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Got Pulled Over With On Suspended License With Expired Card


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you can openly admit you f'ed up. that alone is something worth mentioning. the 1st post pretty much gave it to us like it is/was. for your honesty, you should be proud. i think the angle most are coming from is the foolishness attatched to the honesty. the sad truth is being honest is seen as a weakness, as you become a target. in this case, for BS and LEO... to that end, i think is where most are somewhat put off by your situation.


but i will say to those with that stance, he could of said, all was fine and he was pulled over for no reason blah blah blah. but he didnt, he came forth with what seems pretty full disclosure. the error was doing that with the cops.



the cercumstances are somewhat touchy, exp drivers license, exp med card (should be different deals to some extent). the med card issue is a big one of its own right. i say that as i dont think BS has tried to set an example of anyone that has an expired card, but re certified. I see a possible test case, so with that said, i would get the best lawyer with whatever money you can beg borrow or legally steal...

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well all i have to say is u guys are being brutal to this guy,...... what if it were you...... this site has really changed in the last few months and its really sad to see everyone turning on each other and not being compassionate

its almost like class warfare on this site with all the ridicule and segregation of this site....

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well all i have to say is u guys are being brutal to this guy,...... what if it were you...... this site has really changed in the last few months and its really sad to see everyone turning on each other and not being compassionate

its almost like class warfare on this site with all the ridicule and segregation of this site....

[/quote ]


Thanks, I know right. Then staff call me out on being annoyed that members would rather put in their two cents than give some decent advice. I remember when any negative posts on this site where called out immediately now they have staff that have only been members for a few months.

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you can openly admit you f'ed up. that alone is something worth mentioning. the 1st post pretty much gave it to us like it is/was. for your honesty, you should be proud. i think the angle most are coming from is the foolishness attatched to the honesty. the sad truth is being honest is seen as a weakness, as you become a target. in this case, for BS and LEO... to that end, i think is where most are somewhat put off by your situation.


but i will say to those with that stance, he could of said, all was fine and he was pulled over for no reason blah blah blah. but he didnt, he came forth with what seems pretty full disclosure. the error was doing that with the cops.



the cercumstances are somewhat touchy, exp drivers license, exp med card (should be different deals to some extent). the med card issue is a big one of its own right. i say that as i dont think BS has tried to set an example of anyone that has an expired card, but re certified. I see a possible test case, so with that said, i would get the best lawyer with whatever money you can beg borrow or legally steal...


Thanks for the advice

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its a tough situation. most of those responding, even those with harsh words, are still offering solid advice, which is your in a hellofapickle, and its not going to be cheap to work thru.


its hard to find sympathy for those that seemingly stick their head in the noose... It's actaully alot better than I would of imagined it was going to be.... lets face it, this is a cut our nose off dispite our face scenario

no offense to the O.P. personally, but at least you do admit you put it out there, which is way more than most would tell.


btw, to go to the cover of the book, ive only been a member here a few months.


Time invested on a website (any website) only depicts time available to visit.

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I am not sure what you expected? What advice were you hoping for? i thought we were straightforward, not rude.


Maybe your lawyer will be more helpful?




Your response was fine. Even though it had no immediate advice for me. I was commenting on some others that just wanted to tell me how dumb i am.

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Sorry to hear about your legal problems. Hopefully you can retain an influential attorney and get a judge who owes him a favor.

Also, this is a patients rights advocacy group. Not the appropriate place to seek ways to loophole around all of your non med related charges. That why you have some agravated responses from people.

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When I read the opening post, I was offended. I worked up a response, than I read what others had written. A few of them produced a hardy “RIGHT ON”. I decided not to post. I re-thought that. There are far too many people who to what feel good to them, and leave the clean-up to those of use medically unable to weld a broom. That said -



Here’s some advice: if you want advice (legal I assume) you should have posted on a legal site, not a marijuana related site. What you will get here is our views of your predicament. You’ve been here long enough to know that.


You said yourself that you were driving on a suspended license.


You had been smoking in the car and it still smelled to high-heaven.


From what you wrote, you were asked to produce what you had, but the officer found more. He probably figured you lied to him. So yeah, he hit you with a procession charge.


If you did not receive prior permission from the court or your PO to use marijuana, a violation of probation charge is likely. To top this, you want the PO to maybe risk his job and cut you an “after-the-fact-break”. Even if the hearing is postponed, that would not change the fact that you were busted while on probation.


As for you being a MMJ patient. An in-hand registration card offers some protection (at least on paper), the doctor’s statement does not. If you wanted that protection, you should have sent in that note a month of two before it expired. Once the card expires, you go to the end of the line as a new patient.


Sounds to me like the only thing you COULD HAVE had that could have protected you was common sense and a workable degree of responsibility.


You didn’t post this to be told what I did not do or did wrong? What are we suppose to do, pat you on the back and say that you did right?


