no hard drive on site). Several of the Officers involved in a raid have been captured on audio or video and the case was tossed. In fact, may I suggest a video camera be worn at all times. There is one out there that uploads to 4G ($120). Protect yourself at all cost. Harbor Freight has black and aluminum cases that are lockable. Deny all searches, demand a lawyer immediately, admit nothing and don't smoke and drive. If you deny a search and they open a locked container in your car chances are you will walk. Have it on video and audio and you will. See previous article on this site for tips on how to conduct yourself during a pullover. Pay attention to details.

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Thnx for sharing this...had 2 washtenaw troopers pounding on my door few weeks ago...I didn't answer, they came back 20 minutes later, pounding on the door, ringing the doorbell like crazy...I looked out and they were smirking...I don't have anything growing, I'm not a stoner, just became a patient like a year ago....now I'm too afraid...and now I'm thinking of stopping, but it's been really helping..growing is fun too...I live up around Prospect and Clark, so I'm in the township, not the city I think...lots of corruption in all government, the USA has slipped into 3rd world-ville!....sigh!..Peace

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A few pieces if advice.

1. Keep an eye on your garbage. they cant force enter without a warrant, and the easiest way to avoid they obtaining one is to never throw away paraphilia, or plant material. They came and picked my trash at 4 am, grabbed a few bags from the cans that all of my apartments share and found clippings from my neighbor. I collect all plant material and either use it from my bon fire or compost them in my back yard.  

2. If they come, RECORD THEM.

You CAN do this, it is NOT illegal no matter what they try to tell you.


The state of Michigan said you can grow. YOU CAN GROW!!! Don't be scared, this is what the people voted for, ITS THE LAW.

Just remember to ALWAYS stay within limits, although as a grower I know there will be a time when you are over weight limits, so remember to downsize the product as fast as you can. (I.E. edibles, oils, hash, ect..) Or dump your overages as soon as possible.  


if you don't stand for what you believe in, then you stand for NOTHING.

Thnx for sharing this...had 2 washtenaw troopers pounding on my door few weeks ago...I didn't answer, they came back 20 minutes later, pounding on the door, ringing the doorbell like crazy...I looked out and they were smirking...I don't have anything growing, I'm not a stoner, just became a patient like a year ago....now I'm too afraid...and now I'm thinking of stopping, but it's been really helping..growing is fun too...I live up around Prospect and Clark, so I'm in the township, not the city I think...lots of corruption in all government, the USA has slipped into 3rd world-ville!....sigh!..Peace

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Well HOO RAH!!!...I thank you deeply for the advice!!..finally someone else with some FIRE in their gut!!...good!...now I have some energy!...I got a bunny muffin-load of seeds...are totally techno-geek diy grow setup...all I needed was a little motivation...don't get me wrong, even if I don't grow...I still just sent for my new 2 year card!...and hell yes I'm still going to stand with the PEOPLE either way!!  DOn't worry, even if I don't grow, I will sill remain a patient...that way I never have any overages...plus, disposing of the soil etc = "donkey-pain-alert"!..(jk)...sigh..in other news....these "nut-job-fed-criminal-scum-wads" are desperately trying to cover proof of major government corruption..they just arrested this Texas paramedic Bryce Reed for having explosives!???, it's the West TX fert explosion first responder!!??...anyways...I made a Youtube VID, will be on my FB..I really want to make people aware of this...I can see people don't realize the danger we are in, from our OWN government right now!!...The FBI are truly NAZI-STAZI "religious-nut-cakes" perpetrating some kind of "mentally-ill-coward-jesuit-behind-the-back-USA-takeover".....I wish I was crazy!...sigh...Peace to you and yours K....think I may start a grow after all....I'll want to post picks tho', but I'm pretty sure the current laws cannot protect any form of privacy on the internet....when you can't trust the FBI anymore...it is scary!!!..  My Facebook is... 




Please don't think me insane if you visit my FB, because I"M NOT!!!..sigh...and oh yeah..almost forgot to mention, just for the record:  I HATE BOMBS,THEY SCARE ME!!!!

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I'm not sure if you are familiar with Campaign for Liberty, but look them up if you are as passionate about this as you seem to be. As far as Facebook goes, obviously its a great site for marketing but I try and stay away from social site such as that. As you said, the government is out of control and I try to give them the least possible chance to get into my personal business.. and let me correct you... you never could trust the FBI. That unit is just a small part of this countries problem. We first need to stop the Federal Reserve, then reduce the amount of federal government we have controlling our lives. This country was based on the people and what we want. NOT government controlling whatever they can for a profit. CORPORATE PROFIT GREED combined with AMERICAN GOVERNMENT GREED is what got this country into the mess its in.




