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This was suppose to help people who benefit from the use of "Medical Marijuana". All I see is greedy people trying to make as much money as they can , while they can. There is no compassion for a "Cancer " victim living on $678.00 a month from "SSI". I would like to start a non-profit business to supply these people with either very low cost or none at all for their meds. So any growers who are in this for the right reasons. Let's talk. In my heart God is telling me to do something. This is what I want to do. I'm sure there are plenty overages out there that can be donated to help these people. I'm sure all you growers will still make your money. All I'm asking is give something back.


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I was recently certified I thought this was going to be a big help for my back and migranes. I injured my back in a car accident and being a single mother I do not want to take narcotics for a fear of addiction. Also I dont want the surgery they offer due to the down time and the possibility that it could cause me more harm than help! Then my doctor suggest I look into medical marijuana. So I located someone who could help me and be my caregiver I thought I was lucky he offered and did pay for my visit to the clinic and also paid for my card. I am on disability due to my back so I cannot afford to do it alone. Then after all this he tells me the price he will charge for my medicine and now im thinking Why did I bother? There is no way in He#$ that I can afford it at ANYTIME!! So now I have to keep him as my caregiver because he helped me get my card but I can never EVER get my medicine! This isnt right! I saw your blog and thought I would share my story! I hope you do accomplish your goal for those of us who need the help!

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I may become a caregiver in the future. If I chose to do so, I will be definitely giving free medicine for being able to be someone's caregiver. For real. Respond to this if interested.



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also a person a disibilty i looked to medical marijuana to help with my severe and constant pain instead of going to the oh so popular addictive pain pills that anyone can get on i just dont want them (ive kno to many people who are addicted and even a few that accidently overdosed) so i got my card not knowing the prices either so a program like this would help me extreamly since im in pain and can not do anything about it so please if a program like this comes around or already is please inform me thanks alot

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I get by on that same $670-ish a month as the person who started this blog and I understand your dilemma! It seems with all that you have to pay to get to the doctor, pay for the visit, pay for the card, and pay the OUTRAGEOUS price for a simple gram or two of the "medical"-mj, you could buy a QP on the street, hide it and still have enough for a big bag of the good potatoe chips for later.... Where is the compassion?


I was watching a documentry on History Chann the other day about the plight and social-normalization of the medicine in America (seen it a million times in one form or another, but with my budget, seening the "good-medical grade" type on TV , the internet & in magazines is the closest I will ever get to it ya digg?)---and on this program they talk of the Billions of $$ this industry is making in California alone, and how there would be Billions more to be made for the U.S. if ever the Feds would legalize "MJ" for recreational and medical use..... BUT IF THE STUFF WAS JUST AFFORDABLE NOW YA'LL....it would show how "civil" and "compassionate" our 420-esqe community and subculture is! This is an herb of Peace, Joy, Helping, and Liberty....not of Capitalistic-Gain! At least that is how I feel when partake.


I Understand how much it cost to grow, cultivate, transport, and legally protect this herb.... But when the war for our Nation's Civil Rights was fought back in Boomer-Generation, folk wern't charging $200 for a bus ride to Washington, or $500 for a standing spot on D.C. Mall!!



"Where is the L-o-o-o-oveeee"? (This was a song, probably not from the right decade, but the question is valid!)


Thanks for reading my little-long (long) rant... God Bless!

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So I located someone who could help me and be my caregiver I thought I was lucky he offered and did pay for my visit to the clinic and also paid for my card. I am on disability due to my back so I cannot afford to do it alone. Then after all this he tells me the price he will charge for my medicine and now im thinking Why did I bother?

$10 and a completed change form will take cake of your problem. You are free to change your caregiver at any time.

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I may become a caregiver in the future. If I chose to do so, I will be definitely giving free medicine for being able to be someone's caregiver. For real. Respond to this if interested. Dave



Respond if we are interested in you being our caregiver or respond for the person who wrote the blog?

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So I located someone who could help me and be my caregiver I thought I was lucky he offered and did pay for my visit to the clinic and also paid for my card. I am on disability due to my back so I cannot afford to do it alone. Then after all this he tells me the price he will charge for my medicine and now im thinking Why did I bother?
$10 and a completed change form will take cake of your problem. You are free to change your caregiver at any time.



Thank you for the info Ms Chocolate!

