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Action Not Moderation


17 members have voted

  1. 1. Less deletion by every Tom, Dick and Harry mod vote here

    • 2 mods max with the ability to completely delete post
    • As it is now
    • same moderation with a required PM and explanation of the deletion by the moderator
    • other - please explain

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I understand this is a political site but far to many hands are moderating/deleting post


No clue on the reasons on some and favoritism to certain posters is really starting to wear on me


We need 2 (TWO) at the most with the ability to delete post


It has gotten rigawdamndiculous around here


and it needs to be reduced

Zero moderation is not an option

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Your right zero moderation is not an option. On the other hand we still have the rules to enforce and when a post violates the rules it will get deleted. Sometimes a pm is sent, but it is not required to be done by the mods. The rules are very clear and the mods use them as guidelines on when to take action or delete a post. Yes we do need this many mods as there are members using this site 24/7 and two mods could not do the job proper. You would be talking 12 hour shifts 7 days a week, would like the job. You get zero pay, trashed by the members and generally take abuse from everyone.

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What/whose posts are being deleted? I saw Beagle had one deleted a minute ago, but I have no problem with that. I don't want the forum to get kicked by someone who severely damaged it in the past.

I placed that post to invisible, and sent Jimi a PM asking him to post something constructive or keep it to himself.

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Your right zero moderation is not an option. On the other hand we still have the rules to enforce and when a post violates the rules it will get deleted. Sometimes a pm is sent, but it is not required to be done by the mods. The rules are very clear and the mods use them as guidelines on when to take action or delete a post. Yes we do need this many mods as there are members using this site 24/7 and two mods could not do the job proper. You would be talking 12 hour shifts 7 days a week, would like the job. You get zero pay, trashed by the members and generally take abuse from everyone.



I feel ya on the abuse

Speaking as a long time mod elsewhere


you have more options than the delete button

You have places to set aside threads or post , a convenient feature while you contact the poster...

Lock thread is ok even, little cool down never hurts

I don't think we can have plain old opinions deleted, especially when we have all been ask to ignore the

offensive/bs post and move on

I really am trying and many others are too

My post count is lower daily LOL

Do some banning if that's what it takes but let's head towards a mature conversation site

Post/threads have a way of running their course eventually

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And a lot of the posts have just been unapproved so they can be restored. When a post adds nothing to a conversation and is made just to cause trouble we will remove it. And when a post does get deleted it goes into a trash file and can be retrieved from there also. Yep you're right they will down all by themselves and we have lest several threads to do just that.

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We are attempting to let the members get this crap off their chest. Last week was messy, understandably. this week things have calmed down much.


We are trying really hard to let eveyone to get out the frustrations and bs the last yr plus has been. I was aware of bans, but never aware of the extent until just recently. for me, a ban is the last resort, unless your a pill/porn spammer ect.. those get immediate dumping and lifetime bans.


but since the release of the old CEO, and the subsequent last 10 days, a lot has happened that many never thought would, Hard, Honest, and OPEN discussions here on the 3MA, as was meant to be all along from my understanding. That alone should get its deserved credit.



Now 11 days into it, we are all coming to a cross roads, let the rest of the interforum politics drop, get rid of all the bitching, whining, and complaining and actually start to work together to stand up and tell this current oppressive republican gaurd that has stolen our state government, enough is enough? OR we can tear each other down and become simply a group of disenfranchised, un organized zealots.


As a Forum, a Community, and Voice for the People, we can to come together, or we all can fade away and become Montana #2. The Choice really is Yours Now.

Everyone that is here in any capacity, we either band together or we all pay the penalty.


Its that Fkng simple really.



If you do not want to be part of the work we have infront of us for the next months, fine, no one is forcing you contribute, or even work or put forth an effort even, but continued disruptions like those recently do have to come to an end, and personal attacks of ANY Nature, will not be tolerated! Period!



But the Staff can no longer let the personal vendetta's of a few, continue to drag or hold this forum, nor this organization as a whole, back.


I hope we can put the semantics of our personas on the back burners, considering the gravity of the matters before us as a community.


Can I get a general agreement among the masses, in lieu of our tasks coming, that this Sunday, 4/15, we can all call a truce here on the forum, and between all members, other organizations, and groups, and put our asses in this fight to save the Act?


I ll do whatever I can to work in the background to help mediate any differences that we have now, or that come about. But we have to start working together, or think about moving out of state. I love this state, I was born here, I by god, I want to die here. When I do start feeding worms, and sprouting daisy's, it would be nice to think my Daughter and her children wont have to worry about the Bull Schuitte we are now.......


Allow Mr. Kormorn to take care of whatever issues arise in the background. I think you all can understand, if it were you in this current situation, you would not be taking it lightly. Especially if your a lawyer. The law has procedures and methods that Must be followed, we all know that or we would have no need to even be here in the discussions we are in.


The Choice in how you participate is yours. Please do not force us to make the choice of having to ban anyone. We Need Everyone to work together, to achieve this goal set forth by our Government at the end of the day.


Don't you agree?

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from what i see in that post is your tryin to push patients along at the speed in which you want....that's BS people have their own choice to settle down when THEY WANT TO, if they feel the need to keep pressure on a certain topic they have they right....Will all due respect Timm let the people decide what they wana do. If not then your just "tryin to Police this website"

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The choice IS theirs Jim.



