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Why Can't Mm People Class Action Fed Government?


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For example, with Shannon getting kicked out of federal housing, why can't she sue the federal government, and why can't anyone else who has been kicked out of federal housing or a federal job for MM, as a registered patient, complying with the law, because, while it is a PATHETIC JOKE that medical marijuana is still illegal federally, why can't said effected victims join across the U.S. up for a class action law suit against the federal government? I know it sounds stupid, but if it is not recognized legally by the federal government, and if according to the federal government marijuana serves no medicinal purposes, why not have everyone across the United States in such a situation show proof that the federal government does, in fact, recognize marijuana medicinally using the federally funded program that has been going on for over 30 years, being the the federal government grows over 6 acres of marijuana and specifically supplies MEDICINAL marijuana rolled joints to federal government patients. It is insulting that a federally funded program, paid for by our tax dollars, is the only one allowed to plant, grow, roll joints and supply them to patients for "medical" purposes, yet wrongfully prosecute others for doing the same thing that certain states have ALSO deemed a legal act as well.


Adding even more insult to injury is that there is not a "small" 2.5 oz, 1 oz, 2 oz max requirement for state patients to have on them, but these FEDERAL people are getting up to 300 JOINTS, a.k.a. FATTIES, to INHALE, not eat and not vaporize, but INHALE, every single MONTH. By the federal governments acts, implication, and allowing such a federal program to not just exist, but to continue in existence for not just a month, not a year, not five years, not ten years, but THIRTY YEARS...I think it is 32 years. I call that bullshite. So would most everyone else, if not ALL OTHERS, of reasonable intelligence.


These FEDERAL medical marijuana patients get a jumbo sized tin canister every month. It's HUGE. The federal government doesn't just pass out 10 big fatties for their federal patients to INHALE into their lungs, like the feds and DEA say is unbelievably harmful, but these federal mary-J patients get UP TO 300 rolled marijuana joints to SMOKE, monthly ...FOR DECADES. They can travel ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. THEY WANT WITH THEIR HUGE TIN CAN OF ROLLED "JOINTS". Federal Mary-J patients can fly on airlines with NO PROBLEMS, cross state lines into ANY STATE, regardless of if it is a recognized MM state.


These federal patients NEVER FEAR LEO giving them a hard time, being raided by either state or federal LEO, and never fear home invasions by local LEO who only break in and steal their stuff to smoke their marijuana, pocket loose cash, and give LEO relatives newly acquired flat screen TVs, while LEO never charging the victims with anything (no paper trails that way).


Also, since the federal government has a proven lengthy history of corruption, consisting of mostly cheats, liars, cowards, and two-faced back stabbing sissies, God only knows what kind of Agent Orange and Chlordane "researchers and scientists" contaminate federal marijuana plants with.


Theoretically, why would this not be a cause for said action? Facts are facts.






2 patients open there federal mailed cannabis.



US Government Seeks Applications to Grow Marijuana for Federal Research




Federal Government Solicits Proposals for Medical Marijuana Cultivation









Feds & Big Business vs. Medical Marijuana (This is what I believe 90% of the federal issue has to do with, to include the DEA's Marinol stupid pill. Their Marijuana-Tylenol - even the name of their pill is stupid like they are.)








The DEA to license anyone who wants to grow marijuana




Government runs nation's only legal pot garden




Is the government protecting Marinol's market share


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They cant sue the federal gov because its only legal via the state not the federal government this issue has been gone over many many times. It honestly just is the way it is seems like you want to blame someone and that part I get but until it changes thats that sadly. Also it seems like you are really really anti gov with all the links and what not please don't let this get off track into a the gov is always out to get us conspiracy thread.

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They cant sue the federal gov because its only legal via the state not the federal government this issue has been gone over many many times. It honestly just is the way it is seems like you want to blame someone and that part I get but until it changes thats that sadly. Also it seems like you are really really anti gov with all the links and what not please don't let this get off track into a the gov is always out to get us conspiracy thread.


(A good debate to which I welcome your insight on, Ionic7, and the following reply is also meant with respect, respectfully.)


Hmmmmm….”ANTI GOVERNMENT”. An interesting choice of words you picked that would insinuate a broad accusation giving an overall distortion of my sole position on:


1.) A lack of respect of our federal government’s factual 30 + years demonstration of “Do as I say, NOT AS I DO” with the federally legally allowed medical marijuana rolled joint smoking program while also pertaining to another federal agencies stance on federal government lies about “unsafe” marijuana, how it has no medicinal value and is unsafe to use in its natural rolled joint and inhaled doobie smokin’ form, which is my Constitutional NON-antigovernment right, while choosing multiple resources, to include YouTube, supporting such.


