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Local Groups Seeks To Decriminalize Marijuana

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Looking at the results of the legalization of marijuana in Colorado, a group of Mt. Pleasant residents hopes to get a question on the November ballot to decriminalize the drug in the city.



While not affiliated with the Safer Michigan Coalition, the Coalition for a Safer Mount Pleasant wants residents of both the city and the state of Michigan to be legally able to use marijuana.



Brandon McQueen, a member of the Mt. Pleasant Board of Education, said the residents of Colorado have seen “amazingly positive results” from the state’s legalization of the drug, which he said has brought social and economic benefits to the state.



While members of the Coalition for a Safer Mt. Pleasant know that decriminalizing marijuana at the city level will not negate state and federal law, they hope an amendment to the Mt. Pleasant Charter will help send a message to local and state leaders that “it is acceptable to engage in the discussion of the legalization of marijuana,” McQueen said.



Other members of the coalition include Ian Elliott, president of the Student Advocates for Medical and Recreational Cannabis; Green Tree Cooperative vice president Liz Busch, who ran for city commission and is active in the community and her church; Heather Neff, a Mt. Pleasant resident who volunteers for veterans; and Jericho Simon, a Central Michigan University graduate and former resident.



Coalition members want voters to approve an amendment that would allow for the use, possession or transfer of less than one ounce of marihuana (the spelling of the drug in legal documents) by people 21 and older.



As the Safer Michigan Coalition gears up to get marijuana decriminalization on ballots in several cities including Mt. Pleasant, McQueen said that group is an option in the local coalition’s network if resources are needed.



Both groups are working toward the same end result: the legality of marijuana on the state level.



But smaller steps are being taken first, and if there is a ballot initiative in November to decriminalize marijuana that is approved by voters, members of the local coalition hope to see law enforcement focus on other illegal drugs deemed to be dangerous.



“If the voters approve this ballot question, we would expect the reallocation of city public safety resources to shift from marijuana prohibition to dangerous drugs like pharmaceuticals, heroin and methamphetamine, and for Child Protective Services to only pursue cases that have evidence of neglect because of marijuana use, not just evidence of marijuana use.”



Neutral on the subject, Mt. Pleasant City Commissioner Matt Sous recently noted that the city should hold a public hearing to get input from residents, because ballot proposals do not lend themselves to discussion.



McQueen said the local group evolved from concerned members of the community and that community members have been very supportive and accommodating.



In the meantime, the group is collecting signatures to get the question on the Nov. 4 ballot in the city.



If voters approve the initiative, there are still hurdles.



Isabella County Prosecutor Risa Scully said it is her Constitutional obligation to enforce state law and that in some cities where voters have approved similar measures, it is more of a symbolic gesture.



Mt. Pleasant Police Capt. Paul Lauria said the local coalition is doing what other groups have done in other cities, and that police will continue to uphold state and federal law.



If the initiative makes it on the ballot and is approved, it could deter Mt. Pleasant Police officers from enforcing the law, but state police could, Lauria said.



Registered voters living in Mt. Pleasant can sign petitions at Biggby Coffee at 201 S. Mission St., the Smoker’s Club at 100 S. Mission St., or join the coalition’s Facebook page.



What the state and local coalitions are doing is not related to the voter-approved state medical marijuana law.



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Isabella County Prosecutor Risa Scully said it is her Constitutional obligation to enforce state law and that in some cities where voters have approved similar measures, it is more of a symbolic gesture.


I guess voting must be a Symbolic gesture to this person unless said person is on the ballot 

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Coalition members want voters to approve an amendment that would allow for the use, possession or transfer of less than one ounce of marihuana (the spelling of the drug in legal documents) by people 21 and older.





I wonder what they have against two ounces of marihuana?


Sounds like some of that fake decriminalization.

Edited by shishka
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basically cant scrounge up $1mil for a statewide ballot (actually need more like 2-3 million at least) , so we decrim in every city in michigan.


its a good idea but this 'under one ounce' and 'private property' and all that crap doesnt help many people. a few maybe.

lowest law priority also does not help, cops ignore it.


full decrim or nothing, stop wasting time.

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