It is no one else's.


I am just making a statement come this Sunday, This Organization needs to move forward, with you or without you.


That too is your choice. We do not have time to play pussyfoot under the table any longer. that is all there is to it.


if we don't save the Act, then none of this makes a fraking difference anyways.


That is the reality, not one of the "OLD Delusions".

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we could have saved the act brah ....but not we got CPU here~!...how is that saving the act...more like destructing it futher along! It's really making whoopee sad to see all these sick hurting people TRUSTING A LAWYER that is simple sweet talking them ...you gotta be a dam fool to TRUST ANY lawyer no matter who the hell they are,,,yes i have a lawyer.....but i stil do not trust him as far as i can spit.. IM proud to say im on the side of BB... and if he is not here to help.....then i forone will not support a god dammed thing CPU or MK has to say...its all BS agenda pushing tactics in my eyes

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We are attempting to let the members get this crap off their chest. Last week was messy, understandably. this week things have calmed down much.


We are trying really hard to let eveyone to get out the frustrations and bs the last yr plus has been. I was aware of bans, but never aware of the extent until just recently. for me, a ban is the last resort, unless your a pill/porn spammer ect.. those get immediate dumping and lifetime bans.


but since the release of the old CEO, and the subsequent last 10 days, a lot has happened that many never thought would, Hard, Honest, and OPEN discussions here on the 3MA, as was meant to be all along from my understanding. That alone should get its deserved credit.



Now 11 days into it, we are all coming to a cross roads, let the rest of the interforum politics drop, get rid of all the bitching, whining, and complaining and actually start to work together to stand up and tell this current oppressive republican gaurd that has stolen our state government, enough is enough? OR we can tear each other down and become simply a group of disenfranchised, un organized zealots.


As a Forum, a Community, and Voice for the People, we can to come together, or we all can fade away and become Montana #2. The Choice really is Yours Now.

Everyone that is here in any capacity, we either band together or we all pay the penalty.


Its that Fkng simple really.



If you do not want to be part of the work we have infront of us for the next months, fine, no one is forcing you contribute, or even work or put forth an effort even, but continued disruptions like those recently do have to come to an end, and personal attacks of ANY Nature, will not be tolerated! Period!



But the Staff can no longer let the personal vendetta's of a few, continue to drag or hold this forum, nor this organization as a whole, back.


I hope we can put the semantics of our personas on the back burners, considering the gravity of the matters before us as a community.


Can I get a general agreement among the masses, in lieu of our tasks coming, that this Sunday, 4/15, we can all call a truce here on the forum, and between all members, other organizations, and groups, and put our asses in this fight to save the Act?


I ll do whatever I can to work in the background to help mediate any differences that we have now, or that come about. But we have to start working together, or think about moving out of state. I love this state, I was born here, I by god, I want to die here. When I do start feeding worms, and sprouting daisy's, it would be nice to think my Daughter and her children wont have to worry about the Bull Schuitte we are now.......


Allow Mr. Kormorn to take care of whatever issues arise in the background. I think you all can understand, if it were you in this current situation, you would not be taking it lightly. Especially if your a lawyer. The law has procedures and methods that Must be followed, we all know that or we would have no need to even be here in the discussions we are in.


The Choice in how you participate is yours. Please do not force us to make the choice of having to ban anyone. We Need Everyone to work together, to achieve this goal set forth by our Government at the end of the day.


Don't you agree?

It would be nice if this could happen, but from what I see there are 3 or 4 people (loud people) on this site that lack the maturity and willingness to do anything but bash others with different opinions than their own. Since 95% of their posts are putting down or criticizing others, they only cause chaos & division between members.

Untill these "members" ( I doubt they are actual MMMA members, just forum members) get bored with causing problems, this site and our members will be cheated out of our goals.

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I voted other.


I think we should create a whine and complain thread. And anything the mods feel should.be deleted.or.edited should.simply be moved (by the mods, at their discretion) to the whine and complain thread.


Now everyone can have civil conversations. Anything outside the lines of civility can be moved without being deleted.


When you ggo into the wwhine.and complain.thread. you know what youll get and there... anything goes.except threats

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I placed that post to invisible, and sent Jimi a PM asking him to post something constructive or keep it to himself.


Invisible... pls explain any mod. ?

As B does not like to address people or issues in an up front manner.

Just from what I've experienced thus far. Too bad really, not a great start.



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Invisible... pls explain any mod. ?

As B does not like to address people or issues in an up front manner.

Just from what I've experienced thus far. Too bad really, not a great start.




When we set a post or topic invisible it means that we the staff can still see the post or topic, but the general membership is unable to see the post or topic. We do this sometimes instead of deleting the post or topic. Hope that answers your question.

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In this case the poster was notified, but it is not necessary to. Most posts or topics that get set to invisible are from disruptive members and they know why their posts or topics disappear. I think it is a game with them to see how many posts of theirs disappears.

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from what i see in that post is your tryin to push patients along at the speed in which you want....that's BS people have their own choice to settle down when THEY WANT TO, if they feel the need to keep pressure on a certain topic they have they right....Will all due respect Timm let the people decide what they wana do. If not then your just "tryin to Police this website"

does seem like we have a dictatorship. and how can someone own an association? I thought it was owned by it's members who in turn hired a lawyer, or had a lawyer voluntering.

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