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Tarzan Deserves A (((Hug)))

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Hey Tarzan, do you and Jane eat green beans. Mine and Jays plants must be on steroids becuz they gave ua more beans than we xould eat before next years harvest. I'd like to bring them up there either for you and the wife for winter or for the party on saturday and then some for you and the wife for the winter...i'm telling you that there is a whole lot of the and for dinner i eat like two beans...lol Please say that you will take them.

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I do not understand why people feel the need to bring their personal issues with another person online for all to read. To discredit another? C'mon grow up. High school drama at its finest. I suppose what some people do not realize is that when they bring forth GARBAGE over not being invited or not getting something they feel an entitlement to, they make themselves look ignorant.


When feelings get hurt the first thing many try to do is harm the person they believe responsible. What does that truly accomplish? Does it resolve anything? To me it seems it causes further division.


I don't think Tarzan needs anyone to toot his horn, his deeds are well known throughout the MMJ community. The fact so many have stepped forward to offer a hug or words of encouragement validates this point. One persons upset over a lack of an invitation is not going to change their feelings and certainly will not change the person he is.


Many people have further motivations behind their actions and likely this disgruntled person does as well. True compassion needs no motivation, beyond helping someone that truly needs it, without the expectation of anything. With that being said, everyone deserves appreciation for their compassion!!!


YOU ARE APPRECIATED TARZAN!!!! I may not convey words well through a computer, but those words should be easy to understand :) I will reserve the hug until we meet again!!

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I try! I also try to run a Compassion Club with no support from its members. Only a few, yes, but most dont show up anyways. Im sorry I have not been over their, but my child comes first and finding a sitter until 11pm on a tuesday is HaRd! I truly try to show my support, Im sorry I couldnt make your public meeting, for months now a member from my group has went to help keep supporting eachother. But it is not me, and I should and will be there next month.!

I love you no matter what! and am SO proud to call you my Friend!!!

Big Hug to You

Your the most caring person Ive met in a long long time, and Im sorry that everyone seems to be too scared to support us in this fight that will take ALL OF US TO COME TOGETHER!!!

Im here, for any reason, you have my digits, if ever you need my help with anything, I hope you know, I will be there!!!!


@BB Your right, people dont know how it feels to have our necks out! The pressures from the anti's and the patients is huge, and life in the lime light is hard, scary, and disturbing when we are trying to HELP Patients!!! TO teach them, to help them, to give them the support they deserve!!! Its overwhelming, a lot of times, but we do what we can and Tarzan has went above and beyond to help people and he isnt getting the positive feedback he deserves!!!! When we stop supporting one another, it will fall!!


Much Love to you Tarzan, I look forward to working with you more on keeping our patients safe and educated!!!!




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I am So Very Sorry ...




Lansing ~ September 7th , 2011 at High Noon


Many of us are going through some difficult times ...



Its All Good Bethany ... I fully understand , but Many

others do Not and keep running stirring the pot ....


and your Right ... Both of of our Clubs have Lost Support


and Im am Sad to Say that September 6th will be the Last

Meeting for the atlanta compassion club ...


My house will Always be open to help anyone looking

for help ....


Maybe between the two group we can form a inner circle

of friends that will be supportive of each other ?


Thanks for the kind words Bethany ...

and i too will do my Best to be there for you ....

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I'll pitch in to get darkmatter here


Your Such a Good Man " Ronulan "


I really appreciate your offer to darkmatter ...

Your a Good Friend


Hey Tarzan, do you and Jane eat green beans. Mine and Jays plants must be on steroids becuz they gave ua more beans than we xould eat before next years harvest. I'd like to bring them up there either for you and the wife for winter or for the party on saturday and then some for you and the wife for the winter...i'm telling you that there is a whole lot of the and for dinner i eat like two beans...lol Please say that you will take them.


Maybe you could make a Green Bean Salad


I had some one time and it was really good ...


But only if you want ...



