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Medical Marijuana Delivered By Flying Drones


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I wonder if this is real. Searching for news articles I notice that all are stemming from Europe (Russia, UK, France, etc).


I also wonder if our government and media just doesn't want the general population to know about it.


The way technology is going, I can picture it though.


I was hitting on my new vaporizer and just could not stop laughing about it!!

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The cartles also use them!


Just imagine eh?  Ive not heard of any story's of the cartles using them, they may not be able to carry product, but with enough of them carrying cash back to south of the boarder sure would mess with ice lol!


man we would be able to make sure sick pt's dont have to go w/o, what you say you dont have any mm or oil for your treatments, what strain, and we can only do a max 2.5 oz or the plane wont leave the ground, put the cash in the envelope, and I will tell you which way to aim me!


Better than the jetsons eh?



I would rather look at the bright spot then the bad!



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I wonder if this is real. Searching for news articles I notice that all are stemming from Europe (Russia, UK, France, etc).


I also wonder if our government and media just doesn't want the general population to know about it.


The way technology is going, I can picture it though.


I was hitting on my new vaporizer and just could not stop laughing about it!!




Thanks for replying

Could be part of the Green rush i guess

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The cartles also use them!


Just imagine eh?  Ive not heard of any story's of the cartles using them, they may not be able to carry product, but with enough of them carrying cash back to south of the boarder sure would mess with ice lol!


man we would be able to make sure sick pt's dont have to go w/o, what you say you dont have any mm or oil for your treatments, what strain, and we can only do a max 2.5 oz or the plane wont leave the ground, put the cash in the envelope, and I will tell you which way to aim me!


Better than the jetsons eh?



I would rather look at the bright spot then the bad!





I agree Jim it what ever you say Lol

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Yea the government should have only practiced these drones in area 51 lol, now every one knows about them, but I guess once we have a working drone and a war going we may as well try them out in real time, pakistan probably know most about our drones lol!




P.s I seen a show last nite on 20 20 or date line where they were actualy using them in a district of sanfransico for delivery to pts, seriously!

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