Well HOO RAH!!!...I thank you deeply for the advice!!..finally someone else with some FIRE in their gut!!...good!...now I have some energy!...I got a bunny muffin-load of seeds...are totally techno-geek diy grow setup...all I needed was a little motivation...don't get me wrong, even if I don't grow...I still just sent for my new 2 year card!...and hell yes I'm still going to stand with the PEOPLE either way!!  DOn't worry, even if I don't grow, I will sill remain a patient...that way I never have any overages...plus, disposing of the soil etc = "donkey-pain-alert"!..(jk)...sigh..in other news....these "nut-job-fed-criminal-scum-wads" are desperately trying to cover proof of major government corruption..they just arrested this Texas paramedic Bryce Reed for having explosives!???, it's the West TX fert explosion first responder!!??...anyways...I made a Youtube VID, will be on my FB..I really want to make people aware of this...I can see people don't realize the danger we are in, from our OWN government right now!!...The FBI are truly NAZI-STAZI "religious-nut-cakes" perpetrating some kind of "mentally-ill-coward-jesuit-behind-the-back-USA-takeover".....I wish I was crazy!...sigh...Peace to you and yours K....think I may start a grow after all....I'll want to post picks tho', but I'm pretty sure the current laws cannot protect any form of privacy on the internet....when you can't trust the FBI anymore...it is scary!!!..  My Facebook is... 




Please don't think me insane if you visit my FB, because I"M NOT!!!..sigh...and oh yeah..almost forgot to mention, just for the record:  I HATE BOMBS,THEY SCARE ME!!!!

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Thanks K!..Just watched your vid...made me sick to my stomach!!...seems like a lot of cops, are like "robo-cop" ..no emotion!..it's  chilling!!..I mean...WTF they handcuff you for??...you are a small woman!!...A few weeks ago, I went to this MMJ convention thing in Detroit, made a wrong turn around this construction...then I got caught in traffic for the bridge..made me drive all the way across to turn around..THEN..they making whoopee take me in, rip my car apart...asking me 20 questions...these guys are military( I was in Army 4 years,computers)...but the MP's always were a little strict..but this  was an ORDEAL!!..I was SO making whoopee scared, they making whoopee grabbing my balls and bunny muffin...i have no record of bunny muffin..I'm a loser with no street cred!..tried talking to these guys..man it was surreal!...I'll tell you, things have changed....the military resents the regular population these days, they can see nobody gives a rats donkey, after 12 years of a unjustified war, nobody cares enough to bring the Bush family to trial for the whole WMD scandal....I really feel strongly, that being a patient, should not give any cop, the right to come in and inspect!!..I have other meds I take, they don't inspect for that!..also, people have been home brewing beer lawfully for decades, and they never get raided!!..It's clearly corruption, and criminal scum in authority positions!..It freaks me too,because if your in the City of Ypsi..then the law allowing anyone to possess..well so what if they found crums in the garbage..still wouldn't justify a warrant, if anyone is allowed to have an ounce!!..Supposed to be low priority...IMHO we all are doomed to depression, when we don't get justice..I'm seeing some signs of life in people standing up...so it is softening my opinion that the whole fed gov needs to be re-created...hope your feeling better after that raid, you must be suffering some minor form of PTSD from crap like that, cops are acting retarded!!..I'll check the liberty sight...I'm active in groups already...Veterans For Peace, %110 tenth amendment center...I've always liked Ran and Ron's words and speeches..it just freake me that they  are connected to Infowars...the COINTELPRO vids on youtube, are just too damning...I have prison TV membership...I really get pissed at the racism I see at Infowars...it's mainly Alex and Mike Adams spouting it usually...I keep worrying, that any day..we will have some kind of bomb scare or something, then the Army will be coming through our homes, like they did in Boston...

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First I would suggest you sit down and record everything that happened, freestyle, does not matter what order or anything, just write it down. Sorry this is some time after  but it is better than nothing and combined with what you have already done, it is the start of a record, and document what amounts of MM were taken, how many plants from, how many stems, ect..trying to get to the amount dried.


