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Tea Party Values Are Hippie Values.


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I don't trust the tea party, my intuition says they're dangerous. Most politicians, regardless what party they're in, are untrustworthy. Remember, I said most, not all. There are some very good ones who have real values, stick to their principles, and do their best for the people who elected them. The ones who get corrupted, get swelled heads and think they know what's best for us, though they have little or no idea about our needs or feelings; compassion goes out the window and never returns. The good ones get overshadowed by the bad ones and can't do what they had originally intended. The voice of the people is ignored. This world has very little that I need. Living in a world without compassion is hell. The tea party, among others, are just saying what they think we wanna hear, but watch out if they gain control. It doesn't take a psychologist to understand human nature and know how to manipulate people. It's like all the others, one speaks out for change, but gets in and very little changes. Corporate interests still rule, we still have the big money lobbies, campaign funding issues, bailouts, dirty campaigns- control, control, and more control. Insecurity comes in many forms.


Imagine if they could use all that mind power for Good. This world would be a much better place. Knowing there's counter-cultures around the world only shows how out-of-touch our governments truly are. Those who seek power very rarely have the wisdom to use it properly.


I had some hope for awhile, especially in the 60's, but something happened to squash that hope. Actually it was many things, but one thing after another kept happening to chip away at that hope. We were on our way to something better, but the anti's got scared, knowing they'd lose power. Too many people sold out to the establishment. It didn't help that everywhere I went, my life was ruled by tyrants. The word, "Love" was rarely spoken, and when I heard it, it usually did not apply to me. No wonder I embraced the hippie movement, though I was very young. Up until then, there was no one to speak out for me, no one to help me express my deep, undying need to be loved and be free, though the music of my youth did begin to help me get in touch with my feelings, thanks to songs like "Blowin' in the Wind, and "If I Had a Hammer," among others. The music told me things were changing, it told me of life, emotions, right and wrong. There were very few people to guide me. My radio was all I had. Thank goodness someone gave me music. My intuition also told me things were changing, and often that feeling I got wasn't very good, but when it was good, it felt so wonderfully liberating. Too bad I couldn't hold onto that, though I constantly keep trying.


Oh, speaking of the song, "Nature Boy," I read someplace there were different lyrics, or more lyrics than we're aware of. It is a beautiful song, the message comes through loud and clear. Often the softest message speaks the loudest.


"The greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love, and be loved in return."


My only hope now is to die in peace.



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I don't remember hippies wanting to jail or silence those who disagreed with them. While many were obnoxious, much like the Teabaggers, they didn't usually want to marginalize those who disagreed with them. The flow chart seems inaccurate to the point that it reminds me of Monty Python.


The Teabaggers have given me the impression that their ideas are so bizarre that they would never have been given any credence under normal circumstances. After the Bush years the Republicans lost all credibility and were looking for something that they could throw out as "new". Now they are trying to convince the gullible that "we are just like you".

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David1946, I find your reference to the Tea Party folks as "teabaggers" to be highly offensive and totally inappropriate, and I'm surprized at the rest of you for not speaking up. I fully identify with the Tea Party movement, which stands for individual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited, constitutional government. Do you disagree with that view? If some don't agree with mmj, that's their problem. And don't blame the GOP for anything right now. The democrats have had complete control of our government for almost two years, and both houses for four years. The republicans haven't had enough votes to do or stop anything.

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I don't remember hippies wanting to jail or silence those who disagreed with them. While many were obnoxious, much like the Teabaggers, they didn't usually want to marginalize those who disagreed with them. The flow chart seems inaccurate to the point that it reminds me of Monty Python.


Some believed in planting bombs and other acts to fight the man, and bring about revolution. While others did favor some sort of censorship, to prevent various forms of hate speech... the folks I just mentioned would be fringe elements of the "hippy movement".


Just as there are fringe elements of every other group or movement. Generally speaking the majority of folks fall somewhere in between the extremes. ;)

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Same thing to you, Wild Bill. I've heard it said that if you doesn't have an argument, demonize your opponent. This is rampant this election cycle, and it's disgusting. But you and David1946 have crossed the line. If you two want any civility in discussions, then start being civil.

I apologize for offending you. However I find myself having less and less patience with those who attempt to candy coat doctrines of intolerance with the trappings of a grassroots social movement. The Republicans have merely settled on a new marketing ploy to try to make us think that they have turned over a new leaf.


(p.s. My own political views are more closely aligned with those of Lysander Spooner than anyone else. If you believe what the Tea Party is spouting you might enjoy the real thing.)

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David1946, I find your reference to the Tea Party folks as "teabaggers" to be highly offensive and totally inappropriate, and I'm surprized at the rest of you for not speaking up. I fully identify with the Tea Party movement, which stands for individual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited, constitutional government. Do you disagree with that view? If some don't agree with mmj, that's their problem. And don't blame the GOP for anything right now. The democrats have had complete control of our government for almost two years, and both houses for four years. The republicans haven't had enough votes to do or stop anything.

let me take the opportunity to say I too identify more with the tea party,for the same thing limited government,individual freedom. I can agree with both parties on some issues,the GOP makes me nervous because I think they want to bring back church and state if they could,and the DEMS want bigger government. But to call us teabagger is highly offensive. You want civil debates or decent conversations keep it clean and less personal.

