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Drug Test Every Officer Who Fires A Gun....


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Drug test every officer who fires a gun.... in the line of duty


14 Dec, 2014




Congressmen on cocaine? White officers killing black civilians? And we drug test… the unemployed? Outrageous.






by Rick Thompson/November 14, 2014 http://thecompassionchronicles.com/2014/12/14/drug-test-every-officer-who-fires-a-gun-in-the-line-of-duty/


FLINT- In America we’re in love with the drug test. We make welfare recipients test to get their benefits, we even test the unemployed to see if they’re high- let’s use the test to advance public safety: drug test every police officer who discharges their weapon in the line of duty.


Stories of public officials out of control dominate the news cycle. Trey Radel, Congressman, caught with cocaine. He voted for drug testing of people enrolled in welfare programs. Was he high when he voted for it? We should know. Missouri, New York, Florida- you have killer cops in your midst. Were they high when they took a life? We should know.


Cops are going to hate this. If you’re clean on the job, you have nothing to fear- just like the welfare-ians who just want food for their children. If an officer’s decision-making skills were altered when he pulled the trigger because he is still hung over from the drunken night out yesterday, we should know that. So should lawyers for the person who was fired at- or was shot.


When you strap on that sidearm and don the uniform of a law enforcement officer you should be clear-headed and unaltered. The unemployed may represent a financial burden to the citizenry but they aren’t dangerous.


Officers are a threat to our safety and welfare even when totally sober, because of the rights and privileges society bestows upon them. Who’re the only people that can legally drive 100 mph? Police. Who is allowed to wear a firearm in an elementary school? Police. Who has the right to pull and point their gun at any thing or any one that they feels threatens them, regardless of where they are or what the circumstance is? Police.


Although is may be unconstitutional to drug test every politician or sheriff when they punch their time card in the morning, it certainly is Constitutional to drug test them when their behavior warrants it. Get in a car crash? Drug test. Gotta vote on an Omnibus spending bill? Get a drug test. Go to pick up your welfare check? You get the idea.


Even Peter Parker’s grandfather knows that, “With great power comes great responsibility.” The responsibility endowed by the occupation comes with an obligation of sobriety, and Americans love to not take someone’s word for it that they aren’t altered.


The number of times police fire their weapon annually is a tiny number compared to the number of times drivers are sent to the clinic or hospital to be drug tested because an officer in the field suspects they are under the influence. As a society, we’ve decided this is a legitimate expenditure of funds and a legitimate way to control the population’s behavior. Let’s control the behavior of the police and learn the real truth behind America’s trend to shoot first and interview later.

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