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High Triglycerides

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High Triglycerides,mine were 160 has been high for years I've tried fishoil,and a handful of other supplements meant for lowering my cholesterol for years trying to tell the doctor I didnt want to take any "drugs" for it. In Sept I made a batch of cannabis oil for my husband and thought I'd try an experiment for my cholesterol and have been taking a tsp before bed,also been eating more almonds but taking the oil everyday. Had my levels checked last week my trig dropped to 95,my good cholesterol was 70 but my triglycerides is what blows me away. Just thought I'd share the info with you,the base of the oil I used is glycerin,so its not like I was taking a flaxseed oil or olive oil,although the next batch I had thought of using a better oil,but now Im thinking why mess with something if it aint broke???



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It is truly amazing how just a bit of cannabinoids, taken regularly, can effect our health. It is no wonder that our government is so afraid of the truth about cannabis, their buddies, the pharma fat cats would lose a ton of money if the truth were ever allowed to be known. We can and will let that truth be spread far and wide, one person at a time...tell your friends, neighbors and loved ones the truth about this wondrous plant...one person at a time... Peace ... j.b.

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