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Pending Dea Rescheduling Decision


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Was wondering what folks were thinking was likely to happen.  The DEA stated earlier that they would have a rescheduling decision by the first half of 2016 - technically that would be by 6/30/16.


This time may be different or it may very well be the same old crap.  They would be cutting their own budget if they reschedule significantly, but to do nothing at this point may spark legislative actions that could make more sweeping cuts.  Perhaps DEA stonewalling at this point would be the best that could happen for cannabis reform...or maybe I'm overthinking it.


Any thoughts?

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I do not think they will reschedule. I think the next move needs to take into account Colorado, Washington, and others with "recreational" legalization. They will need to deschedule from here, but will likely try to insert themselves into state regulations at the same time.


I agree that schedule 2 would not be beneficial for patients or caregivers.


While patients in medical MJ states and adult users in fully legal states feel strongly that cannabis should be de-scheduled completely, I think most of the US citizens are buying into the idea that 'more research is needed'.  Here we know that there are easily hundreds of more completed cannabis studies than have been done on most any FDA approved drug but from politicians, I most often hear that cannabis needs to be studied to be sure it is safe.


I think we will see cannabis moved to schedule 2 by the DEA.  That allows the research to be done more easily while allowing the DEA to keep its warriors and its forfeiture money.  That movement would keep Congress from taking action on rescheduling. 


Likely too is that dual scheduling thing the DEA does where 'pharma produced' medicines derived from cannabis may be scheduled as a 3 while keeping cannabis itself a Schedule 2.  Obviously that is not the best course for patients but it seems likely to me.  Money, money, money, money....this is America after all.

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also , someone wise said the DEA is not going to reschedule their own jobs out of existence. so theres that bit of reality too


Haven't you noticed that there is now a big concern over the opioid epidemic? Particular attention is being paid to legally prescribed drugs.


I'm sure those nice folks at the DEA will find some way to fill their empty dance cards.

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