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Contact me im looking to start care giving im a patient myself i decided to start growing i have a good strain going.For $150 a month i can provide 28grams every 30 days for my patients.i can provide delivery as well for a negociable price.

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Me and a group of like minded individuals here in the U.P. are planning on starting some kind of co-op type something because of this. The dispensaries sell wet, untrimmed, bug infested, moldy medicine for outrageous prices. They buy it off local growers as whatever the grower calls it with no quality assurance to the paitent. We provide our paitents with thier full needed, legally allotted amount, every time they need it, when they need it, free of charge, and DELIVERED. trimmed to thier liking, and whatever strains they like, because we went thru the process of finding what works. It makes me sick to see the dispensary dupe every one out of thier cash and claim anything medical or whatever. It's bull, I can't claim anything on my taxes for anything, but this main street drug dealer can? Why even have the law if thier is no regulation. We need a caregiver certification/requiremnet deal.

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I am in the UP also. I can not afford a dispensary! I thought I found a great caregiver in Neguanee and he ripped me off never to be heard of again and refusing to answer his phone. I have even found out that he changed his home phone #! Of course he waited until we resigned for another year. Needless to say once again looking for a caregiver who will be up front and honest!

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i am both a caregiver and a paitent and dont understand why people pay so much my caregiver grows my 12 plants i tell him give me a ounce a month and what ever is left he can sell to make his money seems to be working all right for me i have also heard of people getting 2 ounces a month

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I am in the Boyne Falls area and need a c/g not a glorified drug dealer that is out to make a fortune. If there is anyone in this area that is willing to be a c/g at reasonable prices please contact me at 231) 373-7715 my name is Larry, thank you

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jojogurl, there are ways to screen a good caregiver, you have to understand that from a caregiver standpoint this is a very time consuming trade, we dont just put seeds in the ground and sit back and wait, i get about four hours of sleep a night 7 days a week, no breaks no vacations, also patients can be demanding and want chronic quality @ regg price!!! whatever, i take a loss on every crop, you do not have to keep this guy as your c/g the paperwork is on mich.gov website i think, one thing we do for our patients is video conference via skype, and we have garden cams so our patients can log on and see whats going on with the grow, there are a lot of idiot c/g in this business but are some good ones.

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jojogurl, there are ways to screen a good caregiver, you have to understand that from a caregiver standpoint this is a very time consuming trade, we dont just put seeds in the ground and sit back and wait, i get about four hours of sleep a night 7 days a week, no breaks no vacations, also patients can be demanding and want chronic quality @ regg price!!! whatever, i take a loss on every crop, you do not have to keep this guy as your c/g the paperwork is on mich.gov website i think, one thing we do for our patients is video conference via skype, and we have garden cams so our patients can log on and see whats going on with the grow, there are a lot of idiot c/g in this business but are some good ones.



You're right about not getting any sleep!! Growing is a 24/7 job.....the only time the plants rest is when the lights are off!! There's nothing better than growing some bomb a** meds and helping patients. It's funny....My Mom once told me.."Your living your dream...you're smoking good...growing good....don't f*ck it up by being greedy!"

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I was recently certified I thought this was going to be a big help for my back and migranes. I injured my back in a car accident and being a single mother I do not want to take narcotics for a fear of addiction. Also I dont want the surgery they offer due to the down time and the possibility that it could cause me more harm than help! Then my doctor suggest I look into medical marijuana. So I located someone who could help me and be my caregiver I thought I was lucky he offered and did pay for my visit to the clinic and also paid for my card. I am on disability due to my back so I cannot afford to do it alone. Then after all this he tells me the price he will charge for my medicine and now im thinking Why did I bother? There is no way in He#$ that I can afford it at ANYTIME!! So now I have to keep him as my caregiver because he helped me get my card but I can never EVER get my medicine! This isnt right! I saw your blog and thought I would share my story! I hope you do accomplish your goal for those of us who need the help!


I think free meds are in order here. If I was growing 12 plants for someone, that person would get two free ounces per harvest (every 4 weeks). I don't have a large enough space for it ATM, but your caregiver should charge you WAY less than "street prices" (Well, we can't say dispensary, the only thing left is the street). They could even figure out what exactly the cost was to grow the 12 plants and charge you just the cost of electricity and supplies. The cost of your card was nothing compared to what they could make on every crop. I don't know how they grow, but I harvest every 4 weeks.

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