You said that “Any ideas would be greatly appreciated”, will these are mine.

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Ive been here since june of 09 and i simply stated what i do in my daily routine not to get hemmed up like you did and it wasnt meant to insult it was an informative post what not to do take it any way you want i did not intend to disrespect you . :mellow:


I do not want anyone to get arrested for cannabis the lengths you went to get your card and its protections theres things you must do to stay within the law it may sound like preaching but its cases like this that become bulletin board material for the attorney general to use to try and convince the legislators to side with him and kill the law


Bill Schuette


"look here this is what each one of these patients are doing smoking driving around with medicine and pipes !"


Anyway you look at this it looks bad for everyone hopefully your lawyer can get this tossed.



Good luck

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Ms Chocolate is a classy writer. ; )


The doctor's rec BTW can stand on its own, you do not have to submit it to the MDCH MMMP for it to give you affirmative defense - the court say the doctor's rec must only be current for that year, that the diagnosis had to been made prior to being arrested for using/possession of marijuana. It might be arguable about having a current doctor's rec - I wonder if an old rec could be argued in court as still valid - if the doctor still stands by it.



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Sorry to hear about your legal problems. Hopefully you can retain an influential attorney and get a judge who owes him a favor.

Also, this is a patients rights advocacy group. Not the appropriate place to seek ways to loophole around all of your non med related charges. That why you have some agravated responses from people.

good answer,as most of us here are following the law to the letter. It is hard to come up with any other suggestions except find a good defense lawyer and pray your judge is having a good day.

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We live in a society now where everyone get's a trophy when they participate in a race or sport no matter how they preformed.Even when they do a bad job.Everyone wants to be treated the same as the next guy who's running the race the best they can,well mister I have thought about this post and now Im bugged,because I am following the letter of the law,and you arent,everyone makes mistakes but what you did was deliberate disobedience to the law,we should be on bent knees EVERYDAY thanking God for this herb and thanking the ppl for this law,NOT trampling on it like Bill Schutte.

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I was on a suspended license because i didnt pay a second driver responsibility fee of $500. Honestly your a jerk. Sorry I wanted to see my family on thanksgiving so i drove anyway. Get a life. I bet yours isnt perfect, so stop trying to make yourself feel better by putting me down. I honestly thought i would get some decent advice here but it seems i have to sift through similar bs to yours. So funny how people read these forums everyday and are so pathetic. I know i screwed up thanks for reminding me. Bet you have drove on a suspended license before or drove drunk... (way worse) You dont know me and you dont know all my circumstances. Maybe if your a grandparent you should spend more time with your family and less time smoking shiitty weed that makes you feel like saying shat like this.

see that comment is way uncalled for,yep you sure did F-up,glad you got that part right,but you honestly cannot justify your actions,if my licence was suspended I could have arranged for someone to pick me up and not smoke in the darn car,comeon bro grow up!! Im telling you this as if I were to talk to my son dont do stupid bunny muffin!!! As someone said this site is for vicitms of the system,you are not a victim you put yourself out there KNOWING it was wrong STOP doing that kind of bunny muffin is the best advice Im giving you.

But then my mind was thinking I wonder if your a cop just trying to bait the group??Because all of what you did??well I dont know anyone in my group of friends or know patients that do dumb donkey bunny muffin.

peace Im out

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see that comment is way uncalled for,yep you sure did F-up,glad you got that part right,but you honestly cannot justify your actions,if my licence was suspended I could have arranged for someone to pick me up and not smoke in the darn car,comeon bro grow up!! Im telling you this as if I were to talk to my son dont do stupid bunny muffin!!! As someone said this site is for vicitms of the system,you are not a victim you put yourself out there KNOWING it was wrong STOP doing that kind of bunny muffin is the best advice Im giving you.

But then my mind was thinking I wonder if your a cop just trying to bait the group??Because all of what you did??well I dont know anyone in my group of friends or know patients that do dumb donkey bunny muffin.

peace Im out

Your mind was thinking what my mind was thinking two comments after the original post. I was able to give the benefit of the doubt but that is fading fast. If he is looking for sympathy, he came to the wrong forum! My best friends were nailed last year for being "Stupid" and I informed them of their stupidity. They knew what they did was wrong and took responsibility for their "Stupid" actions. It seems this guy is not about to accept responsibility any time soon, but instead seems to be looking for a standing ovation. Not gonna happen here. Most of us follow the letter of this great law in hopes that others do the same. But when you knowingly break the law, come to this forum to state you have broken the law and then give people bunny muffin for givin you bunny muffin for breaking the law, well, that just aint gonna fly here. He has made his bed and now he has to lay in it. And with his previous record, he may be sharing his bed with Bubba! I am a grandparent, I dont drink and i dont consume poopy meds. I follow the law to the tee! I just wanted to state that before it got thrown back MY way. Thanks, Medcnman.

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