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Cast Your Vote: Should Minors Use Medical Marijuana?

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GRAND BLANC, MI -- Ida Chinonis said in January she decided to introduce her 6-year-old daughter, Bella Chinonis, to medical marijuana.


Bella has a genetic disorder called 1p36 deletion syndrome that causes a number of problems, including developmental delays, seizures and limited speech ability. She


also is in stage renal failure, which is also known as kidney failure, and has multiple holes in her heart.


The Grand Blanc girl has been taking cannabis oil for nearly six months. Since then, Chinonis says Bella has made strides.


As of April 2015, there were 150 patients under the age of 18 registered with the state of Michigan to use medical marijuana. In less than three years, that number has


more than tripled. In 2012, there were only an estimated 44 children registered for medical marijuana use in Michigan.


Chinonis said the process was not easy for their family. Bella's neurologist would not prescribe the medical marijuana and they had to seek outside help from two other


doctors -- one from Detroit and another who flew in from Texas.


In Michigan, a child has to have the approval of two doctors before the state will consider approving a medical marijuana card for a minor. Only one is needed for adults.


The use of medical marijuana for minors has been controversial among some medical professionals.


The American Academy of Pediatrics issued a statement saying they oppose the use of marijuana for minors. According to their web site their reason for not


supporting its use is because of, "the negative health and brain development effects of marijuana in children and adolescents, ages 0 through 21 years."


Robin Schneider, legislative liaison for the National Patients Rights Association, an agency that advocates for medical marijuana patients, says education about the


drug means the difference between people supporting or refusing the use of medical marijuana.


"I find that doctors who attend trainings and classes understand the use of medical marijuana and support its use," Schneider said. "I see what happens when children use


medical marijuana. I don't know scientifically why or how it works, but I've witnessed it."


Cast your vote on whether you feel that children should use medical marijuana.






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this is an odd article, since most of the info is in this article that was posted by the same reporter:



whats going on??


this explains a lot , from the comments:

VillageJen 4 hours ago

Funny, I don't recall a poll about whether my baby should be given oxycontin. (He was.)


Jiquanda Johnson | jjohns16@mlive.com 3 hours ago

@VillageJen I didn't know it was safe to prescribe or give children oxycontin.

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