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Planet Green Trees Radio Tonight


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****Late addition- Rep Kevin Daley will be joining us as well!


Planet Green Trees Radio- Tonight 8-10pm

www.planetgreentrees.com or call in 347-326-9626


Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion-


Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-


Tonight- Two bills HB 5439 and HB 5440 have been introduced in the Michigan House Representatives by Reps. Kevin Daley (R- Lum) and Peter Petallia (R- Presque Isle). As reported on in the Compassion Chronicles- "One bill will enact a new definition of marijuana that separates non-intoxicating industrial hemp from standard strains of medicinal marijuana; the other will adjust the agriculture laws to remove prohibitions on research and cultivation of the multi-purpose plant." Our mini-series "Can cannabis cure cancer?" continues.


Joining us tonight- Everett Swift, the director of the Michigan Industrial Hemp Education and Marketing Project, also known as MIHEMP, as well as Steve Sharpe, board member of MI NORML. Both men have been instrumental in educating people in Michigan and working with the legislature to help get the industrial hemp bills introduced.


Joining us to continue our discussion- 'Can cannabis cure cancer?' will be Gersh "Peanutbutter" Avery and Jon Roberts of the Cannabis Cancer Project.6


Michael's rant, news, current events and more!

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Thanks again for all the kind words on the show it does mean a lot to the both of us 


 Also Great show also about the Hemp movement going on here and around the U.S that could be a game changer for all the farmers and  Job's, Job's, Job's for Michigan workers that need them 


And thanks to Mr. Sharpe  and MIHEMP for all the hard work they are doing and have done so far 


Welcome back Mr. Peanut butter its good to be home and too Mr. John Roberts i hope your case goes well we all support what the both of you do for so many of the cancer patients here in this great State of Michigan 


And to Mr. Bill S ( Billy Bong ) go take a flying Leap 

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