2.) “Anti Government”…..Hmmmmm…..by voicing an opinion on issues related to federal marijuana unfair laws that are PROVEN dishonest by the same federal government. (Aside from when I referenced prior F.D.A. approved dangerous products such as * Chlordane*, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlordane , and *Agent Orange*, while refraining from a laundry list of former FDA approved deadly chemicals I could have added, that were also considered by the federal government as “safe”, despite decades and decades of medical documents, complaints, birth defects, deaths, and scientific evidence showing the complete opposite, until those who would be considered “ANTI GOVERNMENT” caused a change in the law…but only in our country while some are still allowed to be manufactured and distributed to poverty stricken countries.


“ANTI GOVERNMENT” you claim, for voicing my views and sharing my thoughts on what I believe to be wrongful conduct by my and maybe your federal government? Golly, I didn’t even get into how the federal government intentionally allowed and directly were responsible for human beings, very real people, to be intentionally and needlessly forced to suffer in numerous ways with the infamous “Syphilis Study” completely allowed and endorsed by the U. S. Public Health Svc (PHS), the main division of the Depart. of Health Education and Welfare (HEW), which later became the United States Department of Health and Human Services (new name but same agency.) In case some are not aware of this particular government authorized and LENGTHY 40 year disgusting and inhuman federally endorsed program, about 400 poor black men with syphilis were never told they had syphilis, and intentionally NOT treated for it. The men were repeatedly and intentionally lied to about their health condition. At first, no treatment for syphilis was known, but even after penicillin was proven a cure for syphilis, at that same time, the medicine was withheld from the Syphilis infected men, by the federal government. Federally funded scientists wanted to continue to study how the disease spreads and kills on 400 poor black human beings. The experiment lasted four decades, until public health workers leaked the story to the media. Only then did other people reflect what you would imply to be “ANTI GOVERNMENT” in showing how that sick federal government lawfully acceptable practice wasn’t liked very much.


By then, dozens had died. Their wives and kids were infected. This is yet another example of a class-action lawsuit that was filed by people who were wronged and abused for decades by the federal government. A multimillion dollar settlement from a class action law suit was achieved long after the damage was done, to people.


3.) Voicing my opinion, be it STUPID or not, for what I consider produces nationwide unfairly treated victims of those LEGALLY and LAWFULLY complying with their MM laws, wrongfully subject to unfair and unjust treatment by the federal government for the EXACT same thing the federal government openly does is not “ANTI GOVERNMENT”. ANTI GOVERNMENT attitudes are what have helped make laws, AMEND laws, change or repeal unfair laws.


Just because I am not a MM patient or caregiver doesn’t mean I have no reason to care about those being victimized within the MM community – and in some cases in ”my backyard”, which makes it my business and every other citizen’s business. Either law enforcing officers work for a law enforcing agency, or they DO NOT. There is no middle ground for those hired to UPHOLD THE LAW. There is no “Ya, well, they only target people who drink diet Sprite. I drink Pepsi so I am ok. Gee, it’s too bad people who drink diet Sprite are having their diet Sprite, flat screen TVs and money stolen by unidentified LEO and not charged with anything…bummer…but that isn’t me…Not my problem. It’s not my business. Maybe people that have the legal right to drink diet Sprite should stop drinking diet Sprite. I got my own problems to deal with. LEO might come after me if I stand up for what is right. So I will also remain a victim of all of this, too afraid to do anything. People who drink diet Sprite must be a threat to the community. LEO protects us, helps us, and is there for us. They do not break the law because they are the law. Just drink Pepsi because ----AAAAAAHHHHH!!! OMG!! Now they are going after people who drink Pepsi!! Will the people that I didn’t give a crap about who drink diet Sprite stand up for us Pepsi drinkers now that we are becoming targets of police misconduct, too???!! NOW IT’S DIFFERENT BECAUSE NOW IT’S ME!!!”


It is extremely concerning masked, armed, and unidentified para military personnel invade a person’s home without a warrant or a signed warrant, scare the young and old, steal personal property, trash homes, and not have to PROVE they are “ON DUTY” law enforcement personnel supposedly or maybe not acting under the authority of the agency they normally are employed by???


