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If You Were Going To Start A Marijuana Business Which Would You Choose And Why?


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I like you wozerdozer and I will give you the truth.


The choice would be: 6 none of the above.


That leaves two other options since you are referring to business, money. Currently when it comes to money, the safest gamble would be black market and it would probably be the most profitable. It hurts to say the truth, but it is what it is.


I am not looking for the money, I have a good job. My preferred option would be essential oil, herbatology, and medical marijuana shop for medicinal use. I would like to combine the three. I would be trying to go for that right now if our government would allow medical marijuana to be safe.


I believe it requires all three for long term success. I am looking at it from a medicinal point of view. I know there is a lot of money in recreational, but I don't think it exceeds the medicinal potential for money. When it comes to medicinal, the real deal, people will pay anything to get the best.


Just my take on this hypothetical post.

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Of the choices you have limited us to, i'd go for multiple corporate locations of number 1 with all consumables produced in-house (for reasons of quality control and production efficiency, since the corporation would be vertically integrated).    (The lone exception would be black dog lab products, since i don't think they can be improved upon).  I'd move all growing to billy liar hydro builds and feed sf organics, then expand retail to all the great locations (location, location, location) available, then expand by buying dr greenthumbs seed operation and convert doc's intuitive breeding to dna-profile and terpine-profile determined.

I'd go the superior quality route due to the premium prices that patients and joyriders will pay for stellar predictable effect and efficacy, time after time.  I'd follow a starbucks or subway expansion model and not a mcdonald's model, which relies upon vendors.

none of numbers 2-4 has a track record sufficient to build mega-monster sales upon. Dispensaries do.

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indigro:  i am not being mean but i am being incisive, which is not meant to cut you up...but to make you put up your plan...how would you pay back the loan provided by the 'large financial backer ' whom op references?  a backer who provided the money to you specifically to be invested in the marijuana industry, the 'current dot-com boom'--THAT'S WHY HE CAME TO YOU.  if a loan and not an equity investment, the money is prolly at 12%.  12% is hard to outrun.  I know so from having had 12% loans on start-ups.

Now, maybe you would have turned the money down?  but if you took it, maybe the 'large financial backer' got equity?  that requires that you make money so there's a pot of profits to split with him.  you don't approve of profits?  then how are you with the loss of everything you own?  start-up loan terms (if not from a blood relative), often state that the backer has full recourse to all of the business' assets plus signer's (your) personal assets (your car, your house, your retirement savings, your favorite vaporizer).  (toothbrush excluded as a very personal item). oh yah, you may get non-recourse, at 20%!

my answer was to create a business earning enough money and expanding earnings for long enough to pay the backer off.  in the case of a loan that's typically 7 years.

i have been on both sides of ops post, what are your qualifications?



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yep, so far they are the only winners in the marijuana court. makes me wonder of the "legal" help in the drafts of (all) our laws. More doctors than lawyers graduating?

Makes sense they'd be writing laws about all kinds of things to benefit themselves in one way or another if they can. It could be the prerequisite to a future political appointment for some. Private prisons are very popular investments among the financially successful.  They are filling up quickly with hundreds of new laws written yearly.

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let me be plain.  until its legally ok, i amend my answer concerning what i would do, to retain only the portion concerning greenthumb seeds.  i disapprove of disps until they are boldly ok in our laws, and in court practice.   i don't have one anymore, cause i couldn't do the time that's been handed out to some operators.  20 years no parole?  yet lotsa folks must think that if it does happen to them they can remain alive enuf to do every day of their time.  practically speaking, one new disp opens on vernor avenue, in detroit, one mile from me, every month.  

the economic impact of a disp is positive. but it is legally repugnant when the law says, 'no,' yet their existence is allowed by a prosecutor.  my good buddy has a disp, and a former friend has a big one that's operating as if the shake-out is already here.  he is buying weaker ones and leaving everything the same, except product sourcing. biz is slow at a third of them but expansion won't stop until people personally know of a bud who had a disp and lost his and his family's asss due to financial issues (a gas-war in the disp trade) and not via police action. the former means that chances at big riches fast are past, while evading police attention only requires prosecuters who don't have the will (or the budget) (or the staff) to pursue legal extermination.


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 Why do you say when and if its allowed? Isnt GC3 a farmers market? If they arent allowed rite now how is GC3 able to conduct business?

prosecutorial negligence, for whatever reason:

personal use?  not a patient, and can't be, yet yearns for a steady varied supply? relatives are growers and plead for easy acces to sales?  and genetics?  a dea cop-operative in deep cover, fingering huge and illegal grows?  political supporters who contribute huge money to buy access?  maybe even owns a % of the action?  truly believes he is dong the lords work making better access to medicine?  a true believer in herb for the masses? shooottteeeezzzz sworn political enemy? his wife is the owner's sister?  the township supes want it and have sworn to put out an army to defeat any official who doesn't?  

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maybe I was wrong, I suppose option 1 if you live in Detroit.



I guess they are allowed to open dispensaries, even with a drive through! Look through the photos of the new facility from the link above.


I sure wish the state offered the same opportunities as Detroit.


I would still be afraid to choose my first choice, even if I lived in Detroit. I have seen many articles of alternative or holistic doctors that have been getting bumped off all around the county.

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Last year facebook sizzled with the same conspiracy, except they were bankers(thank shiva)

snopes has some to say of the doctors' snuffing. turns out some of them killed by their own spouses, business as usual in

the states.





"Take out the conspiratorial elements (and indeed, the conspiracy posts are full of weasel words, assumptions, and random bits of vague hearsay) and what do you have left? A group of people in disparate fields spread across the country who died of disparate causes. The fact that a couple of them happened to work in holistic medicine, and a couple of them happened to live in Florida and Georgia is simply not statistically significant. Millions of people work in the medical profession, and statistically, some of them are going to die every day. These are random occurrences that look like a pattern if you want it to, not an actual pattern."

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