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Police Are Reportedly Investigating Whether Marijuana Or Other Drugs May Have Played A Role In The Crime.


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the affidavit also sheds light on what was said in the 12-minute-long 911 call made by the victim. The caller identified herself, and told the dispatcher that her husband was talking about the end of the world and said he wanted her to shoot him. She also said her husband was hallucinating and that he was scaring their three small children, according to the affidavit.


Police are reportedly investigating whether marijuana or other drugs may have played a role in the crime.



i would defiantly suspect "other drugs" since cannabis does not cause hallucinations.

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the affidavit also sheds light on what was said in the 12-minute-long 911 call made by the victim. The caller identified herself, and told the dispatcher that her husband was talking about the end of the world and said he wanted her to shoot him. She also said her husband was hallucinating and that he was scaring their three small children, according to the affidavit.


Police are reportedly investigating whether marijuana or other drugs may have played a role in the crime.



i would defiantly suspect "other drugs" since cannabis does not cause hallucinations.

"End of the World" talk is common in some religions. Could this guy have been suffering from religious delusions that were exacerbated by the cannabis? When indulging in cannabis, a sense of humor is of paramount importance.

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and treating it with cannabis infused edibles?

Or not. These things pop up out of the blue and can effect your reasoning. We know it wasn't cannabis because of our vast compiled patient and recreational accountings. Saying cannabis did it would be like saying that asparagus did it. It's possible, but the chances are so remote that it should be the last thing they should blame. Edited by Restorium2
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Guy murders his wife while she is talking to 911 for 12 minutes. Then they throw in the bit about marijuana. Get ready to be pissed off royally.


See here.

OK, the weed did not make him shoot his wife.  Obviously the guy had "other" issues going on.  Maybe his wife got sick of his small pecker..LOL....OR....maybe he was just a fuxin pyscho path from the get go and his time to pop just occured.  There are hundreds of thousands of walking time bombs in this country.  I can guarantee if you look deep into this guys past their is something else going on.  JOb, booze, another man, anti-depresants, or a straight pyscho waiting to pop.


Sorry but weed does not make people shoot people.  Crazy people do crazy shiet.


I know myself I have been on the brink of popping but I always come back to reality when I start thinking of actually killing people and or going to jail.  Only way i would harm another person is if some dummy brings it to me.



Why they always have to bring up marijuana is just beyond me.  This guy could have been on soo many other things...scripted drugs, paxil, viagra...LOL....etc..etc.


It is sad though that these kids have to live with the fact that for the rest of their lives they will wonder why their own father killed their Mom.  Sad...just sad.



people are facking crazy.


i was on my way to a patient in dearborn last night and traveling down Southfield hwy from 696 where it turns from 3 lanes to 2 lanes right from 696 to merge to southfield and some beat up taurus with a black  woman was in the 3 rd lane which is meant for people to speed up and pass the drivers in the slow lane.  This woman did not speed up and when it merged to go to 2 lanes she expected me to let her in.  Which I did not because sorry that is not my problem that you think you have a right to be let in.  This crazy nut job in her her piece of shiiiyat  thenrides my arse trys to pass passes me in the fast left lane on southfield rd...is screaming profanities at me, rolls down her window is throwin her arms up while I just smile at her..it goes on at every light...finally I roll down my window tell her to fux off and sux a bag of diyacks ...because it is not my job to let her in.  The woman is screaming at me to pull over and fight her..LOL.  Which had she been a man I probably would have entertained it....literally I thought for a second if she hopped out her car I would have to knock this nut out.  right on southfield hwy..



I just mocked her retarded language and ignorant hand gestures (possibly gang signs) not sure lol....and laughed it off....


My point is that people are FUXIN insane,  How this individual thought because she had some right to enter into my lane which she clearly she knew merged into 2 lanes is beyond me.  However after living in all 3 counties in Michigan I have come to realize it does not even matter where you are there are ignorant people everywhere with nothing to live for and will try to take you down with them over some absolutely ignorant shiiyat.


And because people think they can act out and not get immediate and severe reactions is why lots of people act as they do.


If people were allowed to live as in the days of the wild west and if you pop off with violence to get met with immediate violence lots of this shiiyat would never happen.  if you attack someone and are met with brunt force as a result of your actions people woould wake the fux up.


But because people know they can get off with say probation or just a threat of a record they continue to act like animals.  To me if you act like an animal and get met with animalistic force well then you get what you deserve.  But sadly people in today's society know the rules and continue to act ignorantly and have no fear because in lots of cases being thrown in jail with 3 meals and shelter is a better living situation than what they currently have.



And with that I am done with my rant.  Deep down I just wanted to pull over and knock this woman out.  it does not matter that she was black.  Had it been some methed out craackur jack would have reacted the same.  race, man or woman had nothing to do with it.  because had it been a man that almost tried to smash my car and get out i would have gladly obliged because in cases with immediate violence all you can do sometimes is react to the immediate threat and squash it...or ignore it and take the person as insane.  I opted to keep driving and not seccumb to a totally insane persons outburst because she did not get her way.



