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Lawmakers To Visit Proposed Site Of Second Bridge Span In Detroit Monday

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Know one seems to know if this will end up costing Michigan tax payers money or not, at least they ain't saying it will.(not yet anyway)




Posted: 7:16 AM

Last Updated: 2 hours and 11 minutes ago


DETROIT (WXYZ) - About a dozen Michigan senators and representatives plan to visit the Ambassador Bridge and the site of a proposed second span that could eventually link Detroit and Windsor.


The committee is considering legislation that could allow Michigan to become involved in a project to build what's being

called the New International Trade Crossing.


Governor Rick Snyder and many businesses support building a new second span to Canada to aid passenger and commercial traffic. The bridge would be backed by private investors, and Michigan would rely on $550 million from Canada for related improvements.


Officials of the privately owned Ambassador Bridge oppose a second span




Bridge to Canada could cost taxpayers big bucks


Posted: Jun 29, 2011 5:02 PM EDT Updated: Jul 27, 2011 5:14 PM EDT


By Aisha Howard, TV5 Reporter - bio | email



It's a $4 billion project: Another bridge to cross the Detroit river, connecting the Motor City with Windsor.


Governor Rick Snyder says it won't cost taxpayers anything. However, other lawmakers say the reality is quite the opposite.


"I don't think we need it. I mean why do we need it," said Saginaw County taxpayer Karen Shearer.


After hitting the streets for hours in Saginaw County, it was hard to find supporters of Governor Snyder's plan to build a new bridge to Canada.


"We have a tunnel and a bridge already. And in this economy we don't need to spend any more money frivolously," said Shearer.


We found the biggest question is who's going to pay for the more than $4 billion bridge? In a commercial opposing the bridge, the current owners of the existing Ambassador Bridge highlight Governor Snyder saying Canada would pay $550 million for the United States' portion of the bridge.


But others like Saginaw State Senator Roger Kahn says the U.S. will repay Canada with money earned through tolls. However, he adds taxpayers foot the bill through bonds and federal dollars that will support the bridge beyond that.


Governor Snyder says part of the reason for the proposed bridge is to increase trade options in North America and clog up the Ambassador Bridge for truckers.


We headed to a local truck stop to see how truck drivers feel about the proposed bridge.


"I just don't think in this economy the way they're proposing it is funded properly. We need to focus on more things Detroit needs," said truck driver Brandon England.


Owners of the Ambassador Bridge say traffic is down 40 percent, so its been tough selling the idea to taxpayers who wonder why do we need a second bridge anyway?


"A little over kill as far as I'm concerned. If that bridge was falling down or in need of repair, I could understand it more," said Saginaw County taxpayer Bill Badger.

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