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This Is Not Fair



I have been going to Gladwin Family Care Center 2137 w m-61 Gladwin Mich,48624 phone number 989-426-9399, fax 989-246-2257. I been going here for years, My Dr. there signed my ap over a year ago. He also signed my renewal. AND today when i showed up for my apoinment they had me sign a patient office policy and narcortic agreement. Which i did and when i read this before i signed it.Rule 5 is as follows.in bold letters.. IF patient tests positive for marijuana ,cocaine or any other illeagal substance your provider may choose not to refill or prescribe narcotics until a re-test shows your system is clear of that substance ,You may also be immediately discharged from the practice at the providers discretion (medical marijuana card holders are an exception) . And when i said some thing to the Office manager, she asked if she could ahve that and give me one to sign that doesnt say that.I said HELL no. Ok i signed this and was witnessed .So then i waited and went back. the Dr. walked in said we had a problem.Said he read my chart adn i have marijuana in me. I was like yes,This clinic has signed my ap and my renewal. The Dr, said i should of been told.He cut my vicodin and sent me out sand said i cant come back. I asked him about the paper i JUST signed. He said he didnt hand it to me.I said the lady at the window up front said i had to and now i would liek to stay with my treatment program my dr and i worked on for years.they refused to talk. The Dr. started screaming call security call police, I then went up front and was asking.They had some lady there ahd no answwer but try to pass the balme,said it is the law. then it was Dr.s idea.then this and that.she couldnt keep it straight. So i called my insurance company(Molina). They was very interested in hearing this.So any one else that deals with Gladwin and have had this problem Call Molina. I know of a few that have all ready. they are interested in hearing us all.It doesnt just have to be Gladwin Family CAre.ANY dR. that is pulling crap.OUr insurance pays them to take care of us.So ANY ONE PLEASE HELP>They want to hear from them. file complaints.!888-898-7969 is the number for MOLINA insurance, My Dr. i had before said i was a model patient. Never asked for any thing more,never complained. P.S can they make people hand over there cards to the Dr.s office? wouldnt it be illeagal for them to have some one elses Medical Marijuana cards?


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it isnt like i go there every month and try to get more meds. been on same dose all the years i been there.150 vicodin a month.and never asked for any other drugs.

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I have the same office and since my Dr left I havent even bothered to go back as they stated to me on the phone that if I had MMJ in my system that I wouldnt be allowed to be treated there any longer.


I have just been trying to sleep off the pain I dont need their fkn pills.

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Every one needs to c all there insurance company and complain. I know a cpl all ready and they are WANTING to hear this.it is un fair and unjust. PLEASE call if you have had this problem..I called Molina and they was happy to listen..and when i got off the phone. They was not to happy..they signed my card and i also signed a policy agreemnet yesterday saying i can use it.then cut me off ten mins. latter.

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I had the same thing happen to me at Advantage Health(Walker location...near G.R.) The doc wanted me to sign a "pain contract"(he didn't sign my recommendation) I told him I was using mm and that was why I had been refilling my norco less often. He proceeded to tell me that he couldn't see me anymore and would not refill my script! I had been on them for over 3yrs and stopping was rough! Things are better now w/out them every day. The PB Oil works great for my arthritis and when the pain gets too bad for mm than I can usually find a sympathetic friend w/ some vicodin.


Unfortunately I have/had no insurace company to complain to. I feel your pain and wish u the best of luck!

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I had the same thing happen to me at Advantage Health(Walker location...near G.R.) The doc wanted me to sign a "pain contract"(he didn't sign my recommendation) I told him I was using mm and that was why I had been refilling my norco less often. He proceeded to tell me that he couldn't see me anymore and would not refill my script! I had been on them for over 3yrs and stopping was rough! Things are better now w/out them every day. The PB Oil works great for my arthritis and when the pain gets too bad for mm than I can usually find a sympathetic friend w/ some vicodin.


Unfortunately I have/had no insurace company to complain to. I feel your pain and wish u the best of luck!

The thing of it is, Is that i was born with disabiltys that cause me daily pain. I take Vics and they are not strong enough to even curve my pain. But they help keep the edge off. I have been offered stronger meds once they see my records they want to give me oxy, morphine, ect. I said no i will do with what i ahve and stick with vics and Marijuana.I need my pain meds for my pain. Acording to Dr.s i should of been in a wheel chair when i was 30. I am 46 now. and happy i am not in a chair.

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This is bullcrap, say if you go to the pain clinic they can give you more pills/injections to kill your organs and drain your body but god for bid we have a license for a natural medicine. My buddie's doctor did the same to him and he is on oxy cottin and fentynal patch and cut him cold turkey right then and there. Told him that you signed the agreement when he started treatment over 7yrs prior!! Doctor's should not have the right to put us in more pain and agony when we are doing nothing wrong but is ok to mix your pills with alcohol and drive or take more anti depresants and pain killer. I was fortunate to speak with my doctor prior and he agreed that would be a good combination with the pills to help with the stomach ache's,nausea and the insomnia some pills can cause not to mention loss of weight and appetite not to mention depression that these pills can cause and chemical dependance. There should be some type of MMC doctor referal or list that understand their patience using medical marijuana and wont kick you off your meds in feer of them losing money from they drug reps.

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I wonder if you had been taking stronger meds all along if you wouldnt be in that wheelchair or worse perhaps.. thank god for mm..

I had been offered alot stronger meds than norcos, and i all ways said no. The Norcos doesnt all ways help but with added of Medical Marijuana it helps with out all the stronger drugs.

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I had the same thing happen to me at Advantage Health(Walker location...near G.R.) The doc wanted me to sign a "pain contract"(he didn't sign my recommendation) I told him I was using mm and that was why I had been refilling my norco less often. He proceeded to tell me that he couldn't see me anymore and would not refill my script! I had been on them for over 3yrs and stopping was rough! Things are better now w/out them every day. The PB Oil works great for my arthritis and when the pain gets too bad for mm than I can usually find a sympathetic friend w/ some vicodin.


Unfortunately I have/had no insurace company to complain to. I feel your pain and wish u the best of luck!

Says in the law that you can not be punished for useing medical marijuana, sounds like you just got punished, you was bad we are kicking you out. you didnt agree to our kind of medacine.

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I wonder if you had been taking stronger meds all along if you wouldnt be in that wheelchair or worse perhaps.. thank god for mm..

You are right IF i havent been useing Medical Marijuana i would probably be taking Oxycotin, or Morphine, Ect. and yes MAYBE if i wasnt useing Medical Marijuana maybe i would be in a wheel chair. they told me i woulsd be by the time i was 30. I am 46 now.But if you ask me i will say the Medical Marijuana helps keep me off the stronger meds that THE Dr.s try to give patients..BUT that is ok if they get me strung out on drugs or any other person.

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