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Tea Party Values Are Hippie Values.


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Maybe just maybe the tea party would be taken more seriously if there wasn't a different form of them in each and every state.


And from what I have read about them they're no better than what we have now and they certainly like to spend money.





The Tea Party Express, one of the most influential national tea party groups, paid $103,000 this summer to send six staffers on four consecutive cruises, Politico's Kenneth P. Vogel reports.


The luxury cruises, which shuttled staff in and around Alaska during Joe Miller's Senate primary, were first reported by Salon last month, but the price tags were just recently revealed in new campaign finance reports.


The tea party movement prides itself on its grassroots foundation and its principles of strict financial accountability.


Brian Shroyer, political director of the Tea Party Express until late August, told Politico why the cruises were necessary:



"The decision was made that this was the most effective way to get us from location to location" in parts of Alaska inaccessible by car.


Flights from Sacramento (PAC headquarters) to Anchorage were $1,300, he said, and "transportation to the various locations we wanted to go to be able to run an effective campaign were out of this world."


Salon's Justin Elliott had reported that cruise tickets entitled holders to "complimentary fresh fruit on request, fresh flowers, 100 percent Egyptian cotton towels, shoeshine service and high-end body lotions."

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David1946, I find your reference to the Tea Party folks as "teabaggers" to be highly offensive and totally inappropriate, and I'm surprized at the rest of you for not speaking up. I fully identify with the Tea Party movement, which stands for individual liberty, personal responsibility, and limited, constitutional government. Do you disagree with that view? If some don't agree with mmj, that's their problem. And don't blame the GOP for anything right now. The democrats have had complete control of our government for almost two years, and both houses for four years. The republicans haven't had enough votes to do or stop anything.

I find it highly offensive that the Tea Party Express rep i spoke with confirmed the tea party doesn't believe in medical marijuana and would have no problem prosecuting anyone caught with marijuana no matter its purpose medicinal or recreational.

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