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Come And Get It. Caregiver Pleads Guilty To Backyard Grow

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excellent example of fantasy MI growing. That ridiculous tree would not finish by season end. Its September in the photo, and flower set has just begun. what a putz!  nice, looks like most of  the outdoor schwag I've seen, right up to par! nice looking though

well mr. mcfarland who 'still does not get it,' you failed on "gets along well with others" plus you did not keep the plants hidden from view from adjoining properties.  one is mandatory, the other is common sense as well as a law.

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excellent example of fantasy MI growing. That ridiculous tree would not finish by season end. Its September in the photo, and flower set has just begun. what a putz!  nice, looks like most of  the outdoor schwag I've seen, right up to par! nice looking though

winter be damned; hope springs eternal in the heart of heart of nomad seed slingers who stake their trees and hopes on global warming.  a green house of pvc would have both obscured the trees and insulated them to lengthen the season. 

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Wow...half that tree is up against a shed..LOL....why didn't he just top if and run it along a series of tie downs and put that beast in a Fenced in top to bottom dog cage.  If he had it enclosed in a locked pooch cage he would be good.  That is like chicken wire fencing..LOL.


But that sure is one HUGE bush..!!  :lolu:

Edited by motorcitymeds
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Still doesn't have a secure top on his grow as beautiful as that plant is its far from legal due to set standards by the Republican led vendetta against outdoor grows.



I think me and you will agree on this....OUTDOOR growing should be done in locked greenhouses..!!!  This amatuer shiiyat is like comedy...sadly people have to get dragged thru the legal system to learn to stay low key.

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something tells me that the grower of this tree already knew the risks and rules, but defied the law so he could enact drastic changes to our growing freedoms with a plea bargain in court. I've seen these types for what they are since 2008. Fortunately for them many card holders will excuse and empathize with this poor fellow grower.

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