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The 1,000 Post Club

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I made it! don't I get a watch or something?


im not sure who leaked "our little secret" .......... but yes, you are entitled to a watch. a genuine certified Rolex actually. i made the call and its all good-to-go at your local dealer. here's the hitch though .... since this is such a secretive group, no names are used. they will know its you if you walk in the door wearing a black ski mask and brandishing "a gun". it doesnt have to be a real gun though. a black squirt gun or a bb gun will work just as well. just pick which ever one you like and remember to thank them on the way out the door.


please do NOT tell them i sent you though. remember...... it's a secret :)


ok, im joking. no watch. :rolleyes:

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