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Friend Just Got Fired After 5 Yrs Of Loyal Employment

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My friend who is a legal medical marijuana card holder got fired for poor job performance after being forced to quit using his medicine. I've known him for years and he's a hard working honest loyal person. A few months back he came to my home and showed me a slip he got from his employer that said they were going to start drug testing in 90 days and there would be zero tolerance. He was very concerned and didn't want to lose his job. I told him maybe he should show his employer his card to find out their attitude towards it.


I was shocked when he told me he showed his employer his Michigan Medical Marijuana card they told him it probably wasn't real and he likely got it off the internet. They didn't cut him any slack and was told that his medicine wasn't going to fly and maybe he should seek out other alternative medicine for his pain like acupuncture.


He has been working for Burn's Egg farm as a maintenance man for around 5 yrs or so. To my knowledge they are a supplier to Egglands Best eggs. They raise those fancy organic eggs.


Anyway my friend got in a car accident about 1.5 yrs ago and severely crushed his knee. He had to have surgery and missed months of work. Before he even got got feeling better he went back to work. He wasn't ready to go back to work really, he was still having a difficult time getting along. I know my friend very well, went to high school with him, he's very dedicated and would have done almost anything for his employer. So dedicated that the farm never replaced him while he was gone and didn't bat an eye about keeping his job open for him.


He still limps around but that don't stop the guy from working, I know he has been helping me put my new grow room together for the last 1.5 weeks.


To my knowledge they didn't give him a chance to tinkle dirty they fired him for poor job performance. I still don't know the whole story because he hasn't even told me about the whole thing yet, his sister just informed me. I knew something was going on but he told me he just took some time off work. He don't want me to know for some reason but I do now and I'm very pissed. I also feel guilty because I helped him get his med card and if I hadn't maybe he'd still have a job.


Anyway I'm not buying any eggs that were produced by Burns's Egg farm in and I'm going to make a call to Egglands Best to inform them I can't buy their eggs because thier supplier treats their handi-capped employees terribly.


My friend told me he never medicated at work, he toughed it out until the work day was done and when he got home he sought relief through medical marijuana. They took that away from him and when his job performance dropped (if it really did) they fired him after 5 yrs of loyal employment. That's sadistic and inhumane.

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Sorry about your friend tricloud,a lot of honest hard working people get screwed over just because

its a "right to hire" state.But if he's under docs orders to take Oxy,vicodin,or any other narcotic,

most employers are ok with that and thats total BS. I wish your friend luck,cause this state sucks for jobs.

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This is disgusting. There needs to be some serious education of these MMJ laws. I'm sick of the ignorance and I'm sick of sick people being treated like second class citizens just because they medicate with cannabis instead of pills.

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I was shocked when he told me he showed his employer his Michigan Medical Marijuana card they told him it probably wasn't real and he likely got it off the internet. They didn't cut him any slack and was told that his medicine wasn't going to fly and maybe he should seek out other alternative medicine for his pain like acupuncture.


I've gotten to the point where reactions like that are no longer surprising. Unfortunately.

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We need to flood phone lines every time this happens. Sorry to hear about your friend. Make sure you have the story straight and then post the offices number. We'll be sure to drive them crazy.

whats the number..?

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I am really sorry for your friend but honestly this doesn't surprise me one bit and its even happened before here in Michigan. The only way to get around this happening is you dont tell your employer and you cheat the test using synthetic urine if you must, it is really easy to cheat these test as you are not monitored. Employers in michigan can essentially fire you for whatever reason they want if they want to fire you they can do it, for anything, its really easy for them to cover it up and make it look fine under the laws even if the true reason is they wanted to fire you is because something ridiculous like maybe they don't like the way you look. Medical marijuana makes it REAL easy for them to fire you and get away with regardless of any other factors.


Anyway, some may have moral issue with cheating a test but think about really who is in the right here, these test target marijuana users as marijuana shows up as long as 30 days in your urine while others drugs only a few days. Check it out online I have used before many times as my job requires frequent testing: Quickfix synthetic urine it comes from ohio I believe shipped overnight for about 25$, it has everything you need to easily pass any employment test. It can be stored and reheated unlike human urine.




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Very Sorry to hear about your Friend " tricloud "


Maybe do like they did for Joe ?

Get a group of People walking out front w/ Signs...

Call the News Stations ?


If anyone needs any Good Healthy Eggs ?

Jane sells Duck Eggs which are Much Healthier then

Egglands Best :D


Duck Eggs vs Chicken Eggs are :


A = Bigger egg


B = Richer Yoke


C = Fluffy Textured White


D = More Vitamin E


E = More Omega-3 Oils


F = Lower in Cholestrol


G = No Sulphur Taste



* All Natural * No Antibiotics * No Pesticides * No Hormones *



Allergic to chicken eggs or have an allergy to chicken ?

