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Just A Little Advice On Your Posting Habits

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I had made a tread that said this is a cursing thread to get stuff off your mind and welg3 Im not sure how to spell name but he banned me for it



Thats Ok " Zigg01 "


I BANNED " welg3 " for 2 weeks for Banning You ....


Hope that makes you feel better and

i told " welg3 " if he messes w/ You again i will Kick his Bunny Muffin :thumbsu:

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LOL! You guys crack me up sometimes.


But seriously, it gets to me to see people insulting someone they disagree with, that's what our opponents do, we don't have to stoop to that level. I know how hard it is when someone's passionate about an issue, especially one that affects them personally.





Oh buzz off, SB. JUST KIDDING!!!!


Actually I just love your soft touch when I'm blinded by rage at the mindless crap that some people emit from their corrupted, darkened minds.


Just kidding again about the 'corrupted darkened minds'... some of my best friends have corrupted, darkened minds'.

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I get and appreciate the lets get personal section, but you guys should at least step in when it gets to the point one person is bashing an entire religion, the thread did get locked but it just dragged on for days with the white supremacy or what ever the new grown fear of anyone and anything Muslim should be called terrorists, its just wrong, either way it got to the point a threat was made and that was the reason I believe it was locked if my memory is right. Just my 2cents, solve the problem before it gets to far :D

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You can make some of the people happy some of the time but.... You know the rest! Everyone has their own opinion, and we know what those are like, everybody has one. Personally I think people should ultimately have the same respect for people that youwould like to get. People have come to the point of believing they should get respect before they give it and that is sad but true. We need to try to have more acceptance and respect for the people with a point of view that is not the same as our own.

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We need to try to have more acceptance and respect for the people with a point of view that is not the same as our own.


I have respect for people with opposing points of view. After all it is their view I disagree with not them personally.


If opinion is stated as opinion then I will say I agree or disagree and be done with it. However state your opinion as if it were fact and I expect evidence to be presented. I have said this before but their are only two intellectually honest debate tactics.


1. revealing errors or omissions in your opponent’s facts

2. revealing errors or omissions in your opponent’s logic


Anything else that is not supporting your own premise is a fallacy. I wish people would insist that all debate about issues rise to this level. If it did we could get much more accomplished in this country.

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  • 2 weeks later...

again, please people:


just a little friendly advice on posting to the site. 95% of "us" are totally fine, and understand what this is all about.


it's the 5% that cause problems.


first off, the "let's get personal" section of the site is not censored. we "watch from a distance" in there. if you are a person who is easily offended, by race, religion, hair color, or anything else, just stay out of those particular threads. its just not a part of the site for you. not a big deal. not every thing is for every one. and not everyone can hold their tongue.


if you are pro-abortion, do not go into an "against abortion" thread unless you go in prepared to argue and perhaps be offended. it can be fun and healthy to argue. THC-Farmer and i do it CONSTANTLY :) but we would never let it go too far, and neither of us would cry to someone else about it.


but if you feel THAT strongly about something, stay out of the other peoples camp. or don't come crying when you get ambushed and get your feelings hurt.


i personally think that the mods do one hell of a job on this site. and i really truly mean that.


so help us help you make this site better.


take a second to consider the consequences before you just start stumbling into threads and posting your much un-appreciated opinions. or be "a man" about the consequences that result. we are ALWAYS here to step in when needed.... but dont go asking for it either.


trust that i have slipped into that 5% category more than once and made some pretty stupid posts before as well. we all do it. but if we all think about it first............... it will help everyone around.


thanks for reading.


back to the boards :)

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also wanted to point this out.





The mission of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Association is to Empower the Michigan medical cannabis community through education, advocacy and open communication. To provide a safe place where all who are looking for information will be welcomed and treated with respect. To bring patients and caregivers together in one voice to promote and protect the medical marijuana community.





this isnt a place where you are guaranteed to have your argument heard.


this is a site where people are guaranteed to come, feel safe, and get help.


mods dont care to listen to your agruing.... its simple..... be nice around here. its all about keeping the site safe and clean for those looking for help.