I do not understand why people feel the need to bring their personal issues with another person online for all to read. To discredit another? C'mon grow up. High school drama at its finest. I suppose what some people do not realize is that when they bring forth GARBAGE over not being invited or not getting something they feel an entitlement to, they make themselves look ignorant.


When feelings get hurt the first thing many try to do is harm the person they believe responsible. What does that truly accomplish? Does it resolve anything? To me it seems it causes further division.


I don't think Tarzan needs anyone to toot his horn, his deeds are well known throughout the MMJ community. The fact so many have stepped forward to offer a hug or words of encouragement validates this point. One persons upset over a lack of an invitation is not going to change their feelings and certainly will not change the person he is.


Many people have further motivations behind their actions and likely this disgruntled person does as well. True compassion needs no motivation, beyond helping someone that truly needs it, without the expectation of anything. With that being said, everyone deserves appreciation for their compassion!!!


YOU ARE APPRECIATED TARZAN!!!! I may not convey words well through a computer, but those words should be easy to understand :) I will reserve the hug until we meet again!!


Thanks Northerngal .... Its Ok


Tell My Buddy V and your Hubby to settle down ... LOL


It Ok ... I don't need him all wound up ...


I know how he gets ...


I wish i understood ...

You know and i know this is not the first time ...


But as you can see and have said ...


I 'm a Very Blessed Man to have So many Good Friends ...


When your in trouble is when you see who your

Real Friends are ... Just like when i needed help

hauling bricks to my property ...


Who was there ? You and your hubby was there

and i tried my best to show you how much i

appreciated your help :bighug:


We help each other ...


Thats how its suppost to be ....

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Your Such a Good Man " Ronulan "


I really appreciate your offer to darkmatter ...

Your a Good Friend




Maybe you could make a Green Bean Salad


I had some one time and it was really good ...


But only if you want ...





Thanks Northerngal .... Its Ok


Tell My Buddy V and your Hubby to settle down ... LOL


It Ok ... I don't need him all wound up ...


I know how he gets ...


I wish i understood ...

You know and i know this is not the first time ...


But as you can see and have said ...


I 'm a Very Blessed Man to have So many Good Friends ...


When your in trouble is when you see who your

Real Friends are ... Just like when i needed help

hauling bricks to my property ...


Who was there ? You and your hubby was there

and i tried my best to show you how much i

appreciated your help :bighug:


We help each other ...


Thats how its suppost to be ....

Don't worry about Darkmatter. I'll drag him along with me

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Dr. Tarzan, Bethany, Shredder, Marty and all the other leaders of the north. You must work together to rebuild your network of compassion clubs. The patients are in big trouble and need your help. You are the leadership in that neck of the woods. Dr. T, you've got your marching orders bro! Make it real. Thanks, bb



Ok Joe ...


I 'll keep it going ...


I won't shut it down ...


I 'll keep the doors open for as long as i can ...


God willingly Things will get Better :bighug:

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if it wasn't a struggle..

it wouldn't be worth the reward...


I will help.


whenever, and wherever i can !


were going to need to organize a information network doc for northern Michigan.


election information, ordinances, raids, membership court dates and scammers.


a list of information for the next elections. also a local call list of volunteers who can be called upon to come and rally during important township, or court places.


we need a pr director for Northern Michigan Compassion Clubs United


come join the NMCCU local 420...


we are doing exciting things up here !


prepare to change history ! ! !



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Big hug to Tarzan :bighug: ....great guy should be the ambassador for MM :jig:



Thanks " Purplehaze "


I don't think i 'd like to be an Abassador ....


I just want to be like one of those Wal~mart greeters ...


Passing out Free Meds when you walk in the door ...LOL


and a BIG HUGG :bighug:

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Don't worry about Darkmatter. I'll drag him along with me


I'll pitch in to get darkmatter here


How much Money would you need to get here ?


Maybe i can help ?


You guys are awesome! Now I gotta go! No choice in the matter apparently! :lol:


Just as well though. With the heart-breaking news that came from the COA today and the other things going on here it will be nice to have some good company this weekend. I've gotta keep my spirits up in these dark times.

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