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Tarzan Deserves A (((Hug)))

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all i can say is this...

Tarzan, you my friend are a diamond in the ruff. those who have met you and got to know you, know this to be a fact.


Tarzan is still human folks. like many of us, he has his card because he has a deficiency. he is legally disabled. he puts out this awesome front of strength and humane compassion and he does a great job, but he still feels his pain, inside, but he hides it..as best as he can.


as i have personally witnessed, life this past couple of weeks for Tarzan has been hectic at best, and full of unforeseen issues. he proposed this party because he felt compelled to "reward" those of us who have helped him with his house and what not, and because he loves to host a gathering of like minded individuals....


as of late....


hugs are still free-flowing (i got one tonight)



well without calling doc out.. the electric, the siding, the house repairs have been taxing him beyond his.... abilities.. but truthfully when we had to leave his car in bay city tonight while the dealer waits for new parts i (for the first time) saw him sad beyond his ability to hide his emotions in a protective shell.

Tarzan IS the real deal, and anyone who says different i will "step outside and resolve the disagreement" with personally.

he has shown me the most amazing compassion i have personally witnessed to date. he gives when he can't, he shares when his own is gone, he always made sure i, and everyone who is present, was taken care of, well beyond what I ever expected.


my point...




please excuse Tarzan, hes been dealing with stress that has been slamming him down by the tons and tons... please cut him some slack if you were not personally invited to his chin dig and then maybe instead try just giving him a call...


not everyone is invited.


it's not open to the public, it's a private party.... no children, no drinking, no confrontation... just good food, good friends, and good times.... hopefully this will turn into a positive experience, and judgements will be reserved for our lord to complete...


if you happen to see my friend Tarzan, please give him a hug..


thanks and have a great night.

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I agree tarzan does good things but come on... I try to defend myself and I get removed as i post. cool system mmma! I was not hurt that I wasn't invited to the darn party...don't care and most likely would not go anyway. But some of my other club memebers were expressing their hurt. No matter how busy you are..I dont know how you forgot to invite your club friends. but thank you for letting us know where we stand as a group .And thank you from your loyal member. ( i go to almost every darn meeting)

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I agree tarzan does good things but come on... I try to defend myself and I get removed as i post. cool system mmma! I was not hurt that I wasn't invited to the darn party...don't care and most likely would not go anyway. But some of my other club memebers were expressing their hurt. No matter how busy you are..I dont know how you forgot to invite your club friends. but thank you for letting us know where we stand as a group .And thank you from your loyal member. ( i go to almost every darn meeting)

I found your posts offensive and I'm glad they took them down. Dr.T is a standup person. You? not so much

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Tarzan, my wife and I both hope things start to go easier for you and Jane. You are both truly great. We have always felt welcome at your home no matter what, and no matter how much bull life was throwing at you two, you both took the time to lone us a shoulder, and make our life better. I could honestly go on and on. You both are always in our prayers. Thank you for all you have done, from the first hand shake to your last hug you have always been a stand up man.

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all i can say is this...

Tarzan, you my friend are a diamond in the ruff. those who have met you and got to know you, know this to be a fact.


Tarzan is still human folks. like many of us, he has his card because he has a deficiency. he is legally disabled. he puts out this awesome front of strength and humane compassion and he does a great job, but he still feels his pain, inside, but he hides it..as best as he can.


as i have personally witnessed, life this past couple of weeks for Tarzan has been hectic at best, and full of unforeseen issues. he proposed this party because he felt compelled to "reward" those of us who have helped him with his house and what not, and because he loves to host a gathering of like minded individuals....


as of late....


hugs are still free-flowing (i got one tonight)



well without calling doc out.. the electric, the siding, the house repairs have been taxing him beyond his.... abilities.. but truthfully when we had to leave his car in bay city tonight while the dealer waits for new parts i (for the first time) saw him sad beyond his ability to hide his emotions in a protective shell.

Tarzan IS the real deal, and anyone who says different i will "step outside and resolve the disagreement" with personally.

he has shown me the most amazing compassion i have personally witnessed to date. he gives when he can't, he shares when his own is gone, he always made sure i, and everyone who is present, was taken care of, well beyond what I ever expected.


my point...




please excuse Tarzan, hes been dealing with stress that has been slamming him down by the tons and tons... please cut him some slack if you were not personally invited to his chin dig and then maybe instead try just giving him a call...


not everyone is invited.


it's not open to the public, it's a private party.... no children, no drinking, no confrontation... just good food, good friends, and good times.... hopefully this will turn into a positive experience, and judgements will be reserved for our lord to complete...


if you happen to see my friend Tarzan, please give him a hug..


thanks and have a great night.



I have met tarzan a few times,,he is like he actsl on here,,,but wow mibrains you ok? you ever meet some one who could most likely see you everyday? (me?)I guess tarzan was a lil busy when i offered my time! i didnt get a response till it was to late (had something come up in family) but I still could have came and helped,,maybe not a comfortable job but something i have done at least once a yr for 20 yrs! not a problem for me..i only wanted to be able go bring my camper and stay till it was done....im so gladd he found you to help him, among others who donated blocks and what ever they could! thats awsome that people in our community can help people that need it! I sure wanted to help,,yea i could have hooked up my camper and hoped i found him when i got there,,but i dont just hook up to go for a RIDE! I need to know where im going first,


any how im so gladd he found some good people to help him! I realy would have liked to have been one of them,,,maybe my reputation precedes me on here? oh well such is life,,im happy and will be happy no matter what life throws at me!





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I've known dr T for only a short time myself, his kindness and compassion is epic! He is the real deal. I think knowing him actually makes me a better person. I need to be more like him. HUGE HUG for you doc. Thank you,



Dr. T. If you need help w/anything please call.

