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The Treatment Of Adhd



Does any one one have any experience, or knowledge of someone who can talk to me about the use of cannabis for the treatment of ADHD in children? I have read a few articles on the subject and it sounds very promising, especially since the treatment that the doctors want to give (Ritalin) is dangerous as HELL!!! Thank you


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I have no research on medical marijuana for adhd or children but I have some research on holistically treating it. M M and children is a very new area. Diet is the first step. Prepackaged food is the biggest culprit for children. If it comes in plastic throw it out. If you hear it up out of a can or a box research the preservatives. You will see a huge change.


I will look into this further.



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I was prescribed Ritalin in 5th grade. Used it consistently until I was about 17. I started smoking heavily around 16 and immediately noticed a much more calm mind I was surprised at the clarity I had. I was able to focus with less distraction, and more patience. I have been a patient simce 2009, and have not touched Ritalin in years. I wish I would've just started using mmj earlier.

Ritalin is awful. If you have obligations or work, you'll get it done quickly and efficiently, but if you dont , you go into an introverted hell that devours passion and creativity.

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I've been on Ritalin, Klonopin, Adderall, and some others for ADHD through out my 30's.  My wife as well minus the Adderall but she's more anxiety.  I stopped all Meds and she did the same except for the Klonopin.  I can go on but I'll just repeat what the other posts stated.  I will say, certain strains of pot can sky rocket our anxiety or adhd and some strains can really make the adhd go away but I do more starring and thinking then getting things done.   I did find a few strains that really take care of both.  Blue Cheese seemed to be the best so far so I'd give that a try if you can find it.  It tastes really good, Smells good and curbs the adhd without making me tired or giving anxiety. I has been hard to find strains that work as good as blue cheese.  But If you'd like to keep in touch I'd love to hear what the results are if you find blue cheese.  Stay off the meds never seen it do any good for anybody. Good luck and be safe!  

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