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Bisharoo Comes Clean!

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I want to apologize to some that I may have offended today by some of my political comments. I really like all of you here and I know we are all sick and hurting or helping those who are sick and hurting or some combination of all of that. That said, I was out of line in my tone today, probably with Treehugger and Restorium2. I want you all to know I am on your side. We are all on the same side. I am sorry if I am not very diplomatic in some of my replies. I will try to do better. I need to do better. So, I hope you will forgive me if any of you were offended. I want you all to be as happy and healthy as possible, I truly do!


Now, on a brighter note, I want to thank some of you who have helped me along my journey. Most have helped on line and some, fortunately for me, have helped in person. I could not be at my current stage of progress without the untiring and unfailing help of some really cool people. BubbleGrower, who has probably helped me the most. You inspired me to try something entirely new to me with confidence. Then there have been some good friends with many educated informative tips, like MightyMightyMezz, LongHairBri, Sledge, Taj, Dizz, Wild Bill, Boro Boro, ... See? I have to apologize again to all who I have not named that have helped me greatly here. You all who contribute to this site the things that help your fellow human beings (Insert your name here, please !!), I am in a great deal of debt to you all. It helps my family and my friends as well, so it all goes and comes back around. DrTarzan knows all about giving, and how it comes back eventually more than you ever gave, at least that is how he lives. Indica Jones has helped so many around here in so many ways as well, MosCutty, KnuckleHeadBob, RockinLessPaul, so many friends that I am grateful for. I hope to be able to repay you all some day many times over, if that were ever possible in this lifetime. As soon as I post this I will recall YOUR NAME probably, so please forgive me if I can't remember as much as I want to some times.


Now, everyone, back to learning how to grow good natural medicines to help relieve pain, illness, and suffering in Michigan...Warnernothappy.jpgmuddgiggling.gifstar-trek-spock1.jpg

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I too echo the sentiments of B. We are all passionate about this herb and thats what really matters,they say friends should never talk about religion and politics,and to an extent I get that,but we also grow from those two subjects,and honestly I have thought of things discussed here many times in a different light other than my "own". I get both sides. I hate what the R's and D's do to "US" and our movement,but thats what they want isnt it,if they can make a crack in our foundation they are in like flint,may we always keep the focus folks. Carry on my wayward friends there will be peace when we are done......Sept 7th,it's time.......

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Guest knucklehead bob

Yo Bisharoo , thank you for the "Honorable Mention" , although I am at a loss as to why I deserve it . Also , I thought I had seen everything "Trek" . When did "Dirty Harry" join Star Fleet ? I musta missed that one !

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Yo Bish,

No problem, I wasn't offended at all. Keep telling it how it is. We all need to speak our minds. I know I'm wrong a lot, at those times someone needs to show me the way, just as I hope I help others when they just might need to see things from a different angle. Thanks for taking the time to consider my feelings. You are a great individual human!


Well, I am breathing a bit easier. I am relieved at your words. I believe you are also a fantastic, A-1 individual human! And, I just got that verified when I just read of your offer to DrT. Just confirmed what I already knew about you Restorium2, and most of the rest on here.tosgifIwanted.gif

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:lol: Been missing the A/V Enhancements whilst you're away Bish . :lol: No , I don't remember that line . :lol:


And you get the mention, as if you can't figure it out, because your spirit, and many times your physical body as well are always there for the sick, hurting, falsely accused or imprisoned, and you are always there for everyone. Your spirit strives with us, in the same direction, that is why you get the mention, and an honorable one it is, sir!star_trek_legacy_warp-1.jpg

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Is there going to be many people at this party????


i doubt it ...


Most people already have plans ...


not unless 25-50 is alot ?


I just inviting a few Friends & Family ,

if i can remember them all ?


This is NOT a Public Event ....

But most are Welcome to stop by ...




So there will be a few i can't invite

cause i know they like to drink ...


Don't want anyone to get hit in the head

w/ a horse Shoe .... LOL

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I want to apologize to some that I may have offended today by some of my political comments. I really like all of you here and I know we are all sick and hurting or helping those who are sick and hurting or some combination of all of that. That said, I was out of line in my tone today, probably with Treehugger and Restorium2. I want you all to know I am on your side. We are all on the same side. I am sorry if I am not very diplomatic in some of my replies. I will try to do better. I need to do better. So, I hope you will forgive me if any of you were offended. I want you all to be as happy and healthy as possible, I truly do!


Now, on a brighter note, I want to thank some of you who have helped me along my journey. Most have helped on line and some, fortunately for me, have helped in person. I could not be at my current stage of progress without the untiring and unfailing help of some really cool people. BubbleGrower, who has probably helped me the most. You inspired me to try something entirely new to me with confidence. Then there have been some good friends with many educated informative tips, like MightyMightyMezz, LongHairBri, Sledge, Taj, Dizz, Wild Bill, Boro Boro, ... See? I have to apologize again to all who I have not named that have helped me greatly here. You all who contribute to this site the things that help your fellow human beings (Insert your name here, please !!), I am in a great deal of debt to you all. It helps my family and my friends as well, so it all goes and comes back around. DrTarzan knows all about giving, and how it comes back eventually more than you ever gave, at least that is how he lives. Indica Jones has helped so many around here in so many ways as well, MosCutty, KnuckleHeadBob, RockinLessPaul, so many friends that I am grateful for. I hope to be able to repay you all some day many times over, if that were ever possible in this lifetime. As soon as I post this I will recall YOUR NAME probably, so please forgive me if I can't remember as much as I want to some times.


Now, everyone, back to learning how to grow good natural medicines to help relieve pain, illness, and suffering in Michigan...Warnernothappy.jpgmuddgiggling.gifstar-trek-spock1.jpg



Hey, there! No apologies needed to me, I'm in politics and I have some pretty thick skin. We have good days and bad days around here.


; )

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i doubt it ...


Most people already have plans ...


not unless 25-50 is alot ?


I just inviting a few Friends & Family ,

if i can remember them all ?


This is NOT a Public Event ....

But most are Welcome to stop by ...




So there will be a few i can't invite

cause i know they like to drink ...


Don't want anyone to get hit in the head

w/ a horse Shoe .... LOL


I am absolutely and totally looking forward to it ! !:thumbsu:


i say we bring back lawn jarts...



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Bish, We are grateful that you are here. Your wonderful posts brings a smile to thousands of sick people across the country. Keep up the good work! Thanks, bb

Very kind of you to say so old wise one BB! Thanks so much for that.vihreavelho.jpg

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you write negative stuff on here? wow i never seen it! :thumbsu:






I can't believe I haven't mentioned you Jim! No, I have never been negative, except too many times to count! Thanks for stopping by my friend.negativespace.pngMy grandson really likes Batman right now, so here you go!

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