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Reply From Congressman Mike Rogers


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imiubu... WOW! One heck of a listing. Thanks so much.


I'll be writing some of them to get their response to the MMJ law.


Going to also check out MINORMLs site today to see what they've posted on the pols.


Got a feeling though that most of the PRO-MMJ pols are going to be Dems... oh well... so be it!


Thanks again. Helps a great deal.

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Rogers is supposed to be for “States Rights”. He is also supposed to be a supporter of “Liberties”. It sounds like he is a Federalist who wishes us to remain slaves to the big pharmacy companies. I am tired of politicians FEEDING off us, the American people.


Republican/Democrat, Conservative/Liberal, are just paradigms used to control the population. Politics and big time resting are the same. Both parties have the same goal of milking us for everything we are worth. We are nothing but live stock for them.


It is time to put the people back in charge of our government.




I agree 100%.


The only way 'the people' have any way of having a say in something now is to directly present the issue to the people to be voted on JUST as the MMJ law was. Our Reps don't give two hoots in hell as long as they are getting theirs.


The best we can do this November is to find those Pols that are going to be LESS of a pain in the butt regarding MMJ / cannabis and that will at least try and get out of the way when the people have spoken.


I won't be fooled or hoodwinked by pols that tell me... 'yes, I'm all for you having personal rights... just NOT THAT personal right (use of MMJ)."


Follow the MONEY and DON'T buy the BS. AND VOTE!

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imiubu... WOW! One heck of a listing. Thanks so much.


I'll be writing some of them to get their response to the MMJ law.


Going to also check out MINORMLs site today to see what they've posted on the pols.


Got a feeling though that most of the PRO-MMJ pols are going to be Dems... oh well... so be it!


Thanks again. Helps a great deal.


You are most welcome. I know it was a long post but, I wanted to get

the info out in hopes more will get involved.

Polutitions (mis-spelled purposely!) are polutitions and we

have the job of choosing the lesser of evils.

peace all

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