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The "new" Mmma Advisory Committee


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I like the idea of reps from each county as I agree, each county is different. Me, I'm here in Branch, essentially acting alone. Our club somewhat disappeared when Scottybud got removed from the city, then the county. We lost our meeting place. Since then we have been a loose group of 2 people.

Therefore I decided to take a different approach to our club concept here in Branch, is like many others in scope and intent however I detected one flaw. The people who needed the help the most were unable to make meetings. I'm talking off the home bound, disabled or just plain afraid to come out.

My plan for Branch County, and it is in the implementation phase, is to provide in home services to any one, both sides who want to learn more about the law, becoming a patient or the political side of events unfolding.I call it the MEDICAL MARIJUANA ASSISTANCE CENTER. I haven't hammered out all the details but fliers and cards have begun being distributed. I carry some with me and talk to whomever I can. And i hope to begin receiving calls soon.

As part of my go to the home concept, I also devised a slogan, made a bumper sticker of it with my phone number. The slogan is MEDICAL MARIJUANA?-ASK ME!- Thinking on shirts with that logo as well.

That way I'm a walking, driving billboard and I carry my war chest with me. War chest has information, copies of law, brochures etc. Anything one would need to discuss and give literature to any one.

This is somewhat brazen but have been assured is legal, all I'm doing is talking. I've also made it clear that the CENTER is not a place to score but a place for information. We will discuss any topic with in bounds.

As well before anyone in the center becomes a patient coordinator we will perform some training, especially on the law and the merits of staying with in.We want to be on the same page.

This concept is a work in progress and will get fin tuned on the run, but this is something one person or a hundred people can do. Think McGuyver and shoestring budget and you'll be amazed at how little a cost it would be to start a similar project.

Now I know I'll get some harassment out of LEO but I'm ready for em.

Any questions feel free to contact me



Joe has asked that I chair this committee and I have humbly accepted that task. Now comes one of the most difficult jobs of such an assignment. Finding the right people to work on this committee. I have a lot of knowledge, however my organizational skills are lacking. What we need are folks who are willing to leave their ego's at the door, have a level headed approach to problem solving and are able to come up with sound solutions to some very pressing matters. It is my goal to make this advisory committee a place where anyone can feel welcome to present their ideas freely and openly. Many people come to mind, but I don't want this to be a one sided affair, I have made some misjudgements in the past when it comes to finding people to work with who are completely of sound mind. So, I am hoping that you, the community that we will be representing, can make some suggestions as to who should be on this committee (only if they are willing mind you). Please feel free to make such recommendations at this time. If you feel uncomfortable with posting these suggestions in such an open forum, please feel free to call me at my home. I can be reached at (810) 229 8053, ask for Doug. And please, don't get upset if some of the suggestions go unheeded, there is nothing personal in this, we just need the proper mix of patients, caregivers and known leaders who can get this job accomplished without the usual in fighting and non communication. I will be burning up the phone wires over the next few days to come up with a preliminary list of suggested people. I do admit that while I know many people in the movement, I certainly haven't had the opportunity to meet all involved. So, please advise us how you would like to see this go forward.


I admit that after a year and three-quarters of involvement in the 3MA that I do have some biases. I will try to let bygones be bygones and listen to any and all suggestions.


While I didn't want to get involved in this level of the fight, I am willing to at least attempt to get this up and working in a timely manner. I cannot and will not be able to do this alone. This committee will represent the grass roots level of the 3MA as much as I can make that happen.


Peace and Respect to all of you...j.b.

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As I said, the search for the proper mix is ongoing. Again, many thanks go out to those who have stood up to be counted. I will make the preliminary announcement of who are to be in the 'core' group during the next few days. This group will expand after we get our feet on the ground, and become more comprehensive and representative of the state. If possible, I would like to see regional sub-committee's meet throughout the state so that all are represented. These sub-committees could meet more often and bring their ideas and thoughts to the complete committee at state wide meetings. The state wide meetings would be set to happen quarterly or semi-quarterly, depending on many factors. These meetings should be held in different locations throughout the state so that no one group has the burden of doing all of the driving. This is something that will need to be addressed at a later date as we find who is interested in working with us. It seems that we have the support of many throughout the community, but actions speak louder than words and we shall see what we shall see...Peace...j.b.

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As I said, the search for the proper mix is ongoing. Again, many thanks go out to those who have stood up to be counted. I will make the preliminary announcement of who are to be in the 'core' group during the next few days. This group will expand after we get our feet on the ground, and become more comprehensive and representative of the state. If possible, I would like to see regional sub-committee's meet throughout the state so that all are represented. These sub-committees could meet more often and bring their ideas and thoughts to the complete committee at state wide meetings. The state wide meetings would be set to happen quarterly or semi-quarterly, depending on many factors. These meetings should be held in different locations throughout the state so that no one group has the burden of doing all of the driving. This is something that will need to be addressed at a later date as we find who is interested in working with us. It seems that we have the support of many throughout the community, but actions speak louder than words and we shall see what we shall see...Peace...j.b.



420Peace JB


Born in Detroit 1950

Involved in the action of the Marijuana Culture since 1968

Looking forward for your consideration to represent the D in the 'core'group

Please call or email 24/7



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