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Mother Loses Child Due To Medical Marijuana


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God I'm sorry to the people that are suffering without their children this is a main issue I've had with getting my card It's not right sucks but was just sitting here thinking They have allowed 44 children's parent to give their kids cannabis but taking children away from parents that use cannabis just seems like they would be more concerned about that. Just unfortunate and I couldn't handle it without my boys so it's nice to hear and thanks for fighting and not giving up on a important issue for many.

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http://www.safeacces...cle.php?id=5614 Quote) The state appellate court decision from November 28, 2007, ruled that "it is not the job of the local police to enforce the federal drug laws."

"It's now settled that state law enforcement officers cannot arrest medical marijuana patients or seize their medicine simply because they prefer the contrary federal law,"
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"It's now settled that state law enforcement officers cannot arrest medical marijuana patients or seize their medicine simply because they prefer the contrary federal law,"

"The source of local law enforcement's resistance to upholding state law is an outdated, harmful federal policy with regard to medical marijuana," said ASA spokesperson Kris Hermes. "This should send a message to the federal government that it's time to establish a compassionate policy more consistent with the 13 states that have adopted medical marijuana laws."
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Agreed. In that district out west. Good ammunition for a fight here over locals enforcing a federal law, but that is a fight not yet made.


This is a good case and was discussed here when it came out. Another good case is the arguement of the Obama administration concerning AZ stance on illegal aliens, immigration is a FEDERAL responsiblity to be enforced by FEDERAL officials, not state law.


Neither of these cases are binding on Michigan, but they are good ammunition. There are also cases on the other side that support local courts enforcing federal law, and it is viewed as acceptable practice from what I've seen. It will not be settled until it is settled.


Dr. Bob

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So sorry but absent the cannabis issue this is typical child custody practice in the U.S. of KKK..A. At least your child is with the other biological parent.


Cease and desist is the way to go, our statute deals with this issue although it is not as clear as we might like...

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