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Lets Go Red Wings

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1-1 game three coming home!!!


Man there were alot of good sports on today, Red wings showed um whats up tonight huh!!


3-2 was nice to that win, what you guys think how far they gonna make it?


I'm in for all the way, no doubt long as everyone stay's healthy...


I'm hoping we have some sports fans on the forums cause I'll be talking to myself alot Lol, I love sports. can't play them but love em..



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After I watched the PIT~PHI Game, darn I have doubts if DET gets past Philly if we had to play them...


That was one heck of a game 5 game ejections 153 penalty minutes, bench clearing brawls man hell of a game.....


Anyone watch it? was on after the Detroit game yesterday.....


Video of a few good licks







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Wish I could watch the wings. Never on in my area. No cable or sat. ussually can't get NBC with this anntenna crap!


Well I can keep you up to date on the games by way of this forum?


I haven't had anyone to talk sports with as of yet, so welcome to the sports page my friend.


I'll try to post video's and keep you updated on the progress throughout the Playoff's, sound like a plan?


Tigers baseball, opening week as well. Lots of good sports to keep up on this time of the season!!




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Well I can keep you up to date on the games by way of this forum?


I haven't had anyone to talk sports with as of yet, so welcome to the sports page my friend.


I'll try to post video's and keep you updated on the progress throughout the Playoff's, sound like a plan?


Tigers baseball, opening week as well. Lots of good sports to keep up on this time of the season!!






Yeah thats Great! I'll try to get on here as often as I can. I'm on dial-up so I'd see highlites on the late news before any videos would load! GO LIONS!!! er..uh...WINGS!! (sorry I'm a football fan first)

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GO WINGS ....Nothing like being at The Joe and indulging in a few "medical" hits in between periods. The lights seem brighter and the crowd sounds louder when properly medicated. GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO WINGS


I got to see the wings practice 20 years ago, most of them were smoking cigs when they came of the ice. Maybe thats why I started. I'd love to see a game.

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Yeah thats Great! I'll try to get on here as often as I can. I'm on dial-up so I'd see highlites on the late news before any videos would load! GO LIONS!!! er..uh...WINGS!! (sorry I'm a football fan first)


I just watched Calivn Johnson, do a interview about his nickname Megatron on ESPN he seems like a real down to earth guy. Lions are gonna be a team to watch out for this year and many future years to come with all these franchise guys signing on for extended contracts..


I love me some football as well, season is coming soon!


I'm glad to see like minded people posting in here, least I have someone to break bread with now, really glad to see that. Don't get out much so this stuff is good for me thank you guys again..




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