You only need to taste a duck egg to know how good they are.

Duck eggs are exceptional eating & a favorite ingredient for baked goods.

Bakers know duck eggs make bake goods rise better & taste richer.

The selling of their eggs is to help people with allergies , a better means

of Healthier eatting and help paying for their Care .

What ever the ducks are fed will effect the taste and quality of their eggs.

I give my ducks a wholesome life, with lots of fresh air, water, and sunshine,

plus a diet full of greens, seeds, bugs and the best quality feeds,

as a result you will taste and see the wholesomeness in their eggs.

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I do not know enough about this particular situation.


As a reminder to anyone who may know more and might be interested in say...making a few calls....I found Burn's Egg Farm in the first return of a Google search.


I am not for blind harassment of anyone however, I am in favour of personal rights and employer responsibility.


I hope this message finds everyone well on this fine Friday afternoon.

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We need to flood phone lines every time this happens. Sorry to hear about your friend. Make sure you have the story straight and then post the offices number. We'll be sure to drive them crazy.


Thanks Elksisland, I agree that I need to get the story straight from my friend first. If this is true which I think it is then I certainly appreciate the communities support on this issue.

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Guest finallyfree09



depending on the circumstances of the story.....


it may be time to call for a boycott of egglands best.


find out the details first and let us know :)

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Marinol is a synthetic THC that is prescribed from your MMM friendly doctor. Just like any other prescribed drugs like codeine which has cocaine in it. A script will give you the free pass one will need if he or she smokes medical mojo (marijuana).


My MMM DR prescribed me Marinol and if I pee pee dirty it’s a script and I’m Scott free.


Don't take chances! Don't tell your employer and get that script. They can't fire you if you have a valid doctor’s prescribed medication.





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My friend who is a legal medical marijuana card holder got fired for poor job performance after being forced to quit using his medicine. I've known him for years and he's a hard working honest loyal person. A few months back he came to my home and showed me a slip he got from his employer that said they were going to start drug testing in 90 days and there would be zero tolerance. He was very concerned and didn't want to lose his job. I told him maybe he should show his employer his card to find out their attitude towards it.


I was shocked when he told me he showed his employer his Michigan Medical Marijuana card they told him it probably wasn't real and he likely got it off the internet. They didn't cut him any slack and was told that his medicine wasn't going to fly and maybe he should seek out other alternative medicine for his pain like acupuncture.


He has been working for Burn's Egg farm as a maintenance man for around 5 yrs or so. To my knowledge they are a supplier to Egglands Best eggs. They raise those fancy organic eggs.


Anyway my friend got in a car accident about 1.5 yrs ago and severely crushed his knee. He had to have surgery and missed months of work. Before he even got got feeling better he went back to work. He wasn't ready to go back to work really, he was still having a difficult time getting along. I know my friend very well, went to high school with him, he's very dedicated and would have done almost anything for his employer. So dedicated that the farm never replaced him while he was gone and didn't bat an eye about keeping his job open for him.


He still limps around but that don't stop the guy from working, I know he has been helping me put my new grow room together for the last 1.5 weeks.


To my knowledge they didn't give him a chance to tinkle dirty they fired him for poor job performance. I still don't know the whole story because he hasn't even told me about the whole thing yet, his sister just informed me. I knew something was going on but he told me he just took some time off work. He don't want me to know for some reason but I do now and I'm very pissed. I also feel guilty because I helped him get his med card and if I hadn't maybe he'd still have a job.


Anyway I'm not buying any eggs that were produced by Burns's Egg farm in and I'm going to make a call to Egglands Best to inform them I can't buy their eggs because thier supplier treats their handi-capped employees terribly.


My friend told me he never medicated at work, he toughed it out until the work day was done and when he got home he sought relief through medical marijuana. They took that away from him and when his job performance dropped (if it really did) they fired him after 5 yrs of loyal employment. That's sadistic and inhumane.


MORE Bull Crap from employers I see! Get a script from your Dr. for Marinol. You can use it to show employers. Don't even show them your MM card or say you use MM. :)

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Do you think it is possible to get the Dr. that recommended me from MMMCC to write a script for marinol? She is not my normal Dr. that is a good idea for sure. I will probably be getting tested soon, I haven't started using MM yet but if that time comes before my job test it would be nice to be prepared.

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Do you think it is possible to get the Dr. that recommended me from MMMCC to write a script for marinol? She is not my normal Dr. that is a good idea for sure. I will probably be getting tested soon, I haven't started using MM yet but if that time comes before my job test it would be nice to be prepared.


