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Friend Just Got Fired After 5 Yrs Of Loyal Employment

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Update my friend is right here and he verified the story, it's true!


He's all for letting 'em have it so please fire up the phone lines folks!


The number to Burns's Egg Farm is: 989-871-3176


Egglands Best: 800-922-3447

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Guest Marywanna

I think that every politician,lawyer,judge and LEO should be drug tested. If you have to be tested to work at McDs,why shouldn't the people we elect have to do the same? You can be fired if you have to take pain medication in Michigan. How many people do you know that are in pain every single day yet still go about making a living(the few that have jobs)? It is un-constitutional and an invasion of our privacy as American citizens. I am not asking anything from the Govt except that they leave us alone.And just WHERE is the ACLU? Protecting terrorists rights while Americans are being denied theirs?

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has anyone here successfully used the marinol tactic? i'm not asking if you have a friend that did it, has anyone HERE used this line?


i hear both ways, but no one i know has every tried the tactic. not many of us that have jobs are willing to give them up to try it out :P they're (jobs) hard to come by nowadays!

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Guest Wayne

Marinol in fact will work to subvert disciplinary action for employer drug testing. Downside? Very expensive and most standard health insurance policies don't cover it. If you could find a physician that would prescribe it for a condition it could be taken on a as needed basis, prn, then you could invest in a small supply and keep it on hand for an extended period of time. "Hey I only needed it for relief once in the last 3 months and it was yesterday. What a coincidence."

Hold out for the Wal Mart case. Also a good chance should anyone file a court motion to strike the metabolite tests for employment same as recently ruled by the Michigan Supreme court in regards to driving under the influence of marijuana. We are winning at every turn!

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