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Caregiver Motivation


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For the caregivers that frequent this forum, I'm curious - what motivates you to keep doing it? Does anyone really do it for the money, or is more about fighting for what you believe in? Are you hoping to be well positioned to capitalize on (possible) eventual legalization? All of the above, perhaps?

To give your answers some context, please also mention how long you've been operating as a caregiver.

Thanks in advance to anyone wishing to share their thoughts on this.

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When the law in Michigan was first enacted I already had about 10 years of experience growing marijuana. I did not have any experience with the "designer seeds" nor did I have any experience with hydroponics. I stayed 100% under the radar.


I quickly learned what I wanted and needed about the seeds and equipment options. For instance inline fans for better ventilation, hoods for better lighting. I was more at ease in looking into those things and making purchases.


A couple of years of being a caregiver for some close friends and being involved in compassion clubs I was shown the video Run From the Cure. I then became intrigued by the concentrated cannabis oil. I met a cancer patient at a club meeting. He was looking for an alternative to modern medicine and wanted to try the oil. I wanted to see what the oil could do. This case was successful. I saw with my own eyes that my grow room produces high quality medicine that can really make a difference in people's lives.


I have learned that you can safely consume cannabis in a medicinal manner. Preferably by ingesting and or vaporizing concentrates. This is my opinion.


I kind of stuck around to help people realize that they can make their own medicine themselves. Also, what you can truly do with cannabis in your own home.


I'm not in it for the money. I'm not in it for attention or notoriety. For the most part, it is a hobby that not only benefits me, but is a benefit to others too. The hobby has expanded through technology to the internet, learning from others and teaching too. So far, I can say it has been a fun and interesting experience. I have been lucky in that respect.


I am all for cannabis being used recreationally too. I believe it is much safer than alcohol. Personally, I would rather see someone turn to their vaporizer after a long day's work than turn to a six pack or pharmaceuticals.

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I do it to provide patients with safe access to medical cannabis it also helps offsets the cost of growing for myself as well the extra money is always a plus but don't kid yourself unless your running a full scale grow with everyone of your plant count in play theres not a ton of money being made being a caregiver.

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 the extra money is always a plus

i think you are saying that the $ return on labor in producing for patients, and the coverage of costs of producing for yourself, makes it attractive, since you are a patient and you are either going to buy it or produce it?

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as the son of a Mother who has twice survived Cancer and to a Father lost to it.. i am always in it first to learn and teach about the cure.


i really love the miracle of life i see everyday


the smell alone of a fresh garden in bloom is nearly enough to cure most ailments...  it is truly heavenly


i want to know what i am ingesting..


learning to grow and care for cannabis has helped me with my PTSD issues, anxiety, sobriety and social skills.


it has taught me to care for our planet and that we need to protect our food web more than anything.


it has given me hope that Human beings can learn from each other.


I continue to try to learn about my bodies ability to help itself and what i can do to assist it in that process...cannabis keeps my mind in focus and allows  me to continue in my personal approach to healing. 


I truly Love this plant. 


Thank you God.



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I do it because it makes me feel good, it makes my lady feel good, and it is way better than a 6 pack to relax to in the evenings,,plus to know you helped some one, there is no better feeling to me!


I never want to be a big grower, I only want what I have now, of course I would take on a pt or 2 more if I knew some one indegent and couldnt afford their meds. For personal reasons new pt's would have to live in my county.  Nothiing would make me happier than to help some one get their appetite back and a good nite sleep, maybe even a bunch of smiles!


Plus my plants are good listeners and they dont talk back to me, they just stretch and smile for me!




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Purely selfish reasons.  I enjoy helping others with their pain and suffering and I like fighting against a corrupt government that is trying to oppress it's people.  Oh, and I love being self sufficient and learning.  I'm sure there is more because I don't think I'd risk what I do just for those reasons but that's probably the top motivating factors.  Oh and I have the support of my wife.  Maybe I'm just trying to find my place in this crazy world.

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I grow pot because I have to. I have never even considered living a life without marijuana, whatever you wana call it even spelt wrong. I don't do this because of some personal choice or political f'in reason.Marijuana BENEFITS MY LIFE I do this because it is my free choice as a human to cultivate a plant that has been around since the beginning of time. 40 years of prohibition will never make up for thousands of years of evolution. The police and prosecutors have no rite to make this a crime. The reason that there are problems from drugs are associated with the PROIBITION of them. The media never addresses the mass graves near the rio grande river. I grown pot most of my life and never have had a problem until I registered with the great state of Michigan. Everyone is congradulating the pres of uraguay for legalizing it... but all he has done is swet them up for a big fall... like Oakland and Macomb county. He will turn around and arrest them all. He will let the cartels thrive with liscenses and shut everyone else down. just watch.

I have 2 childhood friends who commited suicide, one in custody and one on bond, because the darn pigs kidnap them steal all their money and threaten them with LIFE. Now the same charges are technical violations of the MMMA at best. Any cop reading this should burn in hell if they ever ruined someone's life. The cop that got me lied and said he had a horrible disease. I looked him dead in the eyes and told him I hope his kids get it and die. If there wasn't any other pigs there I would have got my butt whooped. Any cop, da, lawyer or judge ruining someone for something that still needs clarification is a total and complete gentleman and deserves to slowly burn in hell. HELLO MOLLY AND METH ARE KILLING KIDS. YOU HAD 30 YEARS TO STOP CRACK TOO. WARS HAVE BEEN FOUGHT FOR HEROIN SINCE BEGINNING OF TIME YOU DON'T HAVE A RITE TO JUDGE PEOPLE WHO HARM NOONE WHEN ALL YOUR SYSTEM OFFERS IS 30% UNEMPLOYMENT

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can any one read this? It would realy help if people didnt make their writing smaller than what the default is in here, even my reading glasses cant read this, it is a good thing I know how to type and dont have to look at the scrreen when I type, I know im not to great at spelling but I know how to type or at least I know where the home row is, I took 2 yrs of typing, only because typing had all girls in the class and that is where I wanted to be, plus the teacher was hot too!



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many flowers are edible, nutritious and digestible. Cannabis produces flower tops when mature in every sense of the word, containing all of the parts of a flower.  They do upset my stomach though.  I admit to enjoying the eating of the bits scraped off of my harvest scissors, but smoking it is very pleasurable too. I love the idea of eating my mj for my effects, and man have I tried,......just cant stand it for some reason. Tea is changing it up for me.

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