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(My Story) I Really Don't Know What's Worse...

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Pain or loneliness!?! I moved up from the south about 11 months ago now where it was very conservative, so of course medical marijuana was not legal. After MANY MANY years on pain pills and needing stronger and stronger cause your body gets use it after so long, I almost lost my life over it and came really close to death. After many injections, procedures, etc. that we're only a temporary fix and stopped working all together and a failed surgery, my depression only grew worse. It really messes with your head being in constant pain all the time and your activities being really limited cause it hurts to be standing/sitting for periods of time. Anyhoo, I jumped at the chance when my brother was moving here to go to school. I have been finding some success and some failures treating my pain. So yes I am happy about that and I'm back on depression medicine (hell to the yes!) ....but I'm having a hard time. The loneliness is killing me here. I've always been pretty shy but it's gotten worse since I've been through a lot of trauma in my life. But in spite of that, I have been making an effort.


It's so different here. The people are VERY different. Being a southern girl when we meet people new, we want to get to know you and we are friendly, inclusive, etc. The people here are more reserved, like to keep to themselves, don't like to include outsiders like they have enough friends and not interested in any new ones. It's hard to explain especially when medicated. Please don't take it as I'm trying to knock it or attack the people of this lovely state. I'm so not that type of girl, just an honest, loving and caring to fault, sweet, friendly person. And yet, I have not made one friend in the whole 11 months of being here. With having to take care of my brother and sister-in-law's dogs all day and then having only them to talk to at night, it becomes a little much at times. It's incredibly lonely. Sometimes I ask myself which is worse...being in pain all the time or being lonely. My answer is constantly changing!!

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Not sure of you exact location, but there are still a few compassion clubs out there that are a great place to meet people of a like mind. Other than that I can only offer condolences as I'm not a very social person myself. I have been up here for almost 5 years now, and I do still have the outsider feeling a lot of the time. Michigan can change a lot from local area to local area as well, so you may need to try and branch out from your local area a bit more, if you still have issues.

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i agree with you about making friends in this state.

its easier if you get into hobbies and then meet up with other people who do the same hobbies.

like gardening clubs, sports (disc golf?), book clubs @ library, volunteering at various things. etc


what are your hobbies?



heres a good way to meet people, contact the milegalize campaign.




get in touch with them, go collect signatures for the ballot proposal with other people.

you'll meet a lot of other volunteers and maybe make friends that way.

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 I am Volunteering at the  2015 FORD ARTS, BEATS AND EATS it is in Royal Oak so i don't need any $$ for Gas Ha Ha  this is my 2rd year i do a lot of Volunteering  all throughout the Year   Ring the Bell , Walk with me Easter Seals , Detroit Grand Prix Racing on the Island, Fun, Fun, Fun Till you daddy takes the T-Bird away Lol


I like going to the VA Hospital in the D because people many of them just don't have anyone to talk to when they are sick and old also i see a good friend thats about two blocks away for their and he does have some Great Cannabis  staying busy is staying young Imo

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i agree with you about making friends in this state.

its easier if you get into hobbies and then meet up with other people who do the same hobbies.

like gardening clubs, sports (disc golf?), book clubs @ library, volunteering at various things. etc


what are your hobbies?



heres a good way to meet people, contact the milegalize campaign.




get in touch with them, go collect signatures for the ballot proposal with other people.

you'll meet a lot of other volunteers and maybe make friends that way.

 go collect signatures for the ballot proposal with other people. < I am glad you said with others i think i would do more signatures if i had that going for me

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It was real friendly here around the time that the MMMA became law. I remember going to compassion clubs and trading cannabis and plants with total strangers. Met a lot of nice people. At least once a week the clubs would have meetings and the cannabis flowed freely. It was great fun. Then the Republicans in the state decided that we were having too much fun (a distinctly Republican state of mind it seems) and forced the police to crack down. It hasn't been real fun or real friendly ever since. Now, instead of going to compassion clubs to meet cannabis friendly people, we go to their court proceedings to support them after the latest bust. What a difference 6 years has made.

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Suppose it alk depends on the area u r in... For options to meet people, but i feel ya on having a different vibe out here. I am sure a lot of this has to do w my area, but i also landed in a2 originally and still felt an underlying vibe that peeps were looking out for themselves first and foremost... Real friendly if it served them, but otherwise...? That said, iv met some really good and decent human beings here as well... Just like anywhere in america, you will find the full range.


U could try dog walking for people... Let u earn some cash, keep after ur dogs, and meet other pet people, which to me r a generally good pool of humans to associate with.


There really r some good people involved in the mmj movement as well, and like others said, try to find a local compassion club. Some places even have it set up with a lounge where u can just hang out. Many of us though, esp growers, really keep to ourselves, however decent we may be. U will likely find other patients however.


Welcome to Michigan, and do wish u well here.

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I understand where you are coming from. The area where I live people are very reserved. There is a reason why, at least in my experience. I hate to say it, but a lot of times people don't want to get to know anyone new, the odds are, it will bring more problems into their life. It has turned that way where I live over the past 15 years. Maybe it is because I live in a poor community. Where I used to live, just 15 miles away in a subdivision, people would come by daily, begging, lying, conning, scamming, cheating, etc. I was raised in a way that you do favors not expecting anything in return, however, I never expected to be robbed for my kindness. My home and sheds were broken into multiple times and sadly, it was probably people who I knew, who I allowed into my life. I hope it is not like this for everyone in Michigan, but it has been like that for me. There are really good people in Michigan. It just takes time to get to know them. I have only met a couple people near me that I truly trust, and that trust is mutual. At first it was difficult for me to cope with such a private life, but I got used to it. Taking RSO (decarbed concentrated cannabis oil) has made it easier. If you have not tried it, you may just want to.


This is pretty much my social life, forums and facebook of course communicating with my plants! :) I suppose being a caregiver does have a lot to do with it though. :D


Edit: One of my close friends that was from my area moved out of state to the Dakotas. This person said it is a completely different world out there, everyone is super nice. Maybe it is because Michigan is so broke? I understand that North and South Dakota are doing pretty well financially. Here in Michigan where I am, I am leery of over-friendly people due to past experiences. I do live in a considerably small town too.

Edited by GrowGoddess
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I live in the Upper Peninsula and most people are very friendly here. Easy to make friends and make acquaintances.  I think this is a lower Michigan problem. Too many shittty city dwellers.  One of the reasons I moved here. :-)


 There are good people everywhere. It just takes time and effort to make it happen.  But, you need to get out of your doorway and down to the street to meet.  :-)


Ya just gotta poke around.

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I've lived all over till I settled and noticed a few things--- the longer the dirt road you live on takes to get plowed in the winter..... the nicer the neighbors on that road are year round.

The less Walmart shoppers in the neighborhood, the softer they speak.

One gas station in town....bicycles left out on lawns all night....but two gas stations in town ...and ALL the bicycles on the block are chained to something all day

the shorter the grass, the less unlicensed cars on the block

The more dirt driveways, the less locked front doors.

Farther north....more patients, less caregivers needed


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