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Hash Oil Explosion.

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I have only helped to make hash oil a few times. I am still learning, but one thing that was drilled into my head from the start is safety. Things like no open flames, not having you lighter on you at all, and proper airflow away from hot water heaters or any appliance that sparks, or may have a pilot light are things that were explained to me on day one. You guys are good people, please don't blow up! :P


Anyways I stumbled across this while watching a good extraction video and thought I might start a dialog about safety. Hopefully some folks with more experience that I will chime in.

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No expert on it myself, but butane is heavier than air and can sink into a basement, so even with open windows it could be dangerous. Personally, I'd do it outside somewhere. BE SAFE! Remember the chemist's famous last words: "Trust me, I know what I am doing." or "And now for a cigarette." :P

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If you are making either alcohol or butane hash oil there is no need for flame or fire at ANY point in the entire process. Butane even comes to a full boil at room temperature so at most a bowl of hot tap water could be used to expedite the evaporation process. Like was mentioned, please do these processes OUTSIDE. There is no reason to have to make hash oil indoors, it only adds to the already present risks and its highly unlikely that there is any flames or pilot lights if you just stayed outside to make it.


Notice also the arrogant attitude displayed by the people in the video....this is a process that demands respect and when you dont respect it, you get results like seen in the video.


Oh, and, if your hash oil is as green and disguisting as that pile of goo in the video then you should ask someone for some additional help. Trimmings dont need to be 'mashed & pressed' to extract trichomes that are sitting right on the surface of the plant matter. Butane and/or alcohol will both strip or melt any THC off the plant matter without you having to squeeze out every bit of green chloryphyll left in the wet trimmings. (IMO work with dry material anyway)

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Im sorry but if some one is that stupid,,they should not even be free to walk or drive our roads!


I make bho on a reg basis,,im not saying it is not dangerious,,but holy cow the guy is smoking and puts chronice soaking in alcohol on a flame in a calender? my god that is total retarded im sorry!


I do my bho outside and bring it in after fumes are gone and put it on an electric fry pan on low to evape the rest of the liquid butane,,,the fumes are the most dangerious,,you can flick a lit cig in gas and butane (liquid) AFTER fumes disapear and cig will go out,,put an open flame by it and boom,,,common sense that is all it it takes,,and the people in that video have abosoluty no commom sense!





They were probably buzzed on the fumes. Drunk.

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