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Are Greenhouses Legal In Manchester Village , Washtenaw County...


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Is it legal to grow in an enclosed greenhouse with a locking door and a 10 ft fence around greenhouse that blocks view from neighbors, road, etc ? How does this local ordinance affect caregivers .? http://www.scribd.com/mobile/doc/80781161/Manchester-medical-marijuana-ordinance


Any caregivers in area - do you have this special use permit?

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these local ordinances against the mmma law were deemed invalid in ter beek v wyoming michigan supreme court case.




because they conflict with the mmma law that says a patient and caregiver cannot be fined or penalized IN ANY WAY for medical use/growing/etc. the mmma law takes precendence over local ordinances, mmma law 333.26427 subsection e


333.26427 Scope of act; limitations.


(e) All other acts and parts of acts inconsistent with this act do not apply to the medical use of marihuana as provided for by this act.

recent news about a lawyer threatening a lawsuit against a city that had an ordinance


the township decided to not enforce or repeal the ordinance:





all that said, the supreme court said the cities could come up with ordinances that did not conflict with the mmma. although to my knowledge, no city has been able to figure it out yet.

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Sounds like the setup you are proposing is OK.  Generally speaking, growing outside has additional risks.  To avoid legal attention .... DON'T let your neighbors know.  I've spoken at length to LAWNET and they will come visit you if they get a complaint from a neighbor or passer by, regardless of your legal standing.  If you are 100% legal then the visit will be friendly.


Another concern is being robbed.  There are groups that drive around the country-side looking for setups like yours.  If you're lucky they just take what you got outside.  If you're unlucky they'll come in the home.  Make sure you have security measures in place. 


Growing outside has it's risks.   

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If you're in Manchester Village then you have neighbors close.  Smell will be an issue and enough to bring legal attention.  When they show up they might not catch you in violation but by just showing up will bring attention to your grow.  The added attention may very well mean more headaches for you. 


Not sure how you can control the smell in a GH unless you seal and filter/scrub it.  Sealing a GH doesn't sound appealing.     

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