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Planet Green Trees Radio Tonight


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Planet Green Trees Radio- Tonight 8-10pm

www.planetgreentrees.com or call in 347-326-9626


Hosted by attorney Michael Komorn from Komorn Law and Chad from Birmingham Compassion


Contributions from Rick Thompson from The Compassion Chronicles and Jamie Lowell from The 3rd Coast Compassion Center-


Tonight- The Supreme Court of The United States rules in favor of a traveling medical marijuana patient who had her cannabis medicine confiscated by Arizona authorities, and orders that the medicine must be returned. The 43rd annual Hash Bash and the 13th annual Monroe Street Fair, will take place this weekend, Saturday April 5, kicking off at High Noon in Ann Arbor. Michigan Supreme Court refuses to hear case involving an officer using a fake marihuana card to trick a legitimate caregiver, and our mini-series "Can cannabis cure cancer?" continues.


Joining us tonight- Nick Zettell recent graduate of the University of Michigan working with the UofM chapter of Students for Sensible Drug Policy to organize this year's Hash Bash. Charmie Gholson one of the master of ceremonies for Hash Bash and speakers at the Monroe Street Fair , Charles Strackbein organizer and founder of the Monroe Street Fair, and Ed Rosenthal, world renown cannabis horticulturalist and activist, who will be conducting a cannabis gardening seminar on Friday at 4:20 at the Sheraton in Ann Arbor as well as speaking at both events on Saturday.


Criminal Defense Attorney Daniel Grow, based in Kalamazoo- is representing a client in a medical marihuana case, and was recently denied the ability to use an entrapment defense by the high courts.


Contributing to our ongoing discussion- 'Can cannabis cure cancer?' will be patient Sandra Hanes who will offer her testimonial and account of using cannabis oil to treat cancer.


Michael's rant, news, current events and more!

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I wonder what the rant will be? Will it be about entrapment and weave together Carruthers and the MSC's rejection of People v Jeffery Gene Miller? Any ideas?

Maybe an observation about the four corrections officers who are registered patients busted with cannabutter and refusing a plea would be fun. Does it have any similarity to Carruthers?

Edited by GregS
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