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Nl#5 X K2


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Ahh i see where your going with this,lol. I should have thought of that to begin with,i can use the bloom formula instead. I dont give them a lot of nutes,but it was Pure Blend Pro grow formula.I have cloned a few more so hopefully they will take,because the Mom is getting big in the flower room.That idea using flour and pollen to paint on a few branches of the nl5 is sounding good.

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Well its official, the 4th and last plant to show is.... drumroll... a frikin male. Boo,hiss

I guess i was lucky enough to end up with one healthy girl,now if her cuttings will just take root.

I switched the clones over to rapid rooters and all look healthy.

One last item: I started those G13-Hashplant x Butterscotch Hawaiian seeds, aka Free Leonard. Thanks IJ

Will be @ the club tomm, early i hope,lol

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