I would retain counsel immediately. I suggest people interview 3, and then pick. Get  your experience down to a 5 min. story does not have to be details but enough so counsel will know what it is about.


Burn anything cut from a grow. NEVER throw anything away in garabage and tell  others the same, not as much as a seed.


Obviously you have some one snitching on you I would surmise.


Soon as you got counsel, do what they say but be aware of this.


You can file a complaint with the Dept. Superiors, it is best this is done through counsel as then they know you have back up. Also contact a Bondsman and have the number of speed dial.


Cops during a raid do not have to let you call your lawyer, so that is not unusual. They do have to leave a "return" which lists all that was taken, if things they took are not listed, that is theft (including MM).


If you cannot get counsel retained consider Pre Paid Legal which has some small criminal aspects but the best thing is "discounted" representation. And MICH has a law firm so they are somewhat powerful. It is like $25 month.

Get a security system, with video cameras (HD) then set it to upload to the net as well as on the harddrive (in case they take it others can download the video).

As your a Mom, you need to be very careful. Never answer the door, Tell friends to always call. Make sure you are so squeeky clean now since you need to watch for the setup.

Get a video camera on your car dash or visor, run it anytime your driving, rotate memory (SDHC) cards and keep a few days back, then re-record.

Always have a voice recorder on your able to trigger at a moment (like if your pulled over). Often smartphones can have apps that do this. Also key fob video recorders are cheap, but the quality is not great, PRACTICE using them.


Document everything. Keep a log of when you go, times, ect....so you have a running log of your days with times and dates and where and who you were with.


Sorry this happened to you. Contact the ACLU although I doubt they can help, its good to have their number. Also I would suggest calling cannibus counsel but unless your able to pay I do not know what they would do, call ALL the lawyers here.....again with the 5 minute story and then listen to them.


I guess you want to sue for violation of civil rights. But you need to prove damages, what has gone bad? Job, money, medical bills, loss of property, ect....got to prove money damages.


Finally, local news reporters can slam this if you can get the story to them IN PERSON, something like meet me Here at 6 for local police corruption story - might work, if not try another reporter. 


Then if you get counsel file a complaint with the Dept. IA (internal affairs). Including should be the Feds against corrupt cops but  this too is dicey as MM is illegal to them, but violating a Moms civil rights might get somewhere --bottom line is you need guidance on how to work the system to help you while making sure you do nothing to damage yourself. No. 1 is making sure your safe.


I can help you on the video set up and getting some apps on your phone if you have a newer smartphone. Post here try to figure a way to contact without posting numbers or other things like that -- some people do not want to fight, but if it is local to you, you need to rally any others that will back you up -- safety in numbers. And again, clean as a whistle as you never want to give them a chance to jam you up (which surely they would try if you become a thorn int the side). On the other hand, complaining about corrupt cop unit is what is needed -- find others they did this too....


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First let me state, although you are posting months after, the advice is helpful.

I have already obtained counsel, Michael Komorn. He's a well known advocate in the MMM community.

Since the incident my husband was wrongfully arrested and police used excessive force in doing so. which thank the heavens I got on video, with multiple USB containing the video, JUST IN CASE ; )

We have been completely legit, always. They caught us on the ONE day that we would be over. Almost everyone who grows, especially if they grow amounts per 2 months and make it stretch, opposed to regulation the cycles to be once a week or every 2 weeks or so. We have completely stopped growing, although are preparing to again, for when we are found not guilty, I will be ready.

I have contacted the ann arbor news with my story and im hoping through that we can make tv media.

As my lawyer stated, we were screwed, therefore our story is perfect for media.

innocent until proven guilty?.... I think not. and its a shame.







First I would suggest you sit down and record everything that happened, freestyle, does not matter what order or anything, just write it down. Sorry this is some time after  but it is better than nothing and combined with what you have already done, it is the start of a record, and document what amounts of MM were taken, how many plants from, how many stems, ect..trying to get to the amount dried.


I would retain counsel immediately. I suggest people interview 3, and then pick. Get  your experience down to a 5 min. story does not have to be details but enough so counsel will know what it is about.


Burn anything cut from a grow. NEVER throw anything away in garabage and tell  others the same, not as much as a seed.


Obviously you have some one snitching on you I would surmise.


Soon as you got counsel, do what they say but be aware of this.


You can file a complaint with the Dept. Superiors, it is best this is done through counsel as then they know you have back up. Also contact a Bondsman and have the number of speed dial.