This guy in the above article who killed his wife probably had some history of violence and never learned his lesson I am sure.  Because had he had his arse beat HARD he probably would not have pulled a gun on his own wife the SCUM BAG.



Now if HELL exists he will rot in it. 

Edited by motorcitymeds
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I dont know about the rest of you, but brownies with mm kick my butt lol, 1st time it took to long to feel it, so I ate another, when the 1st one hit I was couch locked, I was still hanging on the couch when the 2nd brownie kicked in, I had no ilusions of death or homicide, im not saying it cant happen to people with mental problems who go off of their meds w/o their docs helping them thru it,


Oh by the way, now every time I do a medible, I use more than directed, and it always trips me out real good, I feel no pain or I just dont care lol!


I have known alot of people growing up and as an adult that use mm and it hasnt made any one kill any one that I know of, now if some one is already planning to kill some one and wants to burn one first it dont mean the mm did it, kinda like guns dont kill people, people kill people! I have owned guns from a very young age, I was one rowdie phaq growing up, and I never broke out a gun while me and friends smoked way more than we needed just because we could, but we did order pizza's and get the munchies big time, and we def acted like a bunch of idiots, but none of us are murderes!



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The latest is that "he allegedly consumed marijuana edibles and began hallucinating".

weed does not make you hallucinate unless your really, really fackin nuts..!!!!  Bi-polar, pysc-phrenic,. multiple personality, etc,....etc.


If I owned a dispensary in Denver I would have everyone sign a quick waiver that states if you are on any meds, or have been treated with any anti-pyschotics and consume ANY of our meds WE ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR your actions after consuming our product.  Just like Pfizer, ELi LILLy and all the other big companies do in their commercials we all see onTV do..!!


This way if you claim your sane then consume a weed product then go kill  someone ...well then your just straight fackin nuts.  And the fact that you signed a waiver stating your not on any anit-pyschotic meds proives that you willingly intended to do harm way bnefore you consumed one of the stores products.


WhenI was in Denver they just checked my MI ID and off I went into the store (kindman) in Denver.  I was amazed that they did not have any quick waivers for me to sign about driving on the products or operating heavy machinery...etc...etc.  However I def see waivers coming down the pipeline in COlrado and other legal states so these owners can cover their rears against nut jobs who already pre-planned out episodes but wanted to go out on some sort of bangin note.

Edited by motorcitymeds
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When I was taken off of my narco's cold turkey, I lost alot of days, it was like 3 yrs ago and I still cant remember what was real and what wasnt,,I do know waking up in I.C.U 8 days after going to jail was real, the rest I couldnt tell ya, and I have a ton of questions still unanswered in my mind. I dont remember being sick, but I remember way to many bunkies for me to have just been in one cell, They were kiting me out of their cells because I was sick and coo coo for coa coa puffs! and instead of sending me to the affirmary or hospital they almost killed me! Thanks clare county!



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When I was taken off of my narco's cold turkey, I lost alot of days, it was like 3 yrs ago and I still cant remember what was real and what wasnt,,I do know waking up in I.C.U 8 days after going to jail was real, the rest I couldnt tell ya, and I have a ton of questions still unanswered in my mind. I dont remember being sick, but I remember way to many bunkies for me to have just been in one cell, They were kiting me out of their cells because I was sick and coo coo for coa coa puffs! and instead of sending me to the affirmary or hospital they almost killed me! Thanks clare county!



So your lesson of the story is DO NOT USE SCRIPTED NARCOTICS ayy ...Phaq..? 

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Now they're saying the guy bought marijuana-infused candy and a pre-rolled joint in the hours before he shot his wife. Oh wait, we now gotta add some opioids to the mix: "Police say 47-year-old Richard Kirk also may have taken prescription pain medication before he began acting erratically." 

By initial public accounts, the guy was otherwise well-balanced, good father, family man, coach, etc.


CBS4 asked Shane Kirk (his brother) "about the possibility of his brother being high on drugs when his wife called 911. He replied that he was shocked that Richard Kirk was using pot. “I’m wondering, this marijuana, where ever he (Richard) got it from,” Shane Kirk said. “I didn’t know marijuana could do this.”


I didn’t know marijuana could do this.


ALMOST ALL the headlines about the murder - google news "richard kirk" - include "pot candy" or "pot role". 


Expect this to be used big time by anti-cannabis forces, who have always been adept at confusing those who don't understand that correlation does not imply causation. 

Edited by zachw
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good to see that the war on drugs is still in full effect, even in the weed-friendly center of the legalization state.


a lot of people thought we won or were near to winning. maybe they thought these people just gave up?

its going to be a battle on every issue until the bitter end. give no quarter. assemble the troops!

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Or not. These things pop up out of the blue and can effect your reasoning. We know it wasn't cannabis because of our vast compiled patient and recreational accountings. Saying cannabis did it would be like saying that asparagus did it. It's possible, but the chances are so remote that it should be the last thing they should blame.

I wonder if he drinks milk?

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