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Nationwide Protest Sept. 8 To Save Natural Supplements!

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The FDA is trying again to outlaw supplements, through its new assault on dietary ingredients. Natural health groups are planning a big, nationwide protest day on September 8, where we all call Congress, the media and the FDA to loudly protest this attack on nutritional freedom. Read the details on the FDA's plot to destroy nutritional supplements, then go to the American Natural Health site listed in my signature. First, please go here: http://www.naturalnews.com/033426_FDA_dietary_ingredients.html

Our health is our most precious asset, without that, our quality of life isn't very good. Millions of people take some form of dietary supplement, such as vitamins and digestive aids, made from natural substances. the FDA, prob'ly pressured by big pharma, wants to fix it so big pharma can use their synthetic compounds and have OUR NATURAL REMEDIES OUTLAWED. They've been trying to do this for years!!! We know the great harm the synthetics are, but, as usual, blindsided by :money: they abandon any hint of common sense.


So, here we go again. I've been aware of these attacks for several years, though they've been going on for decades.


It seems everywhere we go, someone is ATTACKING OUR RIGHTS! So we have another battle to fight. It's about our HEALTH and OUR RIGHT TO CHOOSE, just like it is with MM.


PLEASE help save our right to choose these remedies. The implications of banning them or severely restricting them will cause a horrible affect on our already ailing economy. Big pharma wants us to stay sick, they see we're getting healthier by choosing natural care. Since they can't seem to take over the natural care profession, they're doing all they can to snuff it out, that includes thousands of jobs, and many natural care providers, like my wholistic nutritionist was, as one example of the natural healers who worked with these remedies.. Since using them, my health has greatly improved.


Sincerely, for Our Health, Sb :wub:



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