Cops during a raid do not have to let you call your lawyer, so that is not unusual. They do have to leave a "return" which lists all that was taken, if things they took are not listed, that is theft (including MM).


If you cannot get counsel retained consider Pre Paid Legal which has some small criminal aspects but the best thing is "discounted" representation. And MICH has a law firm so they are somewhat powerful. It is like $25 month.

Get a security system, with video cameras (HD) then set it to upload to the net as well as on the harddrive (in case they take it others can download the video).

As your a Mom, you need to be very careful. Never answer the door, Tell friends to always call. Make sure you are so squeeky clean now since you need to watch for the setup.

Get a video camera on your car dash or visor, run it anytime your driving, rotate memory (SDHC) cards and keep a few days back, then re-record.

Always have a voice recorder on your able to trigger at a moment (like if your pulled over). Often smartphones can have apps that do this. Also key fob video recorders are cheap, but the quality is not great, PRACTICE using them.


Document everything. Keep a log of when you go, times, ect....so you have a running log of your days with times and dates and where and who you were with.


Sorry this happened to you. Contact the ACLU although I doubt they can help, its good to have their number. Also I would suggest calling cannibus counsel but unless your able to pay I do not know what they would do, call ALL the lawyers here.....again with the 5 minute story and then listen to them.


I guess you want to sue for violation of civil rights. But you need to prove damages, what has gone bad? Job, money, medical bills, loss of property, ect....got to prove money damages.


Finally, local news reporters can slam this if you can get the story to them IN PERSON, something like meet me Here at 6 for local police corruption story - might work, if not try another reporter. 


Then if you get counsel file a complaint with the Dept. IA (internal affairs). Including should be the Feds against corrupt cops but  this too is dicey as MM is illegal to them, but violating a Moms civil rights might get somewhere --bottom line is you need guidance on how to work the system to help you while making sure you do nothing to damage yourself. No. 1 is making sure your safe.


I can help you on the video set up and getting some apps on your phone if you have a newer smartphone. Post here try to figure a way to contact without posting numbers or other things like that -- some people do not want to fight, but if it is local to you, you need to rally any others that will back you up -- safety in numbers. And again, clean as a whistle as you never want to give them a chance to jam you up (which surely they would try if you become a thorn int the side). On the other hand, complaining about corrupt cop unit is what is needed -- find others they did this too....


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running a mmma bus is illegal quit calling it that.!!!! the cops do whatever they want. people like you and me take the heat. dispensaries get off because they have money. the way its going... disp will be protected because the $ to fight. Patients will plea to misdameanors and not have their rights protected...

In cali we don't have these problems because NORMAL will give you a FREE LAWYER and the Med Mrij pro lawers take precedent making cases for free to get on the news... but this is MI nothings free lol... not even the jail time

Maybe you should consider those four year olds that are being kidnapped in the name of justice if they want to have nightmares and pee the beds because of cops...

Maybe their PTSD could get a card... what if you get them arrested for aiding and abeding?

I think it would be wrong for you to subject them to that after YOU were the reason the guns were there. I am pro med marijuana, I'm pro personal choice but that wouldn't make it right to raise kids in a brothel.

Parent should come before patient

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running a mmma bus is illegal quit calling it that.!!!! the cops do whatever they want. people like you and me take the heat. dispensaries get off because they have money. the way its going... disp will be protected because the $ to fight. Patients will plea to misdameanors and not have their rights protected...

In cali we don't have these problems because NORMAL will give you a FREE LAWYER and the Med Mrij pro lawers take precedent making cases for free to get on the news... but this is MI nothings free lol... not even the jail time

Maybe you should consider those four year olds that are being kidnapped in the name of justice if they want to have nightmares and pee the beds because of cops...

Maybe their PTSD could get a card... what if you get them arrested for aiding and abeding?

I think it would be wrong for you to subject them to that after YOU were the reason the guns were there. I am pro med marijuana, I'm pro personal choice but that wouldn't make it right to raise kids in a brothel.

Parent should come before patient

first my kids do come first... we had stuff put up, and everything was in my garage.. I didnt have a large amount of plants, me and my husband did it for our personal use and for his elder family who have cancer, so a large amount was never needed.. I am not the reason my they put guns in my kids face, i did nothing illegal. the cops are crooks and therefore THEY are the reason for my families suffering. 

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