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Sanders Says He'd Remove Marijuana From Federal Drug List

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Until it becomes legal and they are sold at outlets.  One thing I do know, whenever I think I know just what will happen, something i hadn't thought about  is presented.  No one can predict the future until the problems arise.

Do you think people should be able to spray synthetic THC and Terpenes on MJ and sell it to the public?  What about concentrates?  Eventually you'll realize that No regulation whatsoever may not be a good thing.

Shoot I was buying 2 for $3 at age 12 in front of a restaurant.  Not saying it's wrong cause I did it myself but what say you?  What happens when your kid comes home on a heavy dose of oil?  Will you care if someone else sold it to them and you weren't involved?  Kid could pass out, fall down and hit his or her head.  Personally it'd really tinkle me off if some parents handing out medibles at a 12 yo party.  First time I smoked I was 11yo with the parent of a classmate out of a alum foil toilet paper roll.  She smoked with all the 7th grade kids.  Back then it was shwag from Mexico and no hash or concentrates but I slept right thru 3 fillings at the dentist that day.

Certain things pulling the kid card is uncalled for but you can't say that there is NO reason to worry about kids and MJ.And to talk to people who haven't smoked or are partial anti, you'll never convince them to vote for a bill without guards since no matter how true the no issue it is, certain adults will NEVER get on board with something like decrim.  Sorry, just the reality of it.

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China?  The only way china can influence our superior  home grown product would be if the greedy legislature passes restrictive laws, thus encouraging the black market. 



The regulation is because people are ingesting it.


Like a tomato?  


 The regulations are to keep it out of the hands of kids also.  Unless you think 12yo should be able to buy a pack of joints without parental consent?


What keeps anything harmful out of 12 year olds hands is good parenting and education. 

You have your head in the sand if you dont see how easy it is for our youth to access the black market, in schools even.  The regulations create the opportunity, not to mention the cartels marketing these drugs in the form of candy bars, suckers, gummy bears.  Who is  worried about the kids?


You pay more for insurance because you make poor life  choices.


  Cannabis is so unique it is unfair to categorize it with alcohol or tobacco, Cannabis is a medicine unlike the poison that is tobacoo and alcohol.   


Free the Weed ....NO Crime NO Time No Fine

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Did the US pass restrictive laws to have China take over our industry?  To save the environment, yes they did.  Do people buy dogfood laced with heavy metals and toxins from China, yes they do.  So how do you think they wouldn't buy cheap pot grown in toxic soils? I don't know why people do these things, maybe out of necessity or just being cheap.

Like a tomato, can you take too many tomatos and fall and hurt yourself?  Sorry your tomato analogy is flawed.  THC is an intoxicant and can make it so you shouldn't drive or ride a bike or sometimes walk when you are starting out.  Making it seem too inocuous is why some people have a bad time on medibles.

I didn't compare it to cigarettes and alcohol, resto did.  i had to correct why things you ingest are regulated.

And I don't see people buying six packs and smokes for kids like i did when I was younger.

Umm, I'm trying to make it so tehre is no need for a black market and if there is selling to youth, there are repercussions.

Believe whatever you want but I'm not trying to get regulations to protect from the weed(except for kids without parents consent) it's to protect from teh person or corp or country growing the weed.

So you think we should let kids drink alcohol at any age?  You said parenting is the only thing that keeps 12 yo away from something, so why not take out the restrictions on alcohol and smokes?  Alcohol is good for you in moderation, so is MJ.

But Resto is fine with people spraying pot with synthetic THC and terpenes and selling it to kids?  Why do you answer what you can and skip what suits you?  These are hard questions and to say you have them all acounted for is like someone choosing a pres candidate NOW.

Believe what you want but don't try and sell it to me.

China?  The only way china can influence our superior  home grown product would be if the greedy legislature passes restrictive laws, thus encouraging the black market. 



Like a tomato?  


What keeps anything harmful out of 12 year olds hands is good parenting and education. 

You have your head in the sand if you dont see how easy it is for our youth to access the black market, in schools even.  The regulations create the opportunity, not to mention the cartels marketing these drugs in the form of candy bars, suckers, gummy bears.  Who is  worried about the kids?


You pay more for insurance because you make poor life  choices.


  Cannabis is so unique it is unfair to categorize it with alcohol or tobacco, Cannabis is a medicine unlike the poison that is tobacoo and alcohol.   


Free the Weed ....NO Crime NO Time No Fine

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Maybe trying to validate a candidate who will help our cause?

if a candidate makes a huge bold promise to remove marijuana from the phc, then he gets a ton of support and cheers... then that may encourage other candidates to follow.


heres a guy who says he would deschedule marijuana, the SAME DECRIM YOU GUYS ARE ASKING FOR and you find some other reason to reject it. what is going on?

