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People V King

Eric L. VanDussen

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I assume the open air kennel had a lock on it?


Isn't there a case exactly on point here very recently holding that an open air "facility" that had a minimal security fence (I think it was an infrared device or something) was sufficient?


Also, was there cannabis growing inside? Was that area not locked or "enclosed?"

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I assume the open air kennel had a lock on it?


Isn't there a case exactly on point here very recently holding that an open air "facility" that had a minimal security fence (I think it was an infrared device or something) was sufficient?


Also, was there cannabis growing inside? Was that area not locked or "enclosed?"


Yes! read that too. Now to find that ruling..................

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I assume the open air kennel had a lock on it?


Isn't there a case exactly on point here very recently holding that an open air "facility" that had a minimal security fence (I think it was an infrared device or something) was sufficient?


Also, was there cannabis growing inside? Was that area not locked or "enclosed?"



i think it was 6 inside and 6 outside no roof but it was locked

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Kingpinn a lot of people care about you. I have a good idea how you feel. Someday, soon I hope, your troubles will be over.


There is very little justice or compassion in this world. It mainly exists in lip service. They don't want the world to see how badly they screwed up, they don't want the world to know that our taxes are being wasted on this, they don't want the world to see real justice, to see how a man in pain was wronged, because they know the shyt would be flying, from angry people demanding to know WTF is going on, picking on sick people. I've been fighting this kind of crap all my life, watching them get away with their cruelty, leaving me with nothing but pain.


I know what it's like not feeling loved and constantly being punished, it's been happening to me since I was about 3, their cruelty and lack of compassion has worn me down to nothingness. I am very ill but I don't wanna die in a hospital,, they'll kill me for sure. They haven't got me yet, I'm fighting with everything I have, and they'll NEVER get all of me. We all have something they will NEVER have- we know the Truth, we CARE about people, we walk our talk, we are compassionate, we are peaceful. We don't play their games, and we never will.

A lot of people are here for you, to help give you the strength to see this through and come out Victorious.


This wonderful healing plant has brought so many of us together. We are Family.


Sincerely, Sb

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KP and B and T, How you guys doing? I hope our front line is doing well. Thank you guys for keeping up the fight. Many of us can only imagine what you guys our going through. My best wishes, prayers, vibes, karma, and what every else I can send your way. Thank you for your persiverance.

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Wonder if i could us the rash as exhibit A . Stress Related



Stress we know Torey was in the Hospital for a week last week Stress is what they said it's hard to know if you have not been Raided

this is why i go wear i go every day i can we try to talk about whats going on here in Mich. people don't know most think i will get a card (get out of jail Free card) when i tell them to be safe they ask Why?

and then i tell them about us and you and Archie witch he is still inn jail :angry: their are other also from water ford , Ferndale but we were just patients i get calls all the time

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Kingpinn, B&T, and everyone who's been dragged through the system, traumatized, stressed, mistreated, all I can say is I WISH I could be there for you, all I can do is keep you in my thoughts, prayers, and heart, send you hugs and good wishes. IF I could, I'd be there at your trials, visit you at your homes, listen to you, offer you comfort, be your friend, do what I could to help, though I'm just a humble, weakened warrior too, who's seen my share of trauma over a lifetime, though nothing like what you've going through. I wish the day would come when we could all meet in happier times, to celebrate your Victory. Just imagining what would happen if it were me, scares me so badly I can't eat, think, function, or sleep. All I can do is let you know I am here for you, because I really do care, though I'm nobody special, but, for what it's worth, you're always on my mind, this plant has brought us all together, and if it's ok for me to say all this, all I can do is add, that we are Family.


EDIT: I know about rashes from stress, too.


Sincerely, Sb

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There is no reason to keep it closed to media unless you are about to do something that you don't want people finding out about. Why would we have elected people who would do this to us? (Or they were appointed by those we elected). An open court/justice system is the only way to make sure we are being dealt with fairly.

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#11 Kingpinn


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05-February 09 Posted Today, 10:16 AM


MMJ will be center stage at the Appeals Court . Thursday Nov.4th between 10:00am To Noon we figure.638 Ottawa St Lansing Mi . Corner of Michigan And Logan St.Come see Matt Able in action. Free to the public. Come attend you might just learn something


if i can find a ride i will come so if any one wants to go PM me am inn Ferndale am always up for a court day

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hey KP how are you? Probably very nervous, I'm sure. I wish I could be there for ya, and pray your troubles will end soon. Even a victory can never undo the damage, I know, but at least you might be able to rebuild your life somehow. I wish you the best, my heart is with you, and my spirit. If I could, I'd give you a big hug. No one can know how much you are hurting, unless they've experienced what you've been through, but we really do care. If I were able, I'd be there. Best of luck at your trial, you have good lawyers, and friends here who care. I hope you have supportive people to turn to outside this forum.


Sincerely, Sb

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This is an extraordinary writ that is rarely granted. I am not sure I have ever seen a request of the Supreme Court to hold the Court of Appeals in contempt.


I certainly hope you have competent legal counsel. Even if you are a lawyer (and I suspect as much based on your work and posts) that does not mean you are qualified to do appellate work much less practice before the State Supreme Court. I practiced for at least 10 years and handled at least 20 appeals (a couple of them even successful :rolleyes: ) and I would not have touched this (for less than $6,000.00 up front :sword: ) and with a full understanding from the client that I was going to be getting help on this one!

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Good luck kingpinn though I don't recall if you ever acknowledged my posts to you, I realize the stress you're under, it's more than I could ever handle, and I have nothing to help with it, but I still wish you the best.


For the lawyers, I wonder, I've seen cases mentioned where the PA goes after a defendant even though the judge may dismiss the case, wouldn't the PA be in contempt of court?



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