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"Limited government" and "individual freedom" mean different things to different people.


To me they're just meaningless recycled right wing catch phrases unless you specify what they mean. I'm for less government in some places (like the military) and more in others (like single payer health care and tighter regulations on industrial polluters and trade policy). I'm for limiting individual freedoms in very few cases (like your "right" to discriminate against people because of their race, gender, or creed) and increasing them in many other areas (like MM and same sex marriage).


So, I think we're all for less government and more individual freedom in some form or another. These ideas are not new, but they are often co-opted. i think the Tea Party is just the latest manifestation of that co-opting.

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The tea baggers I spoke with on Monday in Macomb County said the MMMA would be repealed or amended to look like the NJ law.


They believe that marijuana is as bad as heroin and cocaine and they don't believe any of the science that backs cannabis as medicine because they don't believe in science to begin with.


As bad as things are with Pres.Obama and it is because of non-partisan co-operation from the GOP who wants to fight every piece of legislation he or the DEMs want to back.


The GOP or teabaggers get in control things will get so much worse that they are now for us medical marijuana advocates you'll be wishing for the good ol' days of now.


Mr.Leyton needs to address the you-tube video put out today by the MIGOP claiming he made a back room deal that murders go. That is the type of thing that if it goes unanswered or addressed will come back to bite him.


I wholeheartedly agree with you about the Tea Baggers.





p.s. any of you get a chance to watch the Delaware debate between O'Donnell and Coons for the U.S. Senate? If you did - case closed. I understand people's frustrations with the way things are in this country, but of you think the Tea Party is the answer then you just don't know the difference between sheeeeittt and shinelola - just my opinion.

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"Limited government" and "individual freedom" mean different things to different people.


To me they're just meaningless recycled right wing catch phrases unless you specify what they mean. I'm for less government in some places (like the military) and more in others (like single payer health care and tighter regulations on industrial polluters and trade policy). I'm for limiting individual freedoms in very few cases (like your "right" to discriminate against people because of their race, gender, or creed) and increasing them in many other areas (like MM and same sex marriage).


So, I think we're all for less government and more individual freedom in some form or another. These ideas are not new, but they are often co-opted. i think the Tea Party is just the latest manifestation of that co-opting.

Very well said!





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The easiest way to solve all of the problems in this country is to institute a "kill an idiot" program.


The way the kill an idiot program would work, is each election cycle after you cast your vote you would be given a "shoot an idiot" card, these would work just like a deer tag, except there would be no expiration on them. The bearer of the card would be allowed to kill one "idiot" for each card they possess, no questions asked, as long as the card was valid and issued to the bearer. Of course qualifications for obtaining a card would be legal voters that have not been convicted of a felony against other people, and a few others that we could hash out...


Now, I know you are sitting there and asking "But Rev, isn't this just more brutality? What benefits could come of it?" The answers are pretty simple, and complex at the same time. First, yes it would be brutal for a little while. However, I believe the numerous benefits, would outweigh the downside. The obvious surface benefit would be less idiots running around, we would be culling the herd, so to speak. Who couldn't enjoy that one, eh? This would also encourage more people to get out and make sure they vote. More participation in the election process, means a more representative body of government. Now, we get to the really cool ancillary benefits. I suggest that in the end this will actually lower violence and curb disturbing behavior. People would have to start wondering if a person they are interacting with has used their card yet, this in itself would at least make a person think before they speak or act in a distasteful manner. Also, think of the bumper stickers and buttons that would be made. "I vote often, Idiots beware.", "Don't tinkle me off, I have voted in the last 20 elections, and am due for a release of aggression." and other catchy warning signs...


Anyways, thanks for reading and your support. I just had to rant a bit, before I get back to the serious work.

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The easiest way to solve all of the problems in this country is to institute a "kill an idiot" program.


The way the kill an idiot program would work, is each election cycle after you cast your vote you would be given a "shoot an idiot" card, these would work just like a deer tag, except there would be no expiration on them. The bearer of the card would be allowed to kill one "idiot" for each card they possess, no questions asked, as long as the card was valid and issued to the bearer. Of course qualifications for obtaining a card would be legal voters that have not been convicted of a felony against other people, and a few others that we could hash out...


Now, I know you are sitting there and asking "But Rev, isn't this just more brutality? What benefits could come of it?" The answers are pretty simple, and complex at the same time. First, yes it would be brutal for a little while. However, I believe the numerous benefits, would outweigh the downside. The obvious surface benefit would be less idiots running around, we would be culling the herd, so to speak. Who couldn't enjoy that one, eh? This would also encourage more people to get out and make sure they vote. More participation in the election process, means a more representative body of government. Now, we get to the really cool ancillary benefits. I suggest that in the end this will actually lower violence and curb disturbing behavior. People would have to start wondering if a person they are interacting with has used their card yet, this in itself would at least make a person think before they speak or act in a distasteful manner. Also, think of the bumper stickers and buttons that would be made. "I vote often, Idiots beware.", "Don't tinkle me off, I have voted in the last 20 elections, and am due for a release of aggression." and other catchy warning signs...