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i disagree with norby here, i'd vote for marijuana like tomatoes. sure, bring on the chinese bunny muffin! just like wally-mart is full of made in china products.


i say let those people who like cheap chinese crap keep buying it. free market.

I agree, just trying to see if Resto is really for decriminalization and no regulation.  Although I'd want testing on anything coming in from another country for safety's sake.

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Quasi-legalization is the only way a kid will ever buy a pack of joints!

How would decriminalization keep that from happening.  If you have to be 18 you are talking regulation or legalization, not decriminalization.  Correct me if I'm wrong but Resto is talking wild west.  Parents don't get to choose if their kids smoke or not?  If not, maybe the goal hasn't been very clear.

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What's the difference between a MiLegalize going thru and say it had taking MJ off the health code added, and decrim bill if it'd just be regulated and laws made afterwards?

  Are you saying if a decrim bill went thru they'd still say we don't want anyone growing more than 12 plants at a residence(in certain areas) and no growing in apt complexes(since once decrim everyone would start growing without stink sox, etc.) and we'd end up with all the rules anyway it'd just take time for them to put them in?

If so, woudln't it be better to get MiLegalize in to keep teh corporations from doing massive grows since it has counts already in place?  Just trying to figure out what hasn't really been spelled out well.

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It's easy to make it illegal to sell marijuana to people under 18, without treating cannabis as a scheduled controlled substance.

That's descheduling, what does that have to do with decriminalizing?  And couldn't that be done with laws on the books at a later date?

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Descheduling is decriminalizing. It should have been done by now because of the MMMA. The Legislature had a different idea.


Decriminalizing is the opposite of criminalizing. All criminal penalties for marijuana are contained in the schedule 1 prohibition of marijuana in the public health code. That is what needs to be amended. Other non-criminal laws would still apply to marijuana, and as we have seen, the Legislature will make new crimes also.

So, wouldn't voting in the MiLegalize make it harder for them to pass these new laws if you did that first and contain protections like the MMMA and THEN remove it from the health code and deschedule so there is already a protecting law in place?  I just don't see why descheduling has to come first.  If it does they'll vote to tax it and may get a higher rate and more money for the cops when the public has no vote anymore.

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if a candidate makes a huge bold promise to remove marijuana from the phc, then he gets a ton of support and cheers... then that may encourage other candidates to follow.


heres a guy who says he would deschedule marijuana, the SAME DECRIM YOU GUYS ARE ASKING FOR and you find some other reason to reject it. what is going on?

Beats me what's going on.  I'm campaigning for Bernie in one of the reddest counties in the state and get a better reaction than here.  Go figure.

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People can have their cannabis tested. Other's can find savings if they are not concerned. We don't need a new law demanding testing of all cannabis sold. That invites a lot of trouble. 

What kinda jerk would advocate for testing ALL cannabis?  I hope you aren't referring to me?

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It should have been done at the same time. I spent some significant time attempting to convince the board to do it. They did not do it.


The result: marijuana users will be charged with felonies rather than given $100 fines. Just watch and see.


Sorry, never mind, I'm out.

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It should have been done at the same time. I spent some significant time attempting to convince the board to do it. They did not do it.


The result: marijuana users will be charged with felonies rather than given $100 fines. Just watch and see.

so zap, you are saying milegalize would change nothing, then why are you against it? people are already growing and smoking illegally, so milegalize legalization would not change that either, according to your analysis. (of which i still agree marijuana should be removed from the schedule.)



i really need to get to a bernie sanders meeting now. anyone have bernie sanders events in michigan list yet?

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lively couple topics on this issue.


Team Troll's two sense:


I support Milegalize even though they wrote flawed language for no reason. Crime must be removed. Create a new system of stupid civil fines to deal with underage use, smoking in public or wtvr nonsense they care about.


It has been shown underage use does not rise after legalization. The kids get wtvr alcohol and marijuana and heroin they want now. Not a problem.  Legality has shown to make zero difference in teenage use.  So quit making criminals out of them. 


I support Bernie. I have supported Bernie for YEARS. 


 Ohio initiative(obvious carryover from that thread) is crap. Total crap.  BUT, it is unfortunately better than what they have currently.  IF I lived in Ohio I would vote for it. Same law in Michigan, I would vote against it.


Marijuana should not be compared to other substances.  Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine heroin wtvr.  It is not even similar.


If a kid gets a hold of a marijuana edible, they will be wasted for 12 hours then completely fine and normal.  Nothing but emotional problems at the worst to an unknowing kid. I think they will get over it quickly(2 days?)


If your kid is doing drugs, quit blaming anyone else but yourself and your kid.  Not our problem. Talk about nanny state republican policies.


Anyhow, I support Bernies proposal. Would be a huge step forward.


Edit: I should have said " Would be Yooooge step forward"-  ya know those New Englanders....

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