It is everybody’s business as “We the people…” to keep an eye on injustice and unfair laws that contribute to unethical illegal and corrupt conduct. Correct me if I am mistaken, but those who wrote the Declaration of Independence were considered “ANTI GOVERNMENT” and considered guilty of treason.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

This sentence has been called "the most potent and consequential words in American history".


You can use your choice of “ANTI GOVERNMENT”, as I will respect your opinion, but I am in good company of former and present decent human beings that were accused of the very same thing.

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  • 2 months later...

They cant sue the federal gov because its only legal via the state not the federal government this issue has been gone over many many times. It honestly just is the way it is seems like you want to blame someone and that part I get but until it changes thats that sadly. Also it seems like you are really really anti gov with all the links and what not please don't let this get off track into a the gov is always out to get us conspiracy thread.


You do realize that the people that came from Europe and founded this country where seen as anti-government by the British government and yet are revered by most Americans as the founding fathers and some of the most patriotic people in history? I could show you countless quotes by these very people that warn the American people to remain ever vigilant of their governments lest them turn to tyranny.


Before you start running around screaming "OMG Everyone that doesn't agree with our government is a Conspiracy nut!" stop to consider the fact that our government has known since 1974 that cannabis has the potential to treat and in many cases cure cancer, kill tumors, and had many potential medical uses. Nixon's schaffer report is declasified, and you can read it yourself. http://www.druglibrary.org/schaffer/library/studies/nc/ncmenu.htm


Yet the government ignored their own studies, and classified cannabis as Schedule 1, with Crack, Heroin, Crank, etc, claiming it has no medicinal value whatsoever.


To this day they ignore their own research and unconstitutionally take the freedom away from over 800,000 people a year for possession or growing of a safe and medicinal herb that has never been responsible for a single death in thousands of years of use! Furthermore they use the war on drugs to unconstitutionally seize HOUSES, CARS, BANK ACCOUNTS, AND EVEN CHILDREN BEFORE THE ACCUSED HAS EVEN WENT BEFORE A JUDGE OR JURY! OVER THE POSSESSION, GROWING, OR SELLING OF A SAFE AND NATURAL HERB THAT THEY KNOW CAN CURE CANCER!


WAKE UP!!!! Your government DOES NOT HAVE YOUR BEST INTERESTS IN MIND. But the person you're criticizing is trying to make positive changes for YOU!


Our country has been involved in countless "conspiracies" over just the last few decades... these are well documented and researchable, and there's considerable evidence for many other "conspiracies" that have not yet come out to the general public. Here's just a small list of the most well known of these incidences that our government has been knowingly involved in over the past couple centuries:




Conspiracy theory by definition is simply a "theory".


- a well-substantiated explanation of some aspect of the natural world; an organized system of accepted knowledge that applies in a variety of circumstances to explain a specific set of phenomena; "theories can incorporate facts and laws and tested hypotheses"; "true in fact and theory"


of a "conspiracy".


- a secret agreement between two or more people to perform an unlawful act


Yet the corporately owned media has blown the meaning completely out of context in order to paint anyone that questions the official story the government gives as a tinfoil hat wearing ufo nutjob simply because they have seen countless instances where the people in our government have lied to further their own personal agendas, and are smart enough to know that history has a tendency to repeat itself if you don't make sure it doesn't.


And to make a comment like this:


"Also it seems like you are really really anti gov with all the links and what not please don't let this get off track into a the gov is always out to get us conspiracy thread."


is really out there... you're suggesting because someone took the time to well research a subject and give a plethora of sources for their argument about the subject that they are somehow anti-government? By what logic would you come up with something so nonsensical?

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(A good debate to which I welcome your insight on, Ionic7, and the following reply is also meant with respect, respectfully.)


Hmmmmm….”ANTI GOVERNMENT”. An interesting choice of words you picked that would insinuate a broad accusation giving an overall distortion of my sole position on:


1.) A lack of respect of our federal government’s factual 30 + years demonstration of “Do as I say, NOT AS I DO” with the federally legally allowed medical marijuana rolled joint smoking program while also pertaining to another federal agencies stance on federal government lies about “unsafe” marijuana, how it has no medicinal value and is unsafe to use in its natural rolled joint and inhaled doobie smokin’ form, which is my Constitutional NON-antigovernment right, while choosing multiple resources, to include YouTube, supporting such.


