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Mangos Increase The Effects Of Consuming Marijuana

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Mangos Increase, Strengthen, And Even Lengthen The Euphoric Feelings Felt After Smoking Marijuana


Summary: The chemical compounds that have been found within mangos have been discovered by science to be able to increase, strengthen, and even lengthen the euphoric feelings felt after smoking marijuana. This is great news for the marijuana community for both recreational smokers and medicinal smokers as they both now have a healthy alternative snack to turn towards during their munchies.


Lately it seems that both the science community and the marijuana community have been falling into the same category. This is great news for both medical marijuana patients and recreational marijuana smokers alike! Of course it’s common knowledge that medical marijuana does exist and that it is a great natural remedy for aches, pains, and various ailments. And of course recreational marijuana smokers do enjoy the euphoric feelings of the herbal supplement as opposed to the feelings of intoxication caused by alcohol or liquor. So naturally marijuana is a safe alternative to most sinful pleasures as well it is a perfect organic solution to the stresses and pains of life. So here is a little secret that the science community has recently discovered for the marijuana community: Eating fresh mangos or even drinking a fresh mango smoothie one hour prior to smoking will dramatically increase the euphoric feelings felt by marijuana and help medical marijuana patients to ease their pain even more so.


This is because a chemical compound known as myrcene terpenes, which is most often used for fragrances, can be found within cannabis and marijuana as well as many other various plants such as lemon grass, hops, and of course mangos. This is why these types of plants of such rare and unique types of odors and aromas. Once ingested the chemical compound, or myrcene terpenes, assists the psychoactive substance THC by allowing it to pass through the Blood Brain Barrier (BBB) at much faster speeds with much more efficiency. The time it takes for the THC to have an effect on the brain after inhalation is roughly seven seconds however, by eating a mango up to one hour prior to smoking the time it takes for THC to reach the brain and have an effect could be cut in half. As well as the length of the high and its time duration could be up to twice as long.


Individuals who have eaten a mango, digested it, and then smoked have also noted that the euphoric feelings felt by marijuana are alarmingly much more intense. This is perfect for medical marijuana patients who would like an increased amount of pain relief or for recreational marijuana smokers who just want to get even higher than before. It is important to also note the different speeds in metabolism for those who are attempting to try this experiment. This is because individuals who have faster metabolisms may need to ingest a bit more than those who do not have as fast of a metabolism as well as individuals with slower metabolisms may need to ingest a mango or mango smoothie up to an hour and a half prior to smoking. This will help ensure that the myrcene terpenes found within mangos have been properly digested and will have an effect.


What else is great about this interesting scientific fact is eating mangos is another great way for the human body to receive additional amounts of vitamins and nutrition and it helps individuals avoid eating foods that are high in cholesterol or trans fats. Eating too many fatty foods when the ‘munchies’ occur can be harmful and even detrimental to an individual’s health. So be sure to stay healthy and to eat healthy whether smoking marijuana recreationally or medicinally.



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Of the 9 terpenes, myrcene is likely a synergist of THC. A combination of the two molecules can create a stronger experience than THC alone. Myrcene probably works in tandem with CBDs to affect the permeability of the cell membranes, thus it may allow more THC and fellow terpens into the brain.


The fellow terpenes in Cannabis being: Limonene, Caryophyllene, Pinene, Terpineol, Borneol, Linalool, Pulegone and Cineole.

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  • 1 year later...

I think this is just a bunch of BS. All of these articles that claim, for example


The chemical compounds that have been found within mangos have been discovered by science to be able to increase, strengthen, and even lengthen the euphoric feelings felt after smoking marijuana.


never ever point to any specific scientific studies. Just back to more mj sites that restate the same thing.


For now, my money is on placebo.


This is notwithstanding what Andrew Weil wrote about mangos a long while back (I think it may have been a High Times article). He describes mango season in India with folks sitting on the ground in a daze, eyes glazed over, mango juice dribbling down their face. I can certainly relate to such an ecstatic experience whenever I have a particularly tasty mango!



Edited by zachw
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 One needs to only look at the effects mangos have on other medications.... you wont find mmj studies they dont let us do that.  for one it has been shown to slow the digestive process, to slow the stomach from emptying its contents. so if you had medibles.... so many people seem to try someonething once then swear it didnt work...when did we all become so perfect?

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I am currently taking prescription medicine that comes with a warning against eating grapefruit because it increases the effect of the drug. Mangos and cannabis aren't that far of a stretch.


Grapefruit juice has been said to potentiate opiates.

That too has it's pros and cons

Personally no difference on either of them

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I tried it again a couple of nights ago. I waited over an hour and then took four hits of Trainwreck. I know by experience what the effect of that will be. I didn't notice any difference from eating mango before medicating and not. I was actually a bit disappointed. Are you supposed to eat a certain amount of mango? I had quite a few bites. 

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mangii. Who's Argyle ?

LOL. I always thought that was what you called two or more dogs with mange.


Argyle is someone who sometimes magically appears. When he shows up, I know I'm medicated. Kinda like this guy Ron, who comes around when we are sleeping or otherwise not watching. He breaks things and screws things up around the house. I constantly find things he's done that everyone in the family swears they had nothing to do with.

Edited by GregS
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