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My journey growing medicinal marijuana for my mom

Entries in this blog

My Journey To High Yield

Last year was a big year for me – I graduated from college and shortly after my mom was diagnosed with lymphoma (advanced).   They started her on chemo treatments right away. Despite the nausea medicine, she has little to no appetite, throws up a lot and is really tired. I have been talking with her doctors and doing some research online and from what I can understand, people who are undergoing chemo seem to benefit from smoking marijuana. My mom is “old school” and is afraid of trying it, but



Nutrient Burn

As the 6th week of my grow efforts come to a close I thought I would share some of the highs and lows of my experience thus far. A few weeks ago I made my first mistake as a new grower- that’s right- overwatering. My tiny leaves turned yellow and began to droop, sending me into an all-out panic. Luckily, after a little bit of research, I was able to save my seedlings and correct the overwatering issue.   This weekend I encountered my second hurdle as a new grower- nutrient burn. Nutrient burn





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    • Business Development - Komorn Law can assist in spearheading clients through the complex process of the medical marijuana business with a solid legal foundation.


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