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How Many People Have Been Banned?

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and honest and open question, how many people have been banned and how many threads have been locked since the change?


Now if that is a bad question well heck dont bann me come on down and just shoot the questioner!





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and honest and open question, how many people have been banned and how many threads have been locked since the change?


Now if that is a bad question well heck dont bann me come on down and just shoot the questioner!






Seriously? Has someone been banned?

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Seriously? Has someone been banned?



I beleive so! and we know alot of threads were locked, wonder how many just disapeared?


you know, Im not trying to cause and problems, I would like to start seeing some transparency here! what is good for the goose is good for the gander!


oh shoot im giving my age away eh?




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I am not sure there is much leadership to change to. Really for how crazy its been....its a wonder the site is still operational. With all this stuff going on and alternate duplicate sites, kinda think the big delete button should have been hit awhile ago, as we all have some personal information here that needs protection.

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I have seen zero banned since my return, one of your Admins (quiteone) posted the rules of the forum IMO it isn't easy to be banned, here is the thread post #1 explains the guidelines.







mySQL query error: DELETE FROM sessions WHERE member_id=4361 OR running_time < 1334062682


This is not a problem with IP.Board but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.


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mySQL query error: DELETE FROM sessions WHERE member_id=4361 OR running_time < 1334062682


This is not a problem with IP.Board but rather with your SQL server. Please contact your host and copy the message shown above.



We are aware of this problem and it is being worked on.

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Now, if that didn't make someone smile on this cold and dreary day...I don't know what would...other than some Black Domina!


Hugs & Kisses,




p.s. can't forget and not remember to Puff, Puff, Pass...that just wouldn't be polite.

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No bannings have taken place despite Jim's best effort to get banned. Two maybe three threads have been closed since I came back on as admin.



yea yea but how about pming people? Just kidding! like I said you guys got a C+ so far all good, lets get back to business!




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.<~~ was banned for calling out a guy for having powdery mildew all over his buds that he was so proudly displaying at the Jackson farmers market ... he was one of BBs' friend ... then after being banned BB went on to tell everyone that I was from a local dispensary who was passed about that market . LIE LIE LIE ... I Am a pipefitter in Detroit and just another caregiver and patient . Have nothing to do with any dispensary . After finding Joe on Facebook I chewed his donkey for banning me and lying and he said I was a threat to the market and community ... finally I showed in Lansing and he revoked my ban .. after all that BS .. glad he is gone .. his way or no way .. if yiu disagreed or suggested a new idea ... BANNED .. I for one am glad he is gone .

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The information you seek is easily available at the click of a button to his profile page . Did you look and see if he has been listed as BANNED ? I did . I don't see where it says he has been BANNED .



ya think my friend? all good, im not gonna disagree with any one, but buttt,,,,,I have had many banned names and the only one that actualy said banned was this username my username! and I couldnt get on in that name or any othere! welll at least it was very hard to get in here in any of them names and I dont have the same I.p every day, I suggest every one sign out when you leave the site, than and only than I dont get a board message when i try to come back when im banned! someone mentioned it is kinda hard to get banned in this thread, I would have to agree, Hey How about I pm you and let you know more, oh wait i cant pm BAwahahahahahahahaha!:rolleyes:




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.<~~ was banned for calling out a guy for having powdery mildew all over his buds that he was so proudly displaying at the Jackson farmers market ... he was one of BBs' friend ... then after being banned BB went on to tell everyone that I was from a local dispensary who was passed about that market . LIE LIE LIE ... I Am a pipefitter in Detroit and just another caregiver and patient . Have nothing to do with any dispensary . After finding Joe on Facebook I chewed his donkey for banning me and lying and he said I was a threat to the market and community ... finally I showed in Lansing and he revoked my ban .. after all that BS .. glad he is gone .. his way or no way .. if yiu disagreed or suggested a new idea ... BANNED .. I for one am glad he is gone .


I feel as you do. If Jim Jones figured out you weren't guzzling his brand of Kool-Aid you got kicked off the island and everyone here applauded. The mods followed suit. Let's see if things change here - I hope they do...I truly hope they do.


Time will tell

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