Anyways, thanks for reading and your support. I just had to rant a bit, before I get back to the serious work.


I am not sure that this would help anyone left, right or center. Please try again.

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Pretty sure Rev said what he did tongue in cheek.


I could be wrong, though, it happened to me once before. :)

I thought my closing remark made it obvious that it was in jest. There was however some truth in it. Our nation has a strong tradition of debate of various issues and ideas, and I suggest that those debates even the heated ones were much more civil than the status quo. Part of that could be based on the mindset of how ideas, property, self, and rights could and would be defended.


Do as you will the swords of others will set your limits...

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Thanks Wild Bill for your apology. I accept and appreciate that. While I disagree with your take on the Tea Party movement, I appreciate you expressing yourself here.

Wolfgang...thanks for the support.

Mizerman...did you not read the posts about tarring people with whom you disagree with foul, sexually laced epithets? Or don't you care?

If this type of thing continues here, and is tolerated by the majority of the people, then this isn't the place or people I want to associate with. Up till now what I've seen here are compassionate, caring, generous people. What I've seen on this thread is outright bigotry.

Having discussions about politics is a great thing. I thoroughly enjoy it. Let's not stoop to the level of far too many politicians whose goal is not to engage their opponents in intellectual debate or to clearly explain and defend their positions, but is simply to silence their opponents with demagoguery and name calling.

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(p.s. My own political views are more closely aligned with those of Lysander Spooner than anyone else. If you believe what the Tea Party is spouting you might enjoy the real thing.)

Spooner! Wow, don't see his name come up too frequently. There's a lot of inspiration that can be found in the old 19th century radicals. As a taste, from his 1875 essay "Vices are not Crimes":
Vices are those acts by which a man harms himself or his property. Crimes are those acts by which one man harms the person or property of another.


Vices are simply the errors which a man makes in his search after his own happiness. Unlike crimes, they imply no malice toward others, and no interference with their persons or property.


In vices, the very essence of crime - that is, the design to injure the person or property of another - is wanting.


It is a maxim of the law that there can be no crime without a criminal intent; that is, without the intent to invade the person or property of another. But no one ever practises a vice with any such criminal intent. He practices his vice for his own happiness solely, and not from any malice toward others.


Unless this clear distinction between vices and crimes be made and recognized by the laws, there can be on earth no such thing as individual right, liberty, or property, and the corresponding and coequal rights of another man to the control of his own person and property.


For a government to declare a vice to be a crime, and to punish it as such, is an attempt to falsify the very nature of things. It is as absurd as it would be to declare truth to be falsehood, or falsehood truth.



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The easiest way to solve all of the problems in this country is to institute a "kill an idiot" program.


The way the kill an idiot program would work, is each election cycle after you cast your vote you would be given a "shoot an idiot" card, these would work just like a deer tag, except there would be no expiration on them. The bearer of the card would be allowed to kill one "idiot" for each card they possess, no questions asked, as long as the card was valid and issued to the bearer. Of course qualifications for obtaining a card would be legal voters that have not been convicted of a felony against other people, and a few others that we could hash out...


Now, I know you are sitting there and asking "But Rev, isn't this just more brutality? What benefits could come of it?" The answers are pretty simple, and complex at the same time. First, yes it would be brutal for a little while. However, I believe the numerous benefits, would outweigh the downside. The obvious surface benefit would be less idiots running around, we would be culling the herd, so to speak. Who couldn't enjoy that one, eh? This would also encourage more people to get out and make sure they vote. More participation in the election process, means a more representative body of government. Now, we get to the really cool ancillary benefits. I suggest that in the end this will actually lower violence and curb disturbing behavior. People would have to start wondering if a person they are interacting with has used their card yet, this in itself would at least make a person think before they speak or act in a distasteful manner. Also, think of the bumper stickers and buttons that would be made. "I vote often, Idiots beware.", "Don't tinkle me off, I have voted in the last 20 elections, and am due for a release of aggression." and other catchy warning signs...


Anyways, thanks for reading and your support. I just had to rant a bit, before I get back to the serious work.

Amen brother

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Western Thumb Tea Party Group: http://www.teapartypatriots.org/GroupNew/93a36421-5e89-47c7-a61c-1ab8039ad86c/Western_Thumb_Tea_party_Group


Move to Tuscola County if you want to be a true follower. Here we are in 2010 and not one single county or municipal government worker employed under a union contract, or not, get Martin Luther King day off as a recognized holiday. As it should be? Also famous for being the playground of Terry Nichols and Timothy McVeigh!!!!

Militia forever!!!

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