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Is Forbid 4F Safe To Use For Spider Mites?



I am newbie and I have spider mites for the first time, I have been reading and find this new product forbid 4f works great for the spider mites, I would like to know if anyone has used this product, dose it work and is it safe?


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Hey edju,


Not trying to act like I know what I'm talking about, but if you haven't read this info on it, you might wanna take a look so ya know what the mfg. says about their own product...seems to be put out by "Bayer"...the makers of baby aspirins and many other childrens remedies...I'm sure "Bayer" is just covering their donkey but please read this, and then make your own informed decision...hope this was more helpful, than confusing...(see below)...looks like it's definately used to control most "mite problems" though!


You will probably need to copy and paste the following pdf file address to your browser; I hope this link works for anyone interested in this product...


http://www.bayerprocentral.com/BAYER/CropScience/BackedByBayer.nsf/F19074B49764B610852572F8005A3B13/$FILE/S Forbid 4F 05-04-07.pdf

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the link I left for the pdf file doesn't seem to be working from the MMMA site...just enter "forbid 4f" into your regular search engine, and then read away!


I know many are willing to try most anything to get rid of spider mites and other pests, but this stuff looks like it might be far worse for humans and animals than the other product many people seem to say works ("hot-shot pest strip")...the hot-shot seems to be more controversial (and has been working for many, even though some say it doesn't work for them!)... the "forbid 4f" seems to be more for pest problems in places where humans don't come into contact with this product, hardly at all! Says it's very dangerous if inhaled, ingested, or gets onto your skin! I know most insecticides say that on labels, but this 4f seems like it has a scarier label than the rest of them!


Disclaimer: I'm just trying to be helpful here...please leave any negative remarks where you found them...in your own head! Thanks

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