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Reset The Net

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News Release

May 5, 2014



Tech companies, diverse organizations, thousands of individuals announce plan to 'Reset the Net' on anniversary of first Snowden surveillance story


Popular companies and sites including reddit, imgur, DuckDuckGo, CREDO Mobile, and BoingBoing stand with diverse coalition of organizations, plan to announce security improvements while thousands of Internet users oppose mass surveillance by adopting encryption technology



Today, a coalition of thousands of Internet users, companies and organizations launched a campaign for a day of action to “Reset The Net” on June 5th, 2014, the anniversary of the first NSA surveillance story revealed by whistleblower Edward Snowden. Tens of thousands of internet activists, companies and organizations committed to preserving free speech and basic rights on the Internet by taking steps to shutting off the government’s mass surveillance capabilities.


Watch the campaign video and see a full list of participants here: http://ResetTheNet.org


More than 20 organizations and companies support the launch of the campaign, including Fight For The Future (who initiated the campaign) along with reddit, CREDO Mobile, Imgur, Greenpeace, Libertarian Party, FireDogLake, Thunderclap, DuckDuckGo, Disconnect.Me, Demand Progress, Access, Free Press, Restore the Fourth, AIDS Policy Project, PolitiHacks, OpenMedia, Free Software Foundation, Bill of Rights Defense Committee, Code Pink, Popular Resistance, Participatory Politics Foundation, BoingBoing, Public Knowledge, Amicus, New America Foundation’s Open Technology Institute, Progressive Change Campaign Committee, Student Net Alliance, and the Center for Democracy and Technology.


Organizations and companies across the technology industry and political spectrum oppose the bulk collection of data on all internet users. Reset The Net is a day of action to secure and encrypt the web to shut out the government’s mass surveillance capabilities.


The Reset The Net website details the coalition of companies and organizations which are participating, either by improving their own security for users or promoting privacy tools to their members. Internet users are invited to join in on the day of Reset The Net to install privacy and encryption tools and secure their personal digital footprint against intrusive surveillance.

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