Tool, I think if your doctor is really, really down with the current employer-marijuana enviroment, they just might. They could easily justify the prescription as alternative to using marijuana itself. They could easily justify it as an alternative in case you couldn't find the use of actual marijuana as tolerable.


If not, and what I'm already conniving in my addled head about, is visiting a "doc-in-the-box" type practice, and explaining that I'm just too uptight and conservative to actually use the devils weed, but "boy doc, there must be something to that pain relief everyone is talking about. How about a prescription for this Marinol I've heard mentioned in the newspaper?"


My experience is most of those medical practice type arenas are quick to give the patient the benefit of the doubt for a prescription at least once in this type of situation, as long as you cough up the office visit fee. And in my experience as long as you've had a verifiable prescription at least once, employers will let you slide on a positive test. I've had many employers request patient prescription history (via a written release by a patient) and let people fly after failing a urinalysis based on amazingly old prescriptions, that should have been used up ages ago. It's common knowlege that medically naive people will often keep medication for long periods of time after being prescribed and then take it at much later, on an as needed basis. I believe it would only take a record of one prescription, even if you just had a few capsules filled, to get one past a failed urinalysis, at least once.

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I think I may give it a try. I should find out about the job situation this next tuesday they should vote on whats happening with custodians at my school. If the 7 people retire then I will probably become full time officially then I believe I will have to test. I probably have 100 days before I get my card so I may be OK anyway :) thanks for the help


Tool, I think if your doctor is really, really down with the current employer-marijuana enviroment, they just might. They could easily justify the prescription as alternative to using marijuana itself. They could easily justify it as an alternative in case you couldn't find the use of actual marijuana as tolerable.


If not, and what I'm already conniving in my addled head about, is visiting a "doc-in-the-box" type practice, and explaining that I'm just too uptight and conservative to actually use the devils weed, but "boy doc, there must be something to that pain relief everyone is talking about. How about a prescription for this Marinol I've heard mentioned in the newspaper?"


My experience is most of those medical practice type arenas are quick to give the patient the benefit of the doubt for a prescription at least once in this type of situation, as long as you cough up the office visit fee. And in my experience as long as you've had a verifiable prescription at least once, employers will let you slide on a positive test. I've had many employers request patient prescription history (via a written release by a patient) and let people fly after failing a urinalysis based on amazingly old prescriptions, that should have been used up ages ago. It's common knowlege that medically naive people will often keep medication for long periods of time after being prescribed and then take it at much later, on an as needed basis. I believe it would only take a record of one prescription, even if you just had a few capsules filled, to get one past a failed urinalysis, at least once.

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Maybe its just me but why would anyone show there employer there card? You dont give an employer a list of the prescribed drugs your on so why share that private information unless an episode comes up that may require you to show it...like when you test positive would be a reasonable time to show it.

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Sorry about your friend tricloud,a lot of honest hard working people get screwed over just because

its a "right to hire" state.But if he's under docs orders to take Oxy,vicodin,or any other narcotic,

most employers are ok with that and thats total BS. I wish your friend luck,cause this state sucks for jobs.



you are so correct! if you are prescribed a opoid from your dr. your good to go! aint that a complain? My dr. quit me when I tested pos for thc! they said I had a poly substance abuse problem! this was the 1st time I was ever given a urine screen in 12yrs, I wasnt a poly substance abuser when I was taking 120 methadones, 120 xanax. 60 motrin 800, 90 flexirils, 30 cymbaltas, and countless other meds they wrote me month after month yr after yr. when they found out I was a legal mm patient, I became a drug addict!?!


realy blows dont it?




oh yea free the Weed! oh I mean cannabiss! NOT

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If you get tested and test positive, will your employer allow that fact that you have a card as an acceptable excuse?


Legally they can terminate employement for use of medical marijuana even if it is completly legal, it is still not protected by the law this is something i learned before i even got my card and it seems more and more people need to get proper info, by no means am i supporting his termination i have had a hell of a time finding work that will let me even have it in my system, but if i was working and getting on something like that for pain I would mention it to my employer before hand and talk about it not just spring it out of the blue.

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Legally they can terminate employement for use of medical marijuana even if it is completly legal, it is still not protected by the law this is something i learned before i even got my card and it seems more and more people need to get proper info, by no means am i supporting his termination i have had a hell of a time finding work that will let me even have it in my system, but if i was working and getting on something like that for pain I would mention it to my employer before hand and talk about it not just spring it out of the blue.



learn how to paint and go work for a painting company! they dont test for thc, if they did they wouldnt have no workers! (personal experience) laugh.gif

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learn how to paint and go work for a painting company! they dont test for thc, if they did they wouldnt have no workers! (personal experience) laugh.gif


We actually are getting my moms bf's painting company up and running atm, got a contract for an apartment complex atm but physically it may be a lil much for me i have a bad leg from a surgery.

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