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I saw some heavy personal attacks in a particular thread, yet some of the attackers were not banned, I went back to see what the one person who was banned had been banned for, thought I saw something, but it seemed incomplete so I wanted to reread it, but their posts were deleted. It was a thread I hadn't fully finished reading and it happened a few days ago.



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I saw some heavy personal attacks in a particular thread, yet some of the attackers were not banned, I went back to see what the one person who was banned had been banned for, thought I saw something, but it seemed incomplete so I wanted to reread it, but their posts were deleted. It was a thread I hadn't fully finished reading and it happened a few days ago.




yes, that was sub4me.


after too much abuse, the mods got together and decided to ban him.


i messed up while going through the "banning process" and accidentally checked a box that erased all of his posts from the site.


first, this was NOT my attention.


i choose to leave the crap people type out there for all to see what not to do :)


second, it deleted all of his posts from your eyes, but not from the mods/admin,


garfield had to go in an manually approve the deletion of every single post.


i got in trouble for it.


it was an accident and i am sorry. mt fault, lesson learned.


moral of the story? i know how to properly ban people now :)


anyways, the reason that i bumped this thread was because of the posts that you made concerning the personal attacks.


and i just wanted everyone to know that it needs to slow down.

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  • 2 months later...

I had made a tread that said this is a cursing thread to get stuff off your mind and welg3 Im not sure how to spell name but he banned me for it


Have'nt you ever played a game named Halo? If the admin has a nut for ya, he/she will ban you off the online part of the game. I also admit to making personal attacks towards a few here, and need to focus more on the debate, and not the personal issues at hand. But if them mmma makes a site to vent, then let us vent without worries, and move on. I have found that when some of these children become cc members their chests burst out and they think there the president of the US! I am dealing with this right now over one friggin strain of mmj that's caused controversy among the community! And I know everyone knows this strain.

So just don't attack the person, attack the debate!:sword:

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Dont know if this concerns me personally. :o I have evolved a little since we started, I'd like to think. Trying not to be too abrasive, I try to add to our growth and betterment in all directions as this program engulfs us ALL in our once mudane lives. It has been an Enlightening Experience participating here, hope I was able to provide a little of the same.

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  • 1 month later...

Totally agree, lots of whining throughout the whole page not just this one area. Heck I got chewed out once for offering a thought about why cops dont like the law and got attacked lol..

I am pro abortion and I don't care what religious story book you use to argue your anti abortion stance..Lol If what I said just offended you and angered you, well then it sounds like free speech is doing what it is meant to do..This "I dont like what you said" PC nonsense is not just limited to the MMMA site either its all around us and its a large part of the problem with the MMJ haters...Cannabis is not yet fully PC or accepted throughout a lot of areas so therefore its bad no matter what :)


Final thought...Words no matter how they are used are just that...WORDS..Same goes with music and television..If you dont like what you see or hear change the channel or walk away rofl..Its that simple. We still do have the freedom to walk where we want unless its private property..Or did they take that from us too lol

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  • 6 months later...

I feel as though I should be free to turn on the television with my kids without having to subject them to smut


Plus, what if there are homosexuals on tv, how am I supposed to explain that to my kids?


Why shouldnt I be allowed to go into whatever room I choose and not be debated against for my opinion? I do not care who the room "belongs" to or what the topic is, I should be able to go in their, say my opinion and not have to worry about people disagreeing with me.


You should not have the right to think your opinion can be posted without me responding to it, however, you should not attack me for my opinion, it is mine and I am entitled to it.


Plus, why is it that everyone feels as though they should debate with me? If I say something, just accept it as fact and stop arguing with me. I am right and you are wrong... the bible tells me so :)


I mean, its not like I think that I am better than you all, its just that you all are not as good as me...


I mean, you can agree with me or you can be wrong - youre choice!


For those of you who have no idea what sarcasm is.... I am just joking :)

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