2.) “Anti Government”…..Hmmmmm…..by voicing an opinion on issues related to federal marijuana unfair laws that are PROVEN dishonest by the same federal government. (Aside from when I referenced prior F.D.A. approved dangerous products such as * Chlordane*, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chlordane , and *Agent Orange*, while refraining from a laundry list of former FDA approved deadly chemicals I could have added, that were also considered by the federal government as “safe”, despite decades and decades of medical documents, complaints, birth defects, deaths, and scientific evidence showing the complete opposite, until those who would be considered “ANTI GOVERNMENT” caused a change in the law…but only in our country while some are still allowed to be manufactured and distributed to poverty stricken countries.


“ANTI GOVERNMENT” you claim, for voicing my views and sharing my thoughts on what I believe to be wrongful conduct by my and maybe your federal government? Golly, I didn’t even get into how the federal government intentionally allowed and directly were responsible for human beings, very real people, to be intentionally and needlessly forced to suffer in numerous ways with the infamous “Syphilis Study” completely allowed and endorsed by the U. S. Public Health Svc (PHS), the main division of the Depart. of Health Education and Welfare (HEW), which later became the United States Department of Health and Human Services (new name but same agency.) In case some are not aware of this particular government authorized and LENGTHY 40 year disgusting and inhuman federally endorsed program, about 400 poor black men with syphilis were never told they had syphilis, and intentionally NOT treated for it. The men were repeatedly and intentionally lied to about their health condition. At first, no treatment for syphilis was known, but even after penicillin was proven a cure for syphilis, at that same time, the medicine was withheld from the Syphilis infected men, by the federal government. Federally funded scientists wanted to continue to study how the disease spreads and kills on 400 poor black human beings. The experiment lasted four decades, until public health workers leaked the story to the media. Only then did other people reflect what you would imply to be “ANTI GOVERNMENT” in showing how that sick federal government lawfully acceptable practice wasn’t liked very much.


By then, dozens had died. Their wives and kids were infected. This is yet another example of a class-action lawsuit that was filed by people who were wronged and abused for decades by the federal government. A multimillion dollar settlement from a class action law suit was achieved long after the damage was done, to people.


3.) Voicing my opinion, be it STUPID or not, for what I consider produces nationwide unfairly treated victims of those LEGALLY and LAWFULLY complying with their MM laws, wrongfully subject to unfair and unjust treatment by the federal government for the EXACT same thing the federal government openly does is not “ANTI GOVERNMENT”. ANTI GOVERNMENT attitudes are what have helped make laws, AMEND laws, change or repeal unfair laws.


Just because I am not a MM patient or caregiver doesn’t mean I have no reason to care about those being victimized within the MM community – and in some cases in ”my backyard”, which makes it my business and every other citizen’s business. Either law enforcing officers work for a law enforcing agency, or they DO NOT. There is no middle ground for those hired to UPHOLD THE LAW. There is no “Ya, well, they only target people who drink diet Sprite. I drink Pepsi so I am ok. Gee, it’s too bad people who drink diet Sprite are having their diet Sprite, flat screen TVs and money stolen by unidentified LEO and not charged with anything…bummer…but that isn’t me…Not my problem. It’s not my business. Maybe people that have the legal right to drink diet Sprite should stop drinking diet Sprite. I got my own problems to deal with. LEO might come after me if I stand up for what is right. So I will also remain a victim of all of this, too afraid to do anything. People who drink diet Sprite must be a threat to the community. LEO protects us, helps us, and is there for us. They do not break the law because they are the law. Just drink Pepsi because ----AAAAAAHHHHH!!! OMG!! Now they are going after people who drink Pepsi!! Will the people that I didn’t give a crap about who drink diet Sprite stand up for us Pepsi drinkers now that we are becoming targets of police misconduct, too???!! NOW IT’S DIFFERENT BECAUSE NOW IT’S ME!!!”


It is extremely concerning masked, armed, and unidentified para military personnel invade a person’s home without a warrant or a signed warrant, scare the young and old, steal personal property, trash homes, and not have to PROVE they are “ON DUTY” law enforcement personnel supposedly or maybe not acting under the authority of the agency they normally are employed by???


It is everybody’s business as “We the people…” to keep an eye on injustice and unfair laws that contribute to unethical illegal and corrupt conduct. Correct me if I am mistaken, but those who wrote the Declaration of Independence were considered “ANTI GOVERNMENT” and considered guilty of treason.


“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."

This sentence has been called "the most potent and consequential words in American history".


You can use your choice of “ANTI GOVERNMENT”, as I will respect your opinion, but I am in good company of former and present decent human beings that were accused of the very same thing.


I could not have said it better.

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