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Stable Genetics?


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Well then, guess I might be trying some trippy weed then lol. Cause it is a heavy leaning CG. And yeah she's growing like a tree. Had to get 6 ft stakes for her. Looks like she'll yield close to a half P under a 1000. Bubblegum is euphoric eh? Cool I'll grow out these old Original Indiana Bubblegum's. Love being a seed hoard. Oh and btw, my Thai's came from Marc Emery. '84 is when he gave them to the gentleman that blessed me with them.

Was gonna post the Cinderella Story, as told by Mr. Soul but ahhh, nevermind.


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What about that cubing project you had mentioned in an earlier post.


What strain? If it's Cinderella, I would like some of those beans if they become available to you please.

Tricloud, that appololicous your working on looks phenomenal. Beans ready to be publicly tested yet? Also have any crosses been made with Cafe Girl?( sister of Princess and Genius ).

Are p88 beans available anywhere? Heard about them, but was never able to locate either of the originals be they P88 or C99.

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Yes it is Cindy, they will be dropping at one exclusive spot in the very near future. I already am on the top of the list for one of the few limited packs he will be sending in. Heard the P-75 clone is still floating around in small circles. And A-13 guerilla arm is on my horizon. Genius x A-13 beans are floating around too. Insure of Cafe girl though.


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Yes it is Cindy, they will be dropping at one exclusive spot in the very near future. I already am on the top of the list for one of the few limited packs he will be sending in. Heard the P-75 clone is still floating around in small circles. And A-13 guerilla arm is on my horizon. Genius x A-13 beans are floating around too. Insure of Cafe girl though.



If you score the P-75 clone we need to talk lol. Yes the C99 story has been posted and re-posted here. I used to read the Brothers Grimm forum at Cannabis World quite often. I have 3 A13 plants going in the flower room as we speak. Mine is dif than the guerrilla arm pheno. Not a big fan of the indica dominate version of a13...


Cafe Girl didn't ever make it as a very potent plant. There might be somebody out there growing it though, who knows?

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Can u describe the A-13 ur working? Sat Dom? Hybrid? Ooh variety, truly the spice of life. Yea the chances of me getting the P-75, errr, not good. I chat with 1 of the dudes holding it occasionally. Don't even know what he would want for a cut. Maybe my soul lol. But hey bro, you've sparked my interest in your work. C 88 x C 99. Let's talk. I know I've got something up your alley.


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Well then, guess I might be trying some trippy weed then lol. Cause it is a heavy leaning CG. And yeah she's growing like a tree. Had to get 6 ft stakes for her. Looks like she'll yield close to a half P under a 1000.


I know this is of subject but, if you want the full Columbian Gold experience try this.


When ready to harvest, girdle the plant at the base by stripping off a ribbon of bark around the circumference of the stalk.

The plant will not be able to draw nutrients and will yellow and die naturally. This will remove all of the green taste.


When grown outdoors, break the plant at the base and cover it with a tarp out in the sun for a few days.


That's how the Columbians did it.

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Can u describe the A-13 ur working? Sat Dom? Hybrid? Ooh variety, truly the spice of life. Yea the chances of me getting the P-75, errr, not good. I chat with 1 of the dudes holding it occasionally. Don't even know what he would want for a cut. Maybe my soul lol. But hey bro, you've sparked my interest in your work. C 88 x C 99. Let's talk. I know I've got something up your alley.


2 words come to mind with tc s A13- Sativa and gigantic lol

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