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Why weren't the members of your compassion club invited to your picnic? Not counted as friends? Then what are we? And why wasn't it announced at the meeting that a bus was going from gaylord to Lansing on Sep 7th. and again we we'rent invited. Hmmm whats going on Friend...don't tell me those are all false hugs...I'm bummed.



OK .... I AM HERE ...


I don't HIDE behide a user-name


Everyone knows WHO drtarzanmd is


and even where i Live ...


I'm probly the only stupid person that post

pictures of my house on open forum ....


As far as Not being invited ...


Maybe I forgot ?


Maybe it's because i felt YOU would be

a problems ?


I Do Not Allow any Alcohol on my property ...


This get together was for those that helped me

w/ my home and for a few friends ....


As far as the Gaylord Bus deal :


I did Not find out till AFTER our last meeting Date

August 16th , 2011 ...


Ask Dan from Gaylord , he Tried to catch me

before i left for the Meeting ...


OK .... Now here is the Truth about the

Atlanta Compassion Club ....


It has been struggling for Months ,

Becuase I'm ONLY ONE PERSON ...


I CANNOT run a Club ALL By Myself ...


I've asked over and over and over for Help ...


The Atlanta Compassion Club gave ALL

our Money to another member of another club

who was in trouble ...


That person does'nt even support our club ...


Those that know me , Know that I have been

very busy trying to get my home ready for winter ...


Those that know me , Know that i have had some Major

Issues w/ My Electric ...


Those that know me know that I've had problem

w/ my Car and Jane's Car ....


Those that Know me , Know My Home is ALWAYS

open to help Anyone if i can ...


Those that know me , know i will help them

anyway i can ...


Those that know me , know i will give the shirt off

my back if they ask for help and are Sincere in need of help ...


Those that know me ,

Know that i have been super busy going to other

Compassion Clubs ...


Plus going to Peoples Court Dates and

to Township meetings ...


Read Oscoda Press ~ Wednesday July 27th

" Oscoda tustees table medical marijuana ordinance "


I really don't have to defend myself ...


People that truely know Tarzan , Know where my Heart is ...


There is ONLY one Reason You are STILL HERE is to stir CHIT ...


I have Nothing to Hide ... I Do NOT HIDE BEHIND a USERNAME ...


Now ...


As far as my Private get together ,

Im sure i forgot to invite several people ,

But my Life has been extremely Stressful & Busy ...


I'm very sorry if i Forgot ANYONE that is truely

My Friend , All you have to do is call me ...


My Life has been So Stressful the last few months ...


I am on disability and i do my best to not show my weakness ...


I am so Thankful to all of you that posted out here

w/ Support for me and all your Huggs ....




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Hey bro, remember you are allowed a life. You are a giver, some folks are takers. You can never give enough to satisfy everyone and some can never take enough to ever be satisfied. You owe no one anything. Take care of your family first, the rest karma will work out. We all do what we can do. You do more than most, with what you got. You could easily lay low and complain, but that is not your nature. No need to defend yourself, hang your head high......shredder

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Hey bro, remember you are allowed a life. You are a giver, some folks are takers. You can never give enough to satisfy everyone and some can never take enough to ever be satisfied. You owe no one anything. Take care of your family first, the rest karma will work out. We all do what we can do. You do more than most, with what you got. You could easily lay low and complain, but that is not your nature. No need to defend yourself, hang your head high......shredder



Thanks Shredder ...

Your a Good Man ...


I guess i just take things more to heart then most ?


I know i don't have to explain myself to anyone but

it bothers me when people post NOT the truth or Don't know the truth ...


Anyone that is my True Friend knows they Don't

have to be invited ...


They ALWAYS have an open invite to my home

as You and Marty are , and many others ....


I really miss bringing Jane over to your house

and visiting w/ You and the wife , But right Now

We have No Choice ...


There Are SO Many Good Caring People i have meet ...

Many i forget your name becuase im just not good at remembering ...

Probly old age ? Good Meds ? To many Responsibilities ?


I want you all to know i would NOT purposely hurt anyone ...


All i want to do is Enjoy Life w/ You All and

build a circle of Trusted Friends that We can help each other ...


Please accept my sincere apology for the Stupid Drama ...

We have enough to deal w/


Thank You So Very Much for caring enough about my

feelings to post your Support and Huggs .... :bighug:


I will be Back... The Windshield guy is here

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Try to take it easy bud. The MMMA, and the world would not be as bright without ya!


The glory of friendship is not the outstretched hand, nor the kindly smile nor the joy of companionship; it is the spiritual inspiration that comes to one when he discovers that someone else believes in him and is willing to trust him.
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it brings me much joy to see the community supporting dr. T


thank you everyone who has posted in this thread...


i was not at all trying in any way to start any drama,

only to express that my friend is human, has skin,

and feels like the rest of us.


hugs help everyone. Thanks Tarzan.


Thanks MMMA.ORG :excl:




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should be the ambassador for MM


Hells yeah. :thumbsu:


I am sad to say that I can not make it out to see you this weekend as the Darkmatter family has fallen on hard times as well.(Money wise) I was really looking forward to it too. :notfair:


Screw the car! We need to get DrT a chopper or a jet so he can fly around the state to hang out with all of us. :P

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Hells yeah. :thumbsu:


I am sad to say that I can not make it out to see you this weekend as the Darkmatter family has fallen on hard times as well.(Money wise) I was really looking forward to it too. :notfair:


Screw the car! We need to get DrT a chopper or a jet so he can fly around the state to hang out with all of us. :P


How much Money would you need to get